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Post by nufan »

I was just wondering what is your highest killingscore in public/cw(20 min)
show a screenshot if you got :) ... ake178.jpg
here is me after some public spraying on cloud :) pure skills(no luck)
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Post by arild »

my highest was 42 or something with 56k at City.
Remember it was at TNX 8vs8 :) Maybe 3 years ago or something.

Havent really kept an eye at scores since i got cable. But around 60 frags or something I guess.

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Post by Stric »

I had 57 frags with snipe on jungle1 2 years ago but I dont have screenshot because my disc crashed ...
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Post by sajh »

record at public was 72 at cloud, some 2 years ago at tnx.. ill see if i can find the screenshot:P

record in cw was 68, though it was a game with team.sweden, so dunno if it counts as a cw, team.sweden vs team.portugal at c2. i think i have a demo of that one
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
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Post by dudemcpek »

nufan yes we can see the other highskilled players on the ss O_o
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Post by n99 »

Well I dont even have to look at the ss to know what you mean asskicker. However, the thing is, if ur playing really, really well, it's usually the 'lesser' players (in terms of prowess, that is) that stick around, and the better players that decide they suddenly have pressing matters elsewhere, like banging their head on some wall....
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Post by Winball »

NuFan when your team lead 8-0 ur supposed to change team.
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Post by emu »

yeah if you dont change team on public you'll get banned, hunted down, shot and hung.
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Post by minchiano »

I've gotten liek..,. 12 frgs y knw.. al wiht m4

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Post by z0 »

i've got 80 frags in 5min... but it was me and jazzie against 12 LTK bots :)
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Post by amnesty »

/me is topfragger ^^
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Post by Clause »

63 here, sludge1 m4 frenzy ^^
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Post by imeiz »

sniping @ Con^'s place at 6am, c2 and 38 :)

don't remember any good numbers from spraying for i avoid using m4 on publics :)

edit: oh, again someone pulled up a bit older thread.. could you not stop that pointless posting?
Sync' imeiz - AQ2Suomi & AQ2World forum moderator, part-time TATM-writer
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Post by aka »

14 frags on tnx yesterday! teh map was slumcity all with m4! (like 8 headshots woho!)
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Post by Darker »

It must be lucky! :) .... or skilz.. :P

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