The Perfect Movie: How does it look like?

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The Perfect Movie: How does it look like?

Post by Meist0r »

Would be niZe 2 hear some opinions, which could help the moviemakers make better movies. The things i would like 2 talk about:

- recamming
- effects
- speed / slow motion
- soundtrack / sound effects / art of syncing
- quality / compression rate / file size
- duration
- what is more important 4 u - content or editing or something else
- what is a must be, what do u especially want?

My opinions so far:

-> the recams in q2 engine generally, hmmm, difficult 2 explain, in my opinion they should be used extremely carefully, and not used at all to show: the beauty of the 16 bit textures in a slow level fly through / the highly detailed mad textured and well animated player models... Its not the q3 or d3 engine, u know what I mean? The recams should provide the viewer a better position to watch, an opportunity 2 overview the situation on the map, bring him closer 2 the direct action, help u telling a story

-> I also dont like this tasteless kiddy standard effects build in in every cheep vid prog. Hard cut ruleZ and nothing else, sometimes soft fade and hidden or perfectly done time warp. Anybody other opinion? Never watched TV?
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Post by Clement »

First of all, stop typing 'nice' as 'niZe'. Thank you.
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Post by Hazler »

...and you could think about typing "to" instead of 2, and "for" instead of 4, it looks stupid :(

I like the movie to be served when I'm bored. You can't say "this and this is good thing for a movie", it depends.
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Post by Meist0r »

@Morpher: no problem, thanks 4 productive commentZZZZZ...

@Hazler: 2 u too, u should better finish ur tree nursery before posting something into this forum. Any own ideas, always imitating comments of other people or what? In digital cinematography, like in any art, many written and unwritten laws evolved over decades how 2 do special things and how not. Especially for such cool clever guys like u I've proposed some topics 2 talk about, but if u arent able 2, pls, dont write bullshit like that at all.
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Post by Clown »

Actually, I agree. Text speak is for idiots and twats. This isn't IRC. This isn't your mobile phone. This is a forum. The messages are here forever, for all to see. Try taking pride in what you do, and what you create. People aren't interested in laziness. Hence why people get flamed for it.

As for ideas, here's one - don't ask what a good formulae is for a movie. A good movie is unique. A good movie shows us new things. A good movie has different music. A good movie doesn't use the same recam angles as every other movie.

If you have nothing new to show, then there really isn't much point to show it. Learn, by all means, and ask us how your current project is going for advice and pointers, but don't make a movie based on what other people like from other movies. Make a movie to further your own skills.
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Post by Meist0r »

Hmmm, in my opinion there is hardly ever something new in the movie world 2 see. Everyone is showing some older things in different color. Everyone is trying 2 excerpt things he likes from other ones done by otherones. No matter 2 what he is referencing 2 - it can be another fragging movie. a music video clip, a Hoolywood production, whatever.
The thing i cant understand is how people can be so happy about these tasteless effects. The beuaty is shurely not in the massive effect usage. Defenitely not in such a non professional usage.
Seeing that i'm confused and worried. This thread should help me 2 understand the taste of the majority.
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Post by Jazzie »

I can't be arsed to read all your jibberish so I'll just be fine with a;

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Post by Hazler »

Meist0r wrote:@Hazler: 2 u too, u should better finish ur tree nursery before posting something into this forum. Any own ideas, always imitating comments of other people or what? In digital cinematography, like in any art, many written and unwritten laws evolved over decades how 2 do special things and how not. Especially for such cool clever guys like u I've proposed some topics 2 talk about, but if u arent able 2, pls, dont write bullshit like that at all.
I just stated my opinion, and still, that text of yours is a pain in the arse to read. Let's just all start to 5p34|< 1337 0|\|1Y. How does that sound?

And to the topic: there's no way actually saying that "You should use this much of slow motion and recam here and there", it all depends on the style and the "story" (about what you already said), of what the director want's to tell to other people.

I'm very tired so that text doesn't probably make too much sense, but it is an opinion, so don't whine about it.
You said it.
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Post by imeiz »

imo, let the man speak, like he's used to. nobody whines to you about your dialect, right?

on to the topic, i'd say it depends on how you see it would look and sound the best, make movies for the things you want to see, the things you like. you make the patterns, if you wish
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Post by arNe »

the best movie is a pr0n !
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Post by Dimmo »

Imo what Clown said is the truth.

Now what i could advice to you as a movie maker is to read what people say at forums. Download movies, watch them, rate them in your mind and read the comments what people have said. Its mostly learning from others mistakes. Read comments from site polls. Read tutorials and other topics.

A good rule could be "dont do what other people has already done".
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Post by PanConLonga »

Clown wrote:Actually, I agree. Text speak is for idiots and twats. This isn't IRC. This isn't your mobile phone. This is a forum. The messages are here forever, for all to see. Try taking pride in what you do, and what you create. People aren't interested in laziness. Hence why people get flamed for it.

As for ideas, here's one - don't ask what a good formulae is for a movie. A good movie is unique. A good movie shows us new things. A good movie has different music. A good movie doesn't use the same recam angles as every other movie.

If you have nothing new to show, then there really isn't much point to show it. Learn, by all means, and ask us how your current project is going for advice and pointers, but don't make a movie based on what other people like from other movies. Make a movie to further your own skills.
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Post by Clown »

imeiz wrote:imo, let the man speak, like he's used to. nobody whines to you about your dialect, right?

on to the topic, i'd say it depends on how you see it would look and sound the best, make movies for the things you want to see, the things you like. you make the patterns, if you wish
Listen. Here's another tip. If people want to be taken seriously, they put their message across seriously.
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Post by angra »

The same as everyone else? how many aq2 movies are out there with recams? like 5-10?.

When we get to like 100 movies your comment fiths. but not now.
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Re: The Perfect Movie: How does it look like?

Post by Meist0r »

What i've expected:

- recamming: read above
- effects: read above
- speed / slow motion: hidden or perfectly done time warp, no slow motion after each shot
- soundtrack: never used in other vids before, stick to same style - no The Prodigy mixed up with Britney Spears and In Flames
- sound effects: ingame sound if used then with -8 db volume, no impressive / headshot / double kill / mmmmmonster kill sounds in a row pls
- art of syncing: full sync palette - micro / mini / mood, but macro prefered
- quality: the best u can provide @ 640x480 resolution and which looks well on my 21" screen
- compression rate: in association with the item above, vid - 3000 kbit/s, sound - 128 kbit/s should work well
- file size: doesnt matter, have a Gbit fibre glass connection (: or pls, as small as possible, I'm still a modem sucker
- duration: not longer than 10 minutes - the time drinking one beer exactly takes (:
- what is more important 4 u: content 65%, editing 35%
- what is a must be: no matrix bullet time, no new textures, speedy unique frags on many different maps, all frags well mixed, more frags done in a row in a 1vs4 situation, more frags done in small clever maneuvers, no posed frags, frags only from top players ect

Is that so difficult? And of couse each movie is unique (or should be), as long as the creater give all the things he took from the others another color and mixed them in a special way up. And pls dont tell me that someone here is creative and is reinventing the wheel once again. Yes, there are some really creative people, but out there and difficult to find.
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