Actionquake2 Trailer by #E-Reality KICKS ASS!

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Post by NRGizeR »

Royal^ wrote:even my 1mbit connection downloads faster than that, so u calculated that wrong our "so-called-1337" :shocker:
hmm... seems i misplaced a comma sign :oops:
seems like I devided with 1024 one time too many as well... oh well... I've only studied computer science for 2 years now... how the hell could I get hard things like that right on first try? :uhm:

edited! 8)
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Post by angra »

So it's a trailer, where as far as I can see we already know the ending of the movie? Or are we going to get the same as everything else - clip after clip of 'l33t' frags?
If you don't like to watch frag after frag don't download any movies then!
And how many aq2 fragmovies are out there like 10 max?

btw i think its great that there some aq2 fragmovies out there! keep it up!
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Post by NeoFight »

I agree with Angra some frag movies are very nice to watch :D. I only saw like 1 or 2 frag movies since I play.
I saw like 6 Q3 frag movies all almost the same in like 20 mins that is very boring :? O_o
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Post by maGro »

in fact it was planned as a fragcollection of team koksnutten, but im not sure anymore if it fits my requierements :D

Yea, next one will be done in xvid.

anyway, ill concentrate on a short movie and still NEED ACTORS! Check #E-Reality, this Thursday evening it will rain blood!
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Post by Clown »

angra wrote:
So it's a trailer, where as far as I can see we already know the ending of the movie? Or are we going to get the same as everything else - clip after clip of 'l33t' frags?
If you don't like to watch frag after frag don't download any movies then!
And how many aq2 fragmovies are out there like 10 max?

btw i think its great that there some aq2 fragmovies out there! keep it up!
Where did I say... You know what, forget it.
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Post by alekchi »

my danwlood is aletast 100giga per sceond
I'm sitting down here but hey, you can't see me.
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Post by NRGizeR »

alekchi wrote:my danwlood is aletast 100giga per sceond
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Post by KriBBa »

ohh.. from movie to networkspeed

(20:04:12) (lillemaan-) kribbaway fast vi spelar inte om du spelar
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Post by NRGizeR »

KriBBa wrote:ohh.. from movie to networkspeed

yup, it makes perfect sense to post about not beeing offtopic in an offtopic post... If you could just follow your own advice then and go start a new thread instead....
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Post by Stric »

NRGizeR: Now it looks much more real ;) I guess you are not good at math or I`m wrong :hop:
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Post by Royal^ »

I like to chichat :)
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Post by dudemcpek »

We have been filming some scenes for the movie for about 3 and a half hours! Few have stayed and r still filming.. Huhu it was fun, tho some jackasses just had to lame around..
It will be fun to watch these demos I took :P
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Post by Beavisss »

AssKick3r wrote:We have been filming some scenes for the movie for about 3 and a half hours! Few have stayed and r still filming.. Huhu it was fun, tho some jackasses just had to lame around..
It will be fun to watch these demos I took :P
I had about 20 screens and almost 22mbs of demos. It was really funny sometimes.
I remember that moment, when some dood died when we were waiting in a line for "food". Everybody started to screaming - bad food, there is a poison it in.
hehe ^___^
Cant wait for movie. Waiting for u maGro. U did a gr8 job.
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Post by Stric »


Too bad other players left before we did this :?

pics here
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Post by minchiano »

Jup, too bad Canada isn't just across the street either...
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