Wanted: Quality tournaments!

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Post by Diivil »

I find that hard to believe. Most of us in 'sC have atleast 40-50 ping in angras server.. And that's in Sweden. I don't mind ping but the packet loss, that pretty much every server other than duraworks gives, kills me. During the nights all work ok, but almost every day between 4-10 pm the pl is just too much :[ I have ~35 ping in duraworks, and 50+ in other scandinavian servers.
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Post by imeiz »

i have 45-60 ping on duraworks, <80 on bt. dunno about angras server :p
i've no problem playing on f.ex. bt, but many others have. i think that the data is sent throught sweden to finland, so i'm one of the finns with the shortest "distance" to bt :p
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Post by NRGizeR »

imeiz wrote:i have 45-60 ping on duraworks, <80 on bt. dunno about angras server :p
i've no problem playing on f.ex. bt, but many others have. i think that the data is sent throught sweden to finland, so i'm one of the finns with the shortest "distance" to bt :p
hmm... one would think that there should be a cable from the southern finland to stockholm after all, there is Åland which needs some telephony/network, and the traffic between Swe and Fin should be greatest between the southern parts of the countries. I don't have any clue as to where the cables have actually been drawn tho, just felt the need to speculate :P

I love this Funet connection of mine, about 10 ping to edome, and 20 to any other finnish server, about 40 to bt if I remember correctly :mrgreen:

sorry for the offtopic sheizze :P
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Post by mirror »

jazzie: what was wrong about those things? cause i didnt have any problem with them.

sajh: "Ok" :/ well in other tournaments admins had to do the work (results, reports, adding clans etc), so i really guess that was the main reason why it didnt work out

oh btw i dont think that the last eaql was a success.. i just dont understand u offending esl in general since its really a nice system/league.
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Post by Jazzie »

OK you asked for it.

The website (at least the version I used, I noticed that they have changed it now) was nearly impossible to navigate. When I finally had found the league itself I struggled for a while to find teams, positions, even rules. So I thought, 'Hey, perhaps I should click News!'. Which immediately took me to the news sectino of the entire system News of cs-leagues, wc3-leagues and god-knows-what-leagues that I'm not even close to interested in. Just think about this, everytime the admin team wanted to write some news they had to write it in this forum. Why? Cause nobody could find the actual news on the site.
And fifty percent of the times I logged in it went bananas, and everything was in german. I had to consult a friend who knows german to get it back into english. I must say that the whole website was a complete mess. Also, I am to my knowledge not the only one who thought the site was hard to navigate.

What's the first thing you do when you signup for a league? You read through the rules. Ok, so I clicked 'rules'. And here they are, page up and page down of endless irrelevant rules that don't mean shit to my tourney.
Actuall rules like how the games are played, how many who made it to the playoffs from each group, etc, was nowhere to be found. However, there was one whole sectino dedicated to prize money. As far as I know this is since the admins couldn't or wasn't allowed to moderate these parts, but why not link to a .txt-file then? I didn't bother to read through more than the first two sections until my clan got struck by a rule I didn't know exist.
To further enhance my point I will here bring up an example of great importance for the AQ2 league:
After three weeks the cheater receives the one-off opportunity of handing in an essay on the topic of cheating in multiplayer games. The exact subject of the essay is individually determined. The complete essay must be handed in within 2 weeks after the subject was decided upon. It is then closely surveyed for a week. If it complies with the requirements (form and length) and if its content is convincing, the cheater may receive the chance of rehabilitation.
Let's just have NuKu write an essay on franck quake 2 now shall we? Sounds fair.

Sure the system is supposed to be easier for the admins. But I can ensure that the admins would've had one heck of a mess with all the questions I would have had if I asked them all. I like what you guys are doing, I really do. But if it's coming another one, please if it will just be a simple .txt-file; make it for AQ2 only, and not some strange hybrid made to fit everything from DoomIII to Elastomania to Warcraft III.
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Post by sajh »

Jazzie wrote:OK you asked for it.

The website (at least the version I used, I noticed that they have changed it now) was nearly impossible to navigate. When I finally had found the league itself I struggled for a while to find teams, positions, even rules. So I thought, 'Hey, perhaps I should click News!'. Which immediately took me to the news sectino of the entire system News of cs-leagues, wc3-leagues and god-knows-what-leagues that I'm not even close to interested in. Just think about this, everytime the admin team wanted to write some news they had to write it in this forum. Why? Cause nobody could find the actual news on the site.
And fifty percent of the times I logged in it went bananas, and everything was in german. I had to consult a friend who knows german to get it back into english. I must say that the whole website was a complete mess. Also, I am to my knowledge not the only one who thought the site was hard to navigate.

What's the first thing you do when you signup for a league? You read through the rules. Ok, so I clicked 'rules'. And here they are, page up and page down of endless irrelevant rules that don't mean shit to my tourney.
Actuall rules like how the games are played, how many who made it to the playoffs from each group, etc, was nowhere to be found. However, there was one whole sectino dedicated to prize money. As far as I know this is since the admins couldn't or wasn't allowed to moderate these parts, but why not link to a .txt-file then? I didn't bother to read through more than the first two sections until my clan got struck by a rule I didn't know exist.
To further enhance my point I will here bring up an example of great importance for the AQ2 league:
After three weeks the cheater receives the one-off opportunity of handing in an essay on the topic of cheating in multiplayer games. The exact subject of the essay is individually determined. The complete essay must be handed in within 2 weeks after the subject was decided upon. It is then closely surveyed for a week. If it complies with the requirements (form and length) and if its content is convincing, the cheater may receive the chance of rehabilitation.
Let's just have NuKu write an essay on franck quake 2 now shall we? Sounds fair.

Sure the system is supposed to be easier for the admins. But I can ensure that the admins would've had one heck of a mess with all the questions I would have had if I asked them all. I like what you guys are doing, I really do. But if it's coming another one, please if it will just be a simple .txt-file; make it for AQ2 only, and not some strange hybrid made to fit everything from DoomIII to Elastomania to Warcraft III.
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
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Post by n99 »

Jazzie wrote:This thread went from moderately amusing to mindblowingly entertaining in a matter of seconds.
I don't think I have ever seen u write so much in one session, but damn it's funny. An essay, heh!
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Post by Clown »

He's a bit like me, where he chat's shit until there's something that interests him. The chatting shit bit is just to entertain ourselves in an otherwise drab place. Maybe touraments is something he actually wants this time :)

Edit: Good tournaments.
I don't give a shit.
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Post by sajh »

considering we so far only seem to have 2 players vouching for esl im quite sure we can rule out that option.
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
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Post by Jazzie »

Clown wrote:He's a bit like me, where he chat's shit until there's something that interests him. The chatting shit bit is just to entertain ourselves in an otherwise drab place. Maybe touraments is something he actually wants this time :)

Edit: Good tournaments.
Right on.
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Post by mirror »

i have to agree with you jazzie, but not compeltely.

about the rules. well, theres a list of all paragraphs in the beginning. of course you dont have to read them all, just the ones that are relevant. and this league is basically made for scenes like the cs scenes, which are a lot of bigger and more anonymous than ours, so i think this detailed rules are necessary.

-> system aint optimal for us

about the website. well i personally really like it and i always liked it.. its probably just like you have to get used to it. and about the language issue.. you can easily change it, there are even flags as buttons (even swedish!).

oh and about the news.. yeah that REALLY sucked. news that were displayed were about the ENC (some kind of european cup for wc3 and cs) and general news, but mainly enc news. i even emailed some admins and asked why the hell they have to display their lame enc news everywhere but they were just like "its interesting for everyone"... i guess they just wanted to promote it or summit.

i've used this system for quite a while now and i have to say that i really like it. it works perfectly for ladders (also 1on1) AND cups, never had problems with it. but i think the eaql joining esl was a mistake. it just doesnt fit.
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Post by Jazzie »

gg mirror :)
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Post by zakath »

there's an quality tournament coming. soon.

just wait
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Post by sajh »

zakath wrote:there's an quality tournament coming. soon.

just wait
i hope we have the same definition of a quality tournament.. anyways thats the best news ive heard in a while :P RK-feckers tend to be keen on highlandergames though :) atleast in the past
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
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Post by zakath »

might be even something bigger O_O
Founder/leader of http://riidankylvajat.org
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