Skmz - I am clean, okay? Please read.

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Post by sCrewFace »

Actully when i think about it, birdie your comment was prolly the most retarded ive seen here. Ill continue to mock him untill the day he sends me a demo where he plays like the one we first saw... :x
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Post by aka »

Just admit it retardowich :sleep:
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Post by Samislide »

Haha, "plz understand, putt yerself in my situation" lol. feelings?.. FEELINGS?! Online-feelings for the win! \o/ Chill Skmz, You've got all the babes and parties yer talkin about, what do you care? :D i bed ur xiitings them too! (if there were any) :P

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Post by Flunx »

LOL! This is more like it! This thread is grand!
It's so stupid it made me laugh out loud for real :-)

As foxx said, funny how you gave them info about a new cheat... You seem to know alot about them cheats skmz :? Hell, why don't you join the aq2 admins?

Foxx and devirus made this whole thing worth reading :D
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Post by NRGizeR »

What pisses me off most about this story is not that you would cheat in the first place... there have been those before you as well that have gone down the wide path instead of the narrow... just a simple "I'm sorry", don't use it again, and wait a couple of weeks for people to forget the whole thing.

What pisses me off is that you would start violently defend yourself, calling other people cheaters and other, even less flattering names. I mean after watching that video it's clear what kind of extra "gamingenhancers" you're using... I admit that I remained sceptical after just watching the demo, but when seing what it looks like with WH, and when you ALWAYS have your crosshair on the guys behind walls, and strangely enough seem to know EXACTLY when they are going to come around a corner, there's really no room for further doubt... One can guess, and guess right, but not all the time... and I didn't see it happen once that you would guess-shoot and there wouldn't have been a player on his way to the place where you were guessing...

Oh well.. I guess you'll find another excuse for this as well... oh oh! don't tell me!! THE VIDEO IS A FAKE!! THEY'RE JUST OUT TO FRAME YOU!! yeah... that's it... surely...
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Post by NRGizeR »

...and about the "I'm clean" part... so you're clean just because you told the admins about the cheat you were using, or just because you're not on the official cheater list anymore? I don't think so.
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Post by emu »

skmz, if you didn't cheat, why care so much...? when ppl are guilty they try to explain and stuff to hide it... its just so wierd.
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Post by aka »

I got alot of cheats just for connecting to a public server with frk, not fireing a single shot...but skmz gets away since he's a l337-kh337 g4y
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Post by Den »

NRGizeR 4 king!
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by chron »

kind of funny, making a thread to show that 'you're clean' and that we can comment that. ---> what do you expect? That everybody excuse themselves for what they said? You are only making a laugh of yourself.

Didnt post anything in the other thread, but this actually made me laugh and it annoyed me at the same time so I just wanted to say: Get over it. Plz, how much do you actually care?! Let it be.

P.S: I want to thank my mum for raising me, my dad for buying me my first pc and den for showing me that alcohol can make you dance....weird. Don't do alcohol or you will end up like him!
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Post by Clown »

Oh Chron. I love you.
I don't give a shit.
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Post by Jazzie »

Plz, how much do you actually care?!
This is what makes this thread so funny. He repeatedly states how he does not care at all. How he has all the girls in the world and how the rest of us should get a life. And still this seems to be the call if his life, to defend himself on a damn internet forum dedicated to a game which nobody plays for all eternity until whatever reputation he ever had is completely erased.

oh and perhaps I should tell you guys that the demo moved me from negative to neutral aswell. Feel free to wave your flags and shout.
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Post by IBA »

funny thread idd.
btw im clean too, didnt take any drugs since 3 months
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Post by Dirty_Lobster »

gulligt :D
aka e min bitch ;)
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Post by SoLiDuZ »

drugs are bad
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