sCrewface - Retard or just another f#ckin' Kid?

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sCrewface - Retard or just another f#ckin' Kid?

Post by Chris »

( 22:08:11 ) (sCrewFace) "ok" lets say i told u "nazi gaming" and then ill to u here: u are nazi gamers! what will happend now?
( 22:09:52 ) (Day1) give me an opinion about nazi
( 22:10:05 ) (sCrewFace) a nazi?
( 22:10:20 ) (sCrewFace) nazi is short for german
( 22:11:38 ) (Day1) why?
( 22:12:16 ) (sCrewFace) Cuz the only thing your country is known for is Hitler
( 22:12:58 ) (sCrewFace) yir and this is a small price to pay

hehe, I actualy couldn't care less to be honest, but it's fun that "well-known" aq2-players got
such an opinion about germany, doh. welcome to 2005 my lil' friend.
[21:18:39] [DEAD] 7.Sir_vive: YOUR SO COOL CHRIS !!!!
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Post by arNe »

i wanna be like screw :(

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Post by imeiz »

i'm getting used to that kinda comments about nations, specially from sF..
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Post by NeoFight »

Its kinda childish if u ask me O_o
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Post by Stanny »

sF seem to know shit, I love your cars man 8)
<3 Germany
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Post by skmz »

"sCrewface - Retard or just another f#ckin' Kid?"

Could BOTH be possible? Mm.
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Post by KamaSutra »

That's a real foolish thing to say, but most of u prolly knew since way back that sf is kind of retarded.. hehahe

Germany is a beautiful country with nice and cheap beer! :D
From my experience Germans in general are nice people too.

But sf is good at showin off with his lack of intelligence.
Heha :>
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Post by noVa »

What's retarded is that all you guys even bother to care. Seriously who cares if he's well known or not. Even if he's serious you shouldn't take it serious.
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Post by Chris »

errr. nova? shut up if you don't talk about this thread? As usually there's always one guy who says "who cares or don't take it serious" but the fact is, who cares about your post? shush plz if you don't got somethin' related to say.. okthxbye
[21:18:39] [DEAD] 7.Sir_vive: YOUR SO COOL CHRIS !!!!
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Post by sanity »

well, you shouldn't judge a person from what country he lives in...and you shouldnt comment negative on any country...bad manners
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Post by aka »

stop, freeze! it's the carepolice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_o
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Post by ZarDoX »

HEHEHE :sleep:
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Post by sCrewFace »

Hahaha, this all started becouse arne1 was camping extremely in country on a public server. Then me and vipse started to say HAHA when we killed him cuz it was quite annoying to play vs.. After that they began to say "nap" "nice playing" and stuff like that. Then i started saying Nice nazi gaming" and so on and so on..

After i won the map (ofcouse 8)) Day1 came and pm'ed me.. So first i tryed to see if i could trick him into thinking that it wasnt me but that didnt work so then i tryed to joke around with him by saying all sorts of stupid things so he might leave (i was playing cw atm) But he wouldnt leave.

[22:02] <sCrewFace> what do u want me to do?
[22:03] <Day1> nothing

If u got no business with me what so ever why the hell did u keep on talking? Did i hurt your feelings by calling u a nazi? Maybe your country should have thought about that the day they invaded our country?
I still dont see your point with all this? Do u wanna offend me in public and make ppl hate me? Hey 2 late man, too many ppl allready hates me..

skmz please dont use the "'s unless u know when to do it right. It really makes you look even more retarded and stupid then u allready do. We all know whos the kid after the little wh moment of yours ;)

Its kinda childish if u ask me <- You couldnt be more right Neofight, i intended it to be..

Get in line arne 8)
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Post by sCrewFace »

My bad skmz, u used em right.. Didnt see what the name of the thread was :)
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Post by FoxX »

I agree with everyone, hes a retard + moron.
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