Clan {TmH} and 1000 matches

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Clan {TmH} and 1000 matches

Post by Rallu »

I though this would be nice to announce to whole AQ world since I think 1000 is good looking number :)

I made this post in aq2finland few weeks ago, but now I'm bored so I though it could be translated to english with some extra text :)


6.5.2001 was the first game which were played by {TmH} GuY ja {TmH} Siru and opponent were =SoF=. 37-17 was result and our clans short but colorfull life began.

I myself have been in this clan starting from match #5 and pliksu aka Blixter aka Blixxter has been also from at the same point. We are oldest still playing active members in our clan. McCobb and Falgo also came month or two later in the clan.

We have had many players in our history... since we have quite loose politics about getting new players (any member can "reqruit" member if he wants to and its fine to everyone else)... But there is small basic group that hasn't moved anywhere :)

For a short time (600 matches) our clan was called Apocalyptic midgets <ApC> since webspace-offering companies thougth that our name were too rasistic (Tulta Munille Homot = Fire at your balls gays) becouse name can be understood in two ways in finnish. Either we are gays and we are shooting balls or we are shooting gay guys balls :)

26.8.2003 - 20:10 ended TmH:s historys 1000 official match... It was played against clan <P>. Of course there is huge ammount matches which hasn't been marked anywhere (like those 150 matches on my harddrive) since I have no glue which one those official or unofficial :)


1016 matches

745 wins

245 losses

26 ties

Most of the games have been played against [TA] - The Ankat.

48 matches

36 wins

10 losses

2 ties

-Greatest losing streak:

#763 28.9.2002 [Lite] 21-25 LOSS

#762 18.9.2002 tB- 20-40 LOSS

#761 27.9.2002 Elf 19-28 LOSS

#760 27.9.2002 {UNi} 19-30 LOSS

#759 xx.xx.2002 [mi6] 24-25 LOSS

#758 xx.xx.2002 <fats> 18-24 LOSS

#757 xx.xx.2002 <AiD> 16-29 LOSS

#756 xx.xx.2002 [SUP] 19-21 LOSS

-Greatest winning streak:

#538 14.5.2002 <FIN> 23-9 WIN

#537 14.5.2002 [Lite] 22-15 WIN

#536 14.5.2002 [cls] 23-22 WIN

#535 13.5.2002 =sF= 30-17 WIN

#534 13.5.2002 <AiD> 20-18 WIN

#533 13.5.2002 <WP> 32-9 WIN

#532 12.5.2002 [HnG] 18-17 WIN

#531 12.5.2002 [TA] 32-17 WIN

#530 11.5.2002 [aRz] 28-18 WIN

#529 08.5.2002 =A= 28-21 WIN

#528 06.5.2002 =sF= 33-20 WIN

#527 05.5.2002 +KoR+ 24-18 WIN

#526 05.5.2002 [M.I] 22-15 WIN

#525 05.5.2002 <Q> 26-22 WIN

#524 05.5.2002 [RAJU] 27-21 WIN

#523 03.5.2002 [LH] 43-7 WIN

#522 02.5.2002 .taco. 23-11 WIN

#521 01.5.2002 [cls] 27-15 WIN

#520 01.5.2002 =sF= 16-12 WIN

#519 01.5.2002 [-m5-] 23-13 WIN

#518 29.4.2002 [HU] 30-4 WIN

#517 29.4.2002 ’Lpr 38-19 WIN

#516 29.4.2002 [swat] 20-18 WIN

#515 28.4.2002 ’omg 42-6 WIN

#514 28.4.2002 St. 30-16 WIN

#513 28.4.2002 <FIN> 20-13 WIN

#512 28.4.2002 {UNi} 21-15 WIN

#511 28.4.2002 <Freak> 26-20 WIN

#510 28.4.2002 -HoRo- 23-15 WIN

#509 27.4.2002 [RAJU] 28-22 WIN

#508 27.4.2002 <AiD> 23-22 WIN

#507 27.4.2002 :GHS: 21-14 WIN

#506 26.4.2002 :VsR: 18-14 WIN

#505 26.4.2002 <Freak> 31-16 WIN

For more info visit

-{TmH} Rallu
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Post by Hazard »

uu. congratulations. very nice tmh. you dont need this but gl for future matches. ;)
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Post by Da^JuaN »

congratz! keep up the good work, gl in future! :)
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Post by Clown »

I wish clans would last this long these days :(
I don't give a shit.
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Post by Jazzie »

How many games has The Ankat played by now? 1200? 1300?

We still have a little gap to fill :) united is way over 1000 to I think.

I'd like to know how many clans there are out there that has passed 1000 games, since there can't be that many. RK? Quad has been around for quite a while too huh? Talking of milestones, united are chasing their 1000th vitcory :) That if something is impressive.
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Post by iler »

The Ankat: 1319 marked clanwars @ homepage (792 won)

United: 1233 marked clanwars @ homepage (939 won)

M.I: 1155 marked clanwars @ homepage (890 won)

TmH: 1018 marked clanwars @ homepage (747 won)

Some statistics here and these are the clans I know that have played over 1000 AQ2-matches.
paino on voimaa, ylipaino on ylivoimaa BD
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Post by Jazzie »

oh yeah, M.I too, should've known that but I guess I was only thinking finland :)
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Post by alekchi »

[CI5] has over 1000 too about in 1 and ½ years?

and we, #clan.w w/ - whatever, have almoust 800 played now in just over a year, nolife? B>

congraz tmh
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Post by eX »

weeeee, half of the cw's their i played in apc ;). Not half maybe but atleast 300. It was great fun playing with ya guys. Hope you will keep up the good work ;)
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Post by eX »

-their :|
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Post by Zonic »

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Post by nine »

congratz! :)
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Post by Tlx »

Yeh congratz! Btw about a week ago we played our 1337th game. :) Quite... l33t
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Post by KriBBa »

dont forget [HnG] with 1191 matches
881 won :rambo:
(20:04:12) (lillemaan-) kribbaway fast vi spelar inte om du spelar
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Post by MadWolf »

You are just one year too late, leave the already dead threads alone, k k?
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