Just another aq2 day...

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Just another aq2 day...

Post by Den »

Is everyone else having problems getting a (good) cw the last few days?

My rant for today started like this:
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
(@[JoKi]) cw?
Allright, joks wanted a game
(19:48:25) (@den`) .aq2 3on3 /query me
A min later we get a response.
(Lammilainen) mikä mappi ja ketkä pelaa
(@den`) lol..
(@QuAd|Haudrauf) lol
(@QuAd|Haudrauf) what?
(@[JoKi]) i dont know
(@den`) and now in english please
(Lammilainen) nevermind we dont play against kurds~
(@den`) fuck off then
(Lammilainen) go roll a kebab then
:( what is a kurds. Oh well and then we got another one.
(SynteX|M0k0) 3 x 3 server off ! q me
(SynteX|M0k0) 3 õ 3?
(den`) what?
(den`) english would be nice :)
(SynteX|M0k0) 3 on 3 game ?
(den`) yes :)
(den`) 1 map each ?
(SynteX|M0k0) yeas
(den`) where first?
(SynteX|M0k0) yeas
(den`) where do you want to play first :)
(den`) your server or ours
(SynteX|M0k0) our
(den`) ip ?
(SynteX|M0k0) sorry you
(SynteX|M0k0) Im from Russia ! Im ForZe|Flatra
(den`) You do play aq2 dont you? :)
(SynteX|M0k0) sry
(SynteX|M0k0) sry
—› quit: (SynteX|M0k0) (~[email protected]) (Read error: EOF from client)
Righto ... i doubt he even played aq2. My team found another game. They played a map and some rounds i believe. I joined the server to spectate my team. Our *star* player dayvek popped a few. I said "go screwface!" because dayvek is awesome etc and suddenly it was like this:
[DEAD] [MR] *: qui
[MR] * disconnected
[MR] *disconnected
[MR] * disconnected
What the fuck? :(
<QuAd|Haudrauf> eh, why you left?
<*> too much massacrew
<*> etc
So, yeh again we needed to look for a new game. Some time later we finally found a game vs a clan which i wont give the name of. We played, we won our map. They were kinda complaining about a guy's ping coz he just unsubbed and played for about 7mins or so. His ping was fine after a few mins. Okay, timelimit hit. We changed to their server which was cg at first.

Then they looked at our ping and thought "hey man we gotta do a lot of rounds, lets pick a crappy server for them". Then we changed to some kgb fucked up server and all of our players got like +90 and they got like 20/30.

It is impossible to win a game like this. It doesnt even matter how good you are. They just rush all over you. So if attacking doesnt help what should we do then? Stand still? The only thing left is play defensivly and that even diddnt help us much :( We managed to win the game with +1 because we played smart the last few rounds.
(*) i just blame the camp
(+den`) blame urself
(+den`) you fucked us with picking a fucked up server
To conclude my lesson for today: Winning isnt everything!
Last edited by Den on Fri May 26, 2006 6:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by BeAViS »

- Killing today in old fashioned way -
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Post by dudemcpek »

Please whine den! That's the way AQ2 is nowadays, you're kurds and our server is located in Africa.

Oh and the last clan was viagra heheh!
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Post by Den »

Hehe, talking about africa... dayvek uses socks.
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by Clown »

That m0k0 guy is class.
I don't give a shit.
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Post by Haudrauf »

For the record:

Pings on our server, rounded up:
our players:
their players:
and the last one is missing from my scoreshot - probably 70 too?

Pings on their server, rounded up:
their players:
and the last one is missing from my scoreshot again - probably 30 too?
our players:

Ping is just a number!
ImageOwner of http://aq2maps.quadaver.org
Not part of #aq2admins for a reason.
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Post by nufan »

haha.. I feel with ya den :D "a kurds" n1 ;p
jj.. but problems like this is worse then it was before imo.. getting boring.
look at this aswell ;p

hello fair server? or unfair to us? but still kinda many clans don't think this ain't a good enough server to play both maps.... why? becouse you need a better chance to win? (you can also see cute little prinsii trying deperat to vote for a second map on this server on top of the picture)

then lets change server!
play against us like this! OHYE!! like fun to kill people before they notice they even are dead!

this kinda crap almost make you want to stop playing the game I love.

this really is for all people out there.
I thought 1 each should be dead by year 2006.. seems like I was totaly wrong. I can understand some clans outside scandinavia. but when sweds wants to play 1 each, I wanna cry.

fun > win
ping > win
ping = fun
fun = love

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Post by sajh »

hhhh, gogo illusion, right nufan? HHHH
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
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Post by Snapper »

I'm transfer listed if someone wants to buy me, quad don't pay me enough.


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Post by W1lco »

Nufan, whats that pak that you are using?
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Post by bliz »


Topic number 666 about the same thing....

You just can't teach donkeys how to talk when they can only blurt out 'IAAAA' - no matter how many times you keep trying.

But knowing den, he probably did this because he was bored again, fair enough then.
R.I.P. Double Negative 2005-2008
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Post by L0ki »

Not all of *them* are that bad. For example I respect M.I. for never whining about their 65-75 ping at our homeserver. Salute you.

Anyway. This ping issue is so..... 1999. Like those intercontinental matches vs. USA or some folk in former times. They had a right to whine about ping differences. Nowadays people whine about every shit (like ping-difference of 30-40 as if I care).

Now, see? I even whine about people whining? Weird.

By the way: the kurds are kinda turkish tribe (nowadays more like political seperation). Afaik.
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Post by Flyer »

1. Quad did we camp your map even if we lagged ?
2. How could you possibly know how much we lag? viagra lives in northern sweden btw, lamest connections in sweden or something, quad is now blacklisted and we wont play you ever again, most bg ever.
3. Picking kgb's server isn't a bad choice imo since he putted up a server like 3-4 days ago, that server is the only one when there is a fair ping difference compared to yours. And only server in the world i got ping 25-30 :o
4. Learn to play fair
something dur dur
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Post by Den »

OKAY! Dont play us again, we dont care! i'll arange that we will get a W.O if we play you in the cup! np.

The pings were not fair at all, dont give me that crap and yes of course we think picking a different server just because we get a crappy ping there is fair! you are right! I've said all i wanted in the first post so. FIN!
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by dudemcpek »

Oh you WILL get them in the cup and they won't be able to play on that craplol server :)
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