Code: Select all
// -[ player Settings
set name "[RR] ball" // The player's name.
set skin "moobull/moobull" // The texture skin that the player is wearing.
set crosshair "1" // Toggle the use of the crosshair (X crosshair)
set hand "2" // Toggle the handedness of the player (0 = Right, 1 = Left, 2 = Center)
set sensitivity "4" // The mouse sensitivity.
set intensity "2" // The brightness of the OpenGL display.
bind a "+moveleft;wave 4"
bind d "+moveright;wave 4"
bind s "+back;wave 1"
bind w "+forward"
bind space "+movedown"
bind mouse1 "+attack"
bind mouse2 "+moveup"
bind TAB "inven;radiogender female"
bind [ "invprev"
bind ] "invnext"
bind ENTER "invuse"
bind u "messagemode"
bind y "messagemode2"
exec radio.cfg
bind n "radio 2;radio back;say TOBAKK"
bind g "say_team \\ %K down;radioteam enemyd"
bind rightarrow winampnext //Play next track
bind leftarrow winampprev //Play previous track
bind uparrow winampvolup //Increase volume by 1%
bind downarrow winampvoldown //Decrease volume by 1%
bind INS winampstop //Stop
bind HOME winampshuffle //Toggle suffle
bind DEL winamppause //Pause
bind END winampplay //Play
set cl_winampmessages "1" //Show winamp msg's (track changing).
//----/ Binds \----\\
bind alt "use special"
bind f bandage "radioteam im_hit; radioteam cover; say_team -