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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:11 am
by Misse
Yeah serra. good boy!
Im only saying what I have seen and heard, nothing else nothing less. So dont try to lecture us in "growing up" that is just really dumbassed. But as we said earlier. the Thread should be locked cuz he got his warning. Happy fragging ya'll! :attack:

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:15 am
by Kurupt
Serra wrote:Misse and friends saying that skmz cheats
its ok, misse doesnt have any friends hehehh

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:16 am
by imeiz
Serra wrote:Redicolous. Grow up kids...

Cant say if he used wallhack.
speaking of ridiculous, why do you act like a moron in aq2suomi and then all cool in here? btw, i didn't have time to comment your first post about that .avi in aq2suomi, prolly because you deleted it. good thing you did, because there's no idea posting "that avi lags".

can't say i've ever seen anyone aiming at walls 50% of the time. and usually, ppl tend not to aim at others before they see where they are.
take off the love goggles man.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:14 am
by Flunx
Ok, let's just make one thing crystal clear here.


Why does everyone figure that we have something against skmz? I've hardly ever spoken with him nor played against him.

And I don't think any others has anything against him either. Well... after watching this demo they might.

Too bad that video has bad quality Guenhwyvar. It was still an eyeopener for a few people.

(Sorry for posting once again)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:15 am
by FoxX
Okay, seriously this is getting way out of hand.

First, the demo DID show that he is cheating, anyone who is able to use sounds to an extend would notice this. There are several examples of him not being aware of enemies behind him, whats the reason of that?

Maybe the situation where hes shooting in the rock, is not the best situation to prove a cheat, but still its a indicator when we have several other similar situations. The same round, shooting him while the other guy is in the air, is impossible simply because the guy didn't make a sound, and as far as im aware you dont make sounds in the air. It's quite obvious that he further more follows him in the air. Anyway, like I said its not really 1 or 2 situations that proves the whole case, its more the fact that he isnt capable of using sounds, when they are behind him.

Also, even if I had not watched the demo, I would get alot more suspicious, simply from watching his replies. Everything you have said so far skmz, is really worthless. You seem very aggresive about this whole thing, and doing everything in your power to accuse everyone else.

If I were accused like you, I'd go pretty silent about it and just accept it. Because everyone who has ever been in association of a cheat or just slighty aware of HOW sounds work, and HOW a wallhack works is not really thinking twice about this.

The fact that Ralle actually did catch you the day before this thread was created, really tips the cup.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:18 am
by Serra
Misse wrote:Yeah serra. good boy!
Im only saying what I have seen and heard, nothing else nothing less. So dont try to lecture us in "growing up" that is just really dumbassed. But as we said earlier. the Thread should be locked cuz he got his warning. Happy fragging ya'll! :attack:
Im sorry, i just randomly picked you and assumed something which was not maybe true. Didnt read this shit so carefully (maybe i should've). Anyways, you get the point, whoever i mean.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:40 am
by Serra
Yea well, propably it was a wallhack then huh? That fucked avi just didnt maybe give the right picture?

Ill wont watch the demo, my opinion equals to shit anyways... so ignore my statement.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:47 am
by Guenhwyvar
Flunx wrote:Too bad that video has bad quality Guenhwyvar. It was still an eyeopener for a few people.
Sorry, I can't make it better (and bigger) as I don't want too much data transfer traffic on our site because we have limits :( But I think the quality is enough to see what is going on there... And sorry for the offtopic :oh:

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:37 pm
by Clement
get back on topic or imma abush all your posts

[edit]you asked for it.. now proceed ON TOPIC[/edit]

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:43 pm
by Jazzie



Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:51 pm
by JezeT
Watched the .avi and imho clearly a wh.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:45 pm
by Sovnig
Wellok - skmz I was sorta beginning to like you again, but after seeing your posts here I've lost all respect.

You talk about how it's only newbies judging you, and how good players would know you weren't cheating - I'm probably the best aq2 player around, and I'm hereby calling you a cheater. Why?

We have discussed how your behind-the-rock-shot might be luck or whatever, so I'm not gonna comment on that. HOWEVER! I saw a round, where he came up the little ladder to that plataeu with those bars-thingies (sigh I dunno what it's called), and you didnt have your aim anywhere near that untill the edge of your screen hit the ladder (the ladder is on the other side of the wall), and then you blasted him full of led all of a sudden. Based on that round, along with the others being suspicious - my judgement.

Also, you flame someone stating your wallhack is obvious and stamps him as a known wallhacker, and thereby try to shut him up. Wouldn't a known wallhacker's word exactly have an extra validation to it?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 5:32 pm
by Royal^
If he knows enemy is behind the rock then why the hell does he shoot the rock, and not to wait enemy show himself?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 5:56 pm
by imeiz
Royal^ wrote:If he knows enemy is behind the rock then why the hell does he shoot the rock, and not to wait enemy show himself?
how does he know it in the first place? :) imo, he pulled his trigger right when the dude (that he saw throught) wasn't behind the first wall in front.

Sovnig got the point on that frag on the small ladder. tho he wasn't aiming in advance, he was shooting the guy right when he knew he could hit him.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:20 pm
by Clement
Royal^ wrote:If he knows enemy is behind the rock then why the hell does he shoot the rock, and not to wait enemy show himself?
That's the thing about wallhack.. you can't really see whether or not your enemy is behind a given wall/object, because the model is drawn on top.. so unless you've seen him to the spot, or is able to tell whether he is in front of the rock or behind based on the model size, you will have no idea if you can hit him or not...... not saying this is the case here, but hey.. just wanted to enlight you..