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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:23 am
by Royal^
Morpher wrote:
Royal^ wrote:If he knows enemy is behind the rock then why the hell does he shoot the rock, and not to wait enemy show himself?
That's the thing about wallhack.. you can't really see whether or not your enemy is behind a given wall/object, because the model is drawn on top.. so unless you've seen him to the spot, or is able to tell whether he is in front of the rock or behind based on the model size, you will have no idea if you can hit him or not...... not saying this is the case here, but hey.. just wanted to enlight you..
ok, i have never seen wh so i didnt know :p

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:18 am
by Clown
Morpher wrote:
Royal^ wrote:If he knows enemy is behind the rock then why the hell does he shoot the rock, and not to wait enemy show himself?
That's the thing about wallhack.. you can't really see whether or not your enemy is behind a given wall/object, because the model is drawn on top.. so unless you've seen him to the spot, or is able to tell whether he is in front of the rock or behind based on the model size, you will have no idea if you can hit him or not...... not saying this is the case here, but hey.. just wanted to enlight you..
I found this out. Morpheus made me find out. I hate you man :(

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:37 am
by Clement

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:42 am
by Samislide

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 7:38 pm
by n99
The banlist has been updated successfully

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 7:44 pm
by nufan
mrx stop beeing so stupid and post something like that.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:35 pm
by Winball
turn on wallhack and see the demo, ;O)

bind k "say Let's kick CHEATERS (ACOM users) ; wait; wait; wait; say kill me now!!!"

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:39 am
by emu
wha codec needed to watch teh movie :E

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:59 am
by Guenhwyvar
emu wrote:wha codec needed to watch teh movie :E
I think these questions are easier to deal with in irc but it's the newest version of divx.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:59 pm
by emu
prolly but i dont know you or know your channel, and im way to lazy to look it up. but ty nyways

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:04 am
by Guenhwyvar
I play in a very unknown finnish clan called The Ankat (#the-ankat @ Qnet)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:20 am
by emu

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:31 pm
by Dirty_Lobster

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:48 pm
by Dirty_Lobster
skmz wrote: becides, i have a life.. and you guys who need to have a working wh to actually use and connect with to get into a game to waste your real time to something like this, i feel sorry for you. where's your life? ;-)
skmz wrote: get life, girls. (you know.. irl you can fetch something with two big boobs, nice ass.. two blue nice eyes.. long blond hair.. and legs making you crazy... ooh damn, i'm sorry, you are too ugly to get them. my mistake.) :-P

(this post was meant for all loosers who's whining about my "wh".)
Don't mess things up and confuse yourself.. this isn't real life... so try to keep those things separate.. that's a good start..


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:17 pm
by minchiano
The makers of RL should be sought up and shot! Buggiest game I ever played... :m00: