Page 9 of 11

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:55 am
by nine
1. Mirage
2. radiq
3. Demolish

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:46 am
by L0ki
ShubN wrote:Ciao Beav!

think that this evening the admin of the server PORTUGAL Action Quake II [TP]|119ms| asked me to send him demo and screenshots of the game because he read on this forum that I am considered a cheater... really boring... I wasted so much time to send him that f**kin stuff (5megs in's pretty big...).


Ya ya ya, I've learned my lesson. :bday:

Seriously, my apologies.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:57 am
by ShubN
NP Loki...
I hope that in the future admins will try to track players to understand if someone is cheating or not... it's faster and easier... and it's more reliable than just "reading a forum"

cu all on servers!

p.s. anyone can give me a link where I can download Demoplay? Google doesn't help :#:

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:02 am
by Caracol

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:47 pm
by Gen
nice tool thank you Caracol

P.D. que contai como te trata la vida

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:47 pm
by emperphis
ShubN wrote:Ciao Beav!

think that this evening the admin of the server PORTUGAL Action Quake II [TP]|119ms| asked me to send him demo and screenshots of the game because he read on this forum that I am considered a cheater... really boring... I wasted so much time to send him that f**kin stuff (5megs in's pretty big...).

Not the admin but one there are 3 :)
The only 'oficial' list is so no considerations from this forum were taken.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:57 am
by ShubN
yes but he said that he read on this forum and read on IRC chat about me and my cheating...

and the best part of the story is that I received a tempban... a tempban on my IP... very useful! in fact I have a dialup connection!!! :lol:

in the end... if someone want the demo here it is ...
if you see anything strange pls tell me... I'm starting to have fun playing this justice game! :bday:

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:21 am
by L0ki
Aye, mhmm...

Method did his duty as an admin. He was kind and did politely ask for the screenshots and demo he stuffed. He even told shub to go ahead and play some more "normally". This felt more like kind of a spot check.

In my opinion it should be absolutely no problem nowadays to send screenies and a demo quickly via email. If you send screenies in tga file format it's your own fault... :wink:

I doubt he meant to do any harm to you, shub, but he obviously did hurt your ego. :wink:
Seriously, to have at least some security towards cheaters, we should be willing to accept annoying askings for demos/screenshots by admins. No big story here.

By the way... Is there any real proof for shub using "wh-drivers" (that's what method did say) or is there just talking?

sHubN: Well done. Screenies/demo were sent, admin was proven wrong, end of story. It can be easy as that. (wink wink to a certain someone.........)

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:41 am
by BeAViS
i can personally garantee for him. ive known him in real life and hes a very nice person which plays for fun, so no cheats :D


Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:59 am
by ShubN
Andrea posso postare una demo di te che provi l'aimbot?
datata gennaio 2001? Image

Loki don't worry... I understand what "to be an admin" means.. I admined an Italian Action Server years ago and I understand perfectly Method and his methods ( :lol: ).

to be honest he didn't hurt my ego (I feel proud if someone accuse me of cheating... this means that sometimes I still can do some good frags... even with my bad ping :D ) he hurt my laziness Image
and when someone makes me to work I became a bit sarcastic Image
I'm out of competitions, rankings etc and the only thing I want is to play when and where I want... just for fun!
So... for me it's a closed chapter... if I'm still here writing it's just because I want to be as clear as possible (that's also why I used the original TGA format... no manipulation at all :poke: Image )

bye all!
and remember I love fairplay... I don't like italian soccer!! Image

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:37 am
by BeAViS
ShubN wrote:I don't like italian soccer!! Image



Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:58 am
by emperphis
ShubN thanks for your compreension and the way you dealt with this. I wished all ppl who face this kinda things to be like you :D
I would advise you tho to install anticheat. NFSi servers have this verification enabled and there's the policy that when an client is AC enabled his/her playing authenticy is complete and becomes 'untouchable' ;)

Anticheat can be found at

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:05 am
by sajh
emperphis wrote: Anticheat can be found at
is that anticheat any good? havent heard of it before

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:23 am
by Clown
So people who can't get it to work become harrassed? Fuck you guys. If someone temp bans me when I just want to play the game, I'll be damned if I'm going to send you any demos or screenshots. Faggots. Stop bothering people and get a life.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:58 am
by dudemcpek
Clown wrote:So people who can't get it to work...
Right. Is that equal to 'It was my brother playing I swear'?