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Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 2:30 am
by Den
FX wrote:My computer has 1024 ddr ram, 3,2 ghrtz, and radeon 9800 xt.. My fps drops below 90 when playing on servers.. v_sync is currently off, and my config (I believe) is more or less @ the correct setting. Does anyone have a possible thing that I can do to get a higher fps? I'm desperate! :o

That a VIA chipset mobo ? :D

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:13 pm
by FX
My chipset drivers weren't properly installed. My computer was running at 1x agp or something. Currently kicking ass @ 8x :rambo:

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 2:30 pm
by mac

Code: Select all

// generated by mac, do not modify


set name "[ac] mac"

set nameac ""

bind F9 "name $nameac"

set skin "male/cyrus"

set crosshair "1"

set hand "2"

bind = "messagemode"

bind backspace "messagemode2;echo speak to me! :)"

bind F4 "score"

bind , "say q8o)~"

//standard use

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind - "inven"

bind 0 "menu"

bind [ "invprev"

bind ] "invnext"

bind q "exec hej.cfg"

bind a "exec ac2.cfg"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind F12 "screenshotjpeg"

bind ENTER "invuse"

bind l "say *whine* *whine* *whine*"

bind 2 "+taunt"

alias +taunt "+left;set cl_yawspeed 1800;wave 0"

alias -taunt "set cl_yawspeed 140;wave 2; -left"

bind k "say %P, I'm bAAAAAAd to the bone!"

bind 1 "voice champion.wav;say_team VICORTY IS OURS !"

bind 8 "say_team DRINK THE REFRESHING DRINK: 7 up!;radio 7;radio up"

bind 9 "say LAG-O-METER -?

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 8:55 am
by Winball
I was bored someday so I made a new cfg ,)

Code: Select all

                    # CFG MADE FOR ACTIONQUAKE #

 Config project startet by Winball.
 date:          10.juli 2004
 last modified: ----''----- 
 Clan: Nasty Asskickin' Rulling Fucka's 

 - Winball

 bind 1		"use Mark 23 Pistol" 		
 bind 2		"use dual MK23 pistols"
 bind 3 	"use Throwing Combat Knife"
 bind 4 	""
 bind 5		""	
 bind 6		""	
 bind 7		""
 bind 8		""
 bind 9		""
 bind 0		""
 bind a		"+moveleft"
 bind b		""
 bind c 	"score"
 bind d		"+moveright"
 bind e  	"reload"	
 bind f 	"say_team [BANDAGING] %H%;radio cover;bandage"
 bind g 	"say_team [ENEMY] Down (%K);radio enemyd"
 bind h		""
 bind i		""
 bind j		""
 bind k		""
 bind l		""
 bind m		""
 bind n		""
 bind o		""
 bind p		""
 bind q 	"opendoor"
 bind r		""
 bind s		"+back"
 bind t 	"drop weapon;use throwing combat knife"
 bind u		"messagemode2"
 bind v		""
 bind w 	"+forward" 
 bind x		""
 bind y		"messagemode 1"
 bind z		""
 bind alt 	"use special" 	
 bind space 	"+movedown"
 bind mouse1	"+attack"
 bind mouse2	"+moveup"	
 bind mouse3	"say :)"
 bind mwheelup  ""
 bind mwheeldown ""

 name "Winball [NARF]"	
 bind r sniper
 alias sniper "weapon;sensitivity 10"
 bind shift "sensitivity 15;lens 1" 

 set adr0 ""
 set adr1 ""
 set adr2 ""

 set adr3 ""
 set adr4 ""
 set adr5 ""
 set adr6 ""
 set adr7 ""
 set adr8 ""

 alias tnx "connect"
 alias tnx1 "connect"
 alias tnx2 "connect"


 gl_modulate    "3"
 gl_mode 	"4"
 gl_polyblend   "0"
 cl_maxfps 	"140"
 rate 		"25000"


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:42 pm
by grover
here's mine, a bit complex, but I still find it quite nice.
It's a mixture of Nine/Japan's cfg and my own.

Code: Select all


//Player Settings
set skin 		"sas/sas-urban"
set name 		"Grover^FwD"
set hand		"0"
set crosshair		"1"
set gender		"male"
set g_select_empty	"0"

//Mouse, keyboard and joystick settings
set freelook		"1"
set in_mouse		"1"
set in_joystick		"0"
set sensitivity		"4.35"
set v_kickpitch		"0.0"
set v_kickroll		"0.0"
set v_kicktime		"0.0"
set lookstrafe		"0"			// changed to 0
set lookspring		"0"			// changed to 0
set m_pitch		"-0.022000"
set m_filter		"1"
set m_xpfix		"0"									
set m_xp		"0"			

//Sound Options
set s_wavonly 			"1" 
set s_volume 			"0.7" 
set s_khz 			"22" 
set s_loadas8bit 		"0" 
set s_mixahead 			"0.2" 
// set s_primary		"1" 		// Disabled due to sound initializing problems
set cd_nocd 			"1"    
set cl_stereo_separation 	"0.4" 

//Video Options 1 (Den)
set sw_mode 				"0" 
set sw_allow_modex 			"1" 
set gl_3dlabs_broken 			"1" 
set gl_swapinterval 			"1" 
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array 	"1" 
set gl_ext_pointparameters 		"1" 
set gl_ext_multitexture 		"1" 
set gl_ext_swapinterval 		"1" 
set gl_ext_palettedtexture 		"0" 
set gl_vertex_arrays 			"1" 
set gl_texturesolidmode 		"default" 
set gl_texturealphamode 		"default" 
set gl_texturemode 			"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" 
set gl_shadows 				"1" 
set gl_modulate 			"3" 
set gl_picmip 				"0" 
set gl_flashblend 			"1" 
set intensity 				"2" 
set gl_playermip 			"7.7" 
set gl_skymip 				"10" 
set vid_ref 				"ncgl" 		// NoCheat OpenGL
set gl_particle_att_c 			"0.01" 
set gl_particle_att_b 			"0.0" 
set gl_particle_att_a 			"0.01" 
set gl_particle_size 			"40" 
set gl_particle_max_size 		"40" 
set gl_particle_min_size 		"2" 
set gl_polyblend 			"0" 
set gl_finish 				"0" 
set gl_mode 				"6" 
set gl_driver 				"opengl32" 
set gl_dynamic 				"1" 
set gl_ztrick 				"0" 
// set vid_xpos 			"3" 		// disabled
// set vid_ypos 			"22" 		// disabled
set vid_gamma 				"0.6" 
set sw_stipplealpha 			"0"		// software ?
set fov 				"90" 
set win_noalttab			"0" 
set vid_fullscreen 			"1" 
set viewsize 				"100" 
set cl_maxfps 				"60" 

//Video Settings 2 (Miami)
set r_drawentities 			"1"     // Toggle the display of entities on the map. 
set r_drawworld 			"1"     // Toggle the display of walls and map BSP objects. 
set r_dspeeds 				"0"     // Toggle the display of the render speeds in milliseconds. 
set r_fullbright 			"1"     // Toggle the use of maximum texture brightness. 
set r_lerpmodels			"1"     // Toggle the prediction of model movment. 
set r_nocull 				"0"     // Toggle the rendering of objects which are covered up. 
set r_norefresh 			"0"   	// Toggle the refreshing of the renderer display. 
set r_novis 				"0"     // Toggle the use of BSP VIS tables. 
set r_speeds 				"0"   	// Toggle the display of the renderer statistics. 

set scr_centertime 			"2.5"   // The time in seconds that center print messages will be displayed. 
set scr_conspeed 			"3"     // The speed at which the console is raised and lowered. 
set scr_drawall 			"0"	// Toggle the display of extended characters on the client's display. 
set scr_printspeed 			"8"     // The speed in char-per-second that messages scroll on the client's screen. 
set scr_showpause 			"1"     // Toggle the display of the pause graphic. 
set scr_showturtle 			"1"     // Toggle the display of the slow frame-rate graphic. 

set showclamp 				"0"     // Toggle the display of clamping info which relates to network performance. 
set showdrop 				"0"     // Toggle the display of information about dropped network packets. 
set showpackets 			"0"     // Toggle the display of information about all network packets. 
set showtrace 				"0"   	// Toggle the display of network packet tracing information. 

set gl_round_down 			"1"     // Toggle the rounding of texture sizes.

//Misc Setting (Miami)	
set bob_pitch 				"0"     // Toggle how much player pitches during bob. 
set bob_roll 				"0"     // Toggle how much player rolls during bob. 

set cl_forwardspeed 			"200"   // The maximum forward and backward movement speed. (changed from 200 - 180)
set cl_run 				"1"     // Toggle automatic running. 
set cl_sidespeed 			"200"   // The maximum left and right movement speed. 
set cl_upspeed 				"200"   // The maximum speed for up and down movment. 
set cl_yawspeed 			"140    // The speed at which the player will turn while using a keyboard. 

set run_pitch 				"0.000" // The amount that the player should tilt up and down while running. 
set run_roll 				"0.000" // The amount that the player should tilt left and right while running. 

set cl_blend 				"1"     // Toggle the use of palette blending effects.
set cl_entities 			"1"     // Toggle the display of entities.    
set cl_gun 				"1"     // Toggle the display of the gun. 
set cl_lights 				"1"     // Toggle the display of dynamic lighting. 

set cl_vwep 				"1"     // Toggle the use of Visual Weapons on players. 

//Network and Internet settings 
set adr1 		"" // TPP    
set adr2 		""   // Jolt
set adr3 		"" // DA Main   
set adr4 		""	// TNX        
set adr5 		""	// Pelitutka #1  
set adr6 		""   // Pelitutka #2   
set adr7 		""	// Boomtown #1 
set adr8 		"" // Boomtown #2
set adr9 		"" 	// Edome 

set sv_reconnect_limit 		"3"			       
set allow_download 		"1" 
set allow_download_players 	"1" 
set allow_download_models 	"1" 
set allow_download_sounds 	"1" 
set allow_download_maps 	"1" 
set rate 			"8000" 
set cl_timeout 			"120"

alias ad0			"set allow_download 0"

// Huds and Menu
set cl_drawfps 			"0"  
set skydistance 		"9000" 
set cl_clock 			"2"  
set cl_clockx 			"8" 
set cl_clocky 			"840"  
set cl_timestamps 		"1" 
set cl_fps 			"0"  
set cl_chathud 			"1"  			
set cl_chathudx 		"8" 			// testing needed
set cl_chathudy 		"795" 			// testing needed
set cl_chathudgreen 		"1"  
set cl_autoscreenshot 		"1"  
set cl_netgraphmode 		"3"  
set gl_screenshot_quality 	"100" 
set ignorecantfindpic		"1" 
set gl_replacetga 		"1" 
set gl_replacepcx 		"1" 
set gl_replacewal 		"1" 
set cl_maptime 			"1" 
set cl_maptimey 		"780" 
set cl_maptimex 		"10" 
set gl_contrans			"0.50"			// NoCheat Conback Transperancy Setting (0.75 Default)
set gl_celshading 		"1"

// Sound Volume 
bind pgup 			"vup" 
bind pgdn 			"vdn" 
alias vup 			"volume_1"
alias vdn 			"volume_0"
alias volume_0 			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0 ;set vu 1 ;set vd w ; alias vup volume_1; alias vdn volume_0;echo VOL |---------- 0" 
alias volume_1 			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.1 ;set vu 2 ;set vd 0 ; alias vup volume_2; alias vdn volume_0;echo VOL -|--------- 1" 
alias volume_2 			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.2 ;set vu 3 ;set vd 1 ; alias vup volume_3; alias vdn volume_1;echo VOL --|-------- 2" 
alias volume_3 			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.3 ;set vu 4 ;set vd 2 ; alias vup volume_4; alias vdn volume_2;echo VOL ---|------- 3" 
alias volume_4 			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.4 ;set vu 5 ;set vd 3 ; alias vup volume_5; alias vdn volume_3;echo VOL ----|------ 4" 
alias volume_5 			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.5 ;set vu 6 ;set vd 4 ; alias vup volume_6; alias vdn volume_4;echo VOL -----|----- 5" 
alias volume_6 			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.6 ;set vu 7 ;set vd 5 ; alias vup volume_7; alias vdn volume_5;echo VOL ------|---- 6" 
alias volume_7			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.7 ;set vu 8 ;set vd 6 ; alias vup volume_8; alias vdn volume_6;echo VOL -------|--- 7" 
alias volume_8			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.8 ;set vu 9 ;set vd 7 ; alias vup volume_9; alias vdn volume_7;echo VOL --------|-- 8" 
alias volume_9 			"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 0.9 ;set vu 10 ;set vd 8 ; alias vup volume_10;alias vdn volume_8;echo VOL ---------|- 9" 
alias volume_10 		"play parasite/paratck4;set s_volume 1 ;set vu w ;set vd 9 ; alias vup volume_10;alias vdn volume_9;echo VOL ----------| 10" 

//demo recording 
alias demstop1 		"stop; echo Current Demo Stopped;wait;wait;wait;demstop2" 
alias demstop2 		"echo Press 'End' again to start next demo in sequence" 
alias dem1 		"echo Starting Demo1; record demo_01; alias next_demo dem2" 
alias dem2 		"echo Starting Demo2; record demo_02; alias next_demo dem3" 
alias dem3 		"echo Starting Demo3; record demo_03; alias next_demo dem4" 
alias dem4 		"echo Starting Demo4; record demo_04; alias next_demo dem5" 
alias dem5 		"echo Starting Demo5; record demo_05; alias next_demo dem6" 
alias dem6 		"echo Starting Demo6; record demo_06; alias next_demo dem7" 
alias dem7 		"echo Starting Demo7; record demo_07; alias next_demo dem8" 
alias dem8 		"echo Starting Demo8; record demo_08; alias next_demo dem9" 
alias dem9 		"echo Starting Demo9; record demo_09; alias next_demo dem0" 
alias dem0 		"echo Starting Demo10; record demo_10; alias next_demo demempty1" 
alias demempty1 	"echo You have exhausted this session's queue!;wait;wait;wait;wait; demempty2" 
alias demempty2 	"echo You must exit and archive existing demos before recording more" 
alias next_demo 	"dem1" 

bind home 		"demstop1" 
bind end 		"next_demo" 

//Movement and attack 
bind MOUSE1 		"+attack" 
bind MOUSE2 		"+moveh" 
bind e 			"+forward"                              
bind d 			"+back"                                  
bind s 			"+moveleft"  
bind f 			"+moveright"                            
bind z			"+movedown"
bind SHIFT 		"+movedown"                            

alias +moveh "+moveup;wait;wait;-moveup;wait;wait;wait;+moveup"
alias -moveh "-moveup"

bind F1 		"score"
bind F2 		"graph_on" 
bind F3			"getbright"
bind F4			"brightskins"
bind F5			"claim"
bind F6			"ready!" 
bind F7			"crsh"
bind F8			"statz"
bind F9			"NextSky"
bind F10		"Nocheat"
bind F11		"Name!"
bind F12		"screenshotjpg"

bind p			"Summary"

alias name!		name1
alias name1		"name code:blue; wait; alias name! name2"
alias name2		"name n99; wait; alias name! name3"
alias name3		"name Japan; wait; alias name! name1"

alias summary 		"su1"
alias su1		"echo F1 = SCORE; echo F2 = NETGRAPH; echo F3 = GETBRIGHT [TEST]; echo F4 = BRIGHTSKINS [TEST]; alias summary su2"
alias su2               "echo F5 = claim! ; echo F6 = Start!; echo F7 = CROSSHAIR CHANGER; echo F8 = [Statz]; alias summary su3"
alias su3		"echo F9 = SKYCHANGER; echo F10 = No Cheat/q2ACE test; echo F11 = NAME CHANGER; echo F12 = SCREENSHOT [TGA]; alias summary su1"

alias graph_on 		"set netgraph 1;set cl_shownet 1;echo Graph ON...;wait;bind F2 graph_off" 
alias graph_off 	"set netgraph 0;set cl_shownet 0;echo Graph OFF...;wait;bind F2 graph_on"

alias getbright "gl_modulate 7;wait;vid_restart;bind f3 getdark;wait;echo Lighter..." 
alias getdark "gl_modulate 3;wait;vid_restart;bind f3 getbright;wait;echo Darker..." 
alias brightskins "brightskins1;bind f4 brightskins2" 
alias brightskins1 "gl_modulate 0.5;vid_restart" 
alias brightskins2 "sky drksky;gl_modulate 5;bind f4 normbright" 
alias normbright "gl_modulate 3;wait;vid_restart;bind f4 brightskins"

alias crsh	 	"c1"
alias c1		"crosshair 2;w2 ; echo crosshair 2; alias crsh c2"
alias c2		"crosshair 3;w2 ; echo crosshair 3; alias crsh c3"
alias c3		"crosshair 1;w2 ; echo crosshair 1; alias crsh c1"

alias claim		"team 1; w5; captain; w5; teamname code:99; teamskin male/ctf_b"
alias ready!		"lock; echo locked; ready; say Lock'n'Load!"

alias statz		"stats; w10; w10; stats list"

alias NextSky 		"sky1" 
alias sky1 		"sky drksky; alias NextSky sky2" 
alias sky2 		"sky bluesky; alias NextSky sky3" 
alias sky3		"sky stars; alias NextSky sky4"
alias sky4 		"sky nosky; alias NextSky sky1" 

alias nocheat		"!nocheatsay; w10; w10; p_version"

alias l0 		"bind F11 l1;gl_dynamic 1;echo Dynamic on"
alias l1 		"bind F11 l0;gl_dynamic 0;echo Dynamice off"

alias w			"wait"
alias w2		"w;w"
alias w5		"w2;w"
alias w10		"w5;w5"
alias w20		"w10;w10"
alias w50		"w20;w20;w10"
alias w100		"w50;w50"

//Standard Use
bind MOUSE3 		"reload" 
bind MWHEELUP 		"weapnext" 
bind MWHEELDOWN 	"weapprev" 
bind g			"weapnext"
bind w			"weapon"
bind [ 			"invprev"
bind ] 			"invnext"
bind + 			"sizeup"
bind =			"sizeup"
bind - 			"sizedown"
bind _			"sizedown"
bind b 			"drop weapon; use throwing combat knife"
bind v 			"drop item;echo Item Dropped"
bind m			"use M26 Fragmentation Grenade; echo Equiping Grenade!" 		// testing needed for number of 'waits' the actual swap lasts
bind n			"enemyd1"
bind ~ 			"toggleconsole" 
bind TAB 		"inven"
bind ENTER 		"invuse"
bind ESCAPE		"togglemenu"
bind SPACE 		"opendoor"
bind ALT		"bandage; w2; bandage; w5; bandage; w2; radio im_hit; say_team BANDAGING!"
bind ,			"sd"
bind <			"sd"
bind .			"sensup"
bind >			"sensup"
bind /			"sreset"
bind ?			"sreset"
bind h 			"bestweap"
bind i			"ws"
bind o			"maxfps"
bind k			"+moveup"		// use to change player in spectator mode
bind t 			"messagemode"
bind y 			"messagemode2"
bind BACKSPACE		"resetall"

alias enemyd1 "say_team I am [complicated] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd2" 
alias enemyd2 "say_team I am [passionate] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd3" 
alias enemyd3 "say_team I am [a perfectionist] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd4" 
alias enemyd4 "say_team I am [intelligent aswell] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd5" 
alias enemyd5 "say_team I am [brave] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd6" 
alias enemyd6 "say_team I am [divine] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd7" 
alias enemyd7 "say_team I am [under pressure] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd8" 
alias enemyd8 "say_team I am [pimpin'] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd9" 
alias enemyd9 "say_team I am [rich] bitch! - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd10" 
alias enemyd10 "say_team I am [the ultimate reality] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd11" 
alias enemyd11 "say_team I am [proud] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd12" 
alias enemyd12 "say_team I am [outragious!] - %K;radio enemyd;bind n enemyd1" 
bind n "enemyd1"

alias maxfps		"mf1"
alias mf1		"set cl_maxfps 60; echo Setting cl_maxfps to 60.; alias maxfps mf2"
alias mf2		"set cl_maxfps 70; echo Setting cl_maxfps to 70.; alias maxfps mf3"
alias mf3		"set cl_maxfps 80; echo Setting cl_maxfps to 80.; alias maxfps mf4"
alias mf4		"set cl_maxfps 90; echo Setting cl_maxfps to 90. [standard setting]; alias maxfps mf5"
alias mf5		"set cl_maxfps 100; echo Setting cl_maxfps to 100.; alias maxfps mf6"
alias mf6		"set cl_maxfps 110; echo Setting cl_maxfps to 110.; alias maxfps mf7"
alias mf7		"set cl_maxfps 120; echo Setting cl_maxfps to 120.; wait; echo Press 'o' again to cycle back to cl_maxfps 60; alias maxfps mf1"

alias resetall		"ra1"
alias ra1		"echo Press 'BACKSPACE' again to reset configuration file; alias resetall ra2"
alias ra2		"exec 9b.cfg"

alias ws 		"ws1"
alias ws1		"choose Sniper Rifle; choose Kevlar Vest; alias ws ws2"
alias ws2		"choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose Kevlar Vest; alias ws ws3"
alias ws3		"choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose Lasersight; alias ws ws4"
alias ws4		"choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose Kevlar Vest; alias ws ws5"
alias ws5		"choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose Kevlar Vest; alias ws ws6"
alias ws6		"choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose Lasersight;alias ws ws7"
alias ws7		"choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose Silencer;alias ws ws8"
alias ws8		"ws1"

alias sensup		"sensup1"
alias sensup1		"set sensitivity 4.6; wait; alias sniper s-02; alias 1x x-02; echo sens = 4.6; alias sensup sensup2"
alias sensup2		"set sensitiivty 4.8; wait; alias sniper s-03; alias 1x x-03; echo sens = 4.8; alias sensup sensup3"
alias sensup3		"set sensitivity 5.0; wait; alias sniper s-04; alias 1x x-04; echo sens = 5.0; alias sensup sensup4"
alias sensup4		"set sensitivity 5.2; wait; alias sniper s-05; alias 1x x-05; echo sens = 5.2; alias sensup sensup5"
alias sensup5		"set sensitivity 5.4; wait; alias sniper s-06; alias 1x x-06; echo sens = 5.4; alias sensup sensup6"	
alias sensup6		"set sensitivity 5.6; wait; alias sniper s-07; alias 1x x-07; echo sens = 5.6; alias sensup sensup7"
alias sensup7		"set sensitivity 5.8; wait; alias sniper s-08; alias 1x x-08; echo sens = 5.8; alias sensup sensup8"
alias sensup8		"set sensitivity 6.0; wait; alias sniper s-09; alias 1x x-09; echo sens = 6.0; alias sensup sensup9"
alias sensup9		"set sensitivity 6.2; wait; alias sniper s-10; alias 1x x-10; echo sens = 6.2; alias sensup sensup10"
alias sensup10		"set sensitivity 6.4; wait; alias sniper s-11; alias 1x x-11; echo sens = 6.4; echo (MAX - use OPTIONS menu to increase further)"

alias sd		"sd1"
alias sd1		"set sensitivity 4.3; wait; alias sniper s-12; alias 1x x-12; echo sens = 4.3; alias sd sd2"
alias sd2		"set sensitivity 4.2; wait; alias sniper s-13; alias 1x x-13; echo sens = 4.2; alias sd sd3"
alias sd3		"set sensitivity 4.1; wait; alias sniper s-14; alias 1x x-14; echo sens = 4.1; alias sd sd4"
alias sd4		"set sensitivity 4.0; wait; alias sniper s-15; alias 1x x-15; echo sens = 4.0; alias sd sd5"
alias sd5		"set sensitivity 3.9; wait; alias sniper s-16; alias 1x x-16; echo sens = 3.9; alias sd sd6"
alias sd6		"set sensitivity 3.8; wait; alias sniper s-17; alias 1x x-17; echo sens = 3.8; alias sd sd7"
alias sd7		"set sensitivity 3.7; wait; alias sniper s-18; alias 1x x-18; echo sens = 3.7; alias sd sd8"
alias sd8		"set sensitivity 3.6; wait; alias sniper s-19; alias 1x x-19; echo sens = 3.6; alias sd sd9"
alias sd9		"set sensitivity 3.5; wait; alias sniper s-20; alias 1x x-20; echo sens = 3.5; alias sd sd10"
alias sd10		"set sensitivity 3.4; wait; alias sniper s-21; alias 1x x-21; echo sens = 3.4; echo (MIN - use OPTIONS menu to decrease further)"

alias sreset		"sr1"
alias sr1		"set sensitivity 4.35; wait; echo sens = 4.35 [standard]; echo PRESS AGAIN!; alias sreset sr2"
alias sr2		"alias sensup sensup1; alias sensdown sensdown1; alias sniper s-01; alias 1x x-01 sreset sr1"	

alias bestweap		"use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; use MP5/10 Submachinegun; use Handcannon; use Sniper Rifle; use M4 Assault Rifle"

//Sniper Rifle Sens 
//ADVANCED - works with the SENS-changer bound to , and .

alias sniper 		"s-01"

alias s-01		"set sensitivity 3.35; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.35] sens; bind r 1x" 
alias s-02		"set sensitivity 3.6; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.6] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-03		"set sensitivity 3.8; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.8] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-04		"set sensitivity 4.0; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.0] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-05		"set sensitivity 4.2; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.2] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-06		"set sensitivity 4.4; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.4] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-07		"set sensitivity 4.6; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.6] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-08		"set sensitivity 4.8; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.8] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-09		"set sensitivity 5.0; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [5.0] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-10		"set sensitivity 5.2; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [5.2] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-11		"set sensitivity 5.4; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [5.4] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-12		"set sensitivity 3.3; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.3] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-13		"set sensitivity 3.2; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.2] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-14		"set sensitivity 3.1; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.1] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-15		"set sensitivity 3.0; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.0] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-16		"set sensitivity 2.9; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.9] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-17		"set sensitivity 2.8; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.8] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-18		"set sensitivity 2.7; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.7] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-19		"set sensitivity 2.6; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.6] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-20		"set sensitivity 2.5; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.5] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-21		"set sensitivity 2.4; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.4] sens; bind r 1x"

alias 1x 		"x-01"

alias x-01		"set sensitivity 4.35; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.35] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-02		"set sensitivity 4.6; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.6] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-03		"set sensitivity 4.8; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.8] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-04		"set sensitivity 5.0; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.0] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-05		"set sensitivity 5.2; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.2] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-06		"set sensitivity 5.4; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.4] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-07		"set sensitivity 5.6; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.6] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-08		"set sensitivity 5.8; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.8] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-09		"set sensitivity 6.0; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [6.0] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-10		"set sensitivity 6.2; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [6.2] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-11		"set sensitivity 6.4; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [6.4] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-12		"set sensitivity 4.3; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.3] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-13		"set sensitivity 4.2; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.2] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-14		"set sensitivity 4.1; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.1] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-15		"set sensitivity 4.0; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.0] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-16		"set sensitivity 3.9; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.9] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-17		"set sensitivity 3.8; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.8] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-18		"set sensitivity 3.7; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.7] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-19		"set sensitivity 3.6; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.6] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-20		"set sensitivity 3.5; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.5] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-21		"set sensitivity 3.4; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.4] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 

bind r 			"sniper"

//radio commands 
bind KP_MINUS		"teamdown"
bind KP_SLASH		"tenfour"
bind KP_DEL		"edown" 
bind KP_HOME 		"up" 
bind KP_UPARROW 	"forward" 
bind KP_PGUP 		"report" 
bind KP_LEFTARROW 	"left" 
bind KP_5 		"go" 
bind kp_RIGHTARROW 	"right" 
bind KP_END 		"down" 
bind KP_DOWNARROW 	"back" 
bind KP_PGDN 		"reporting" 
bind KP_INS		"spotted"
bind KP_PLUS		"imhit"
bind q			"report"
bind a			"reporting"
bind j 			"hitem"
bind 0 			"tenfour"
bind 1 			"radio 1"
bind 2 			"radio 2"
bind 3 			"radio 3"
bind 4 			"radio 4"
bind 5 			"radio 5"
bind 6 			"radio 6"
bind 7 			"radio 7"
bind 8 			"radio right; say_team Aight!"
bind 9 			"radio 9; say_team Negative!"

alias tenfour 		"radio 10; wait; radio 4" 
alias edown		"radio enemyd; wait; say_team %me >> [%K]"  
alias up		"radio up; wait; say_team Up!"
alias forward		"radio forward; wait; say_team Forward!"
alias report		"radio treport; wait; say_team ??!"
alias left		"radio left; wait; say_team Left!"
alias go		"radio go; wait; say_team Move!"
alias right		"radio right; wait; say_team Right!"
alias down		"radio down; wait; say_team Down!"
alias back		"radio back; wait; say_team Retreat/Behind Us!"
alias reporting		"radio 9; wait; radio reportin; wait; say_team %me is alive: [%H] [%W] [%L]" 
alias spotted		"radio enemys; wait; say_team %me - Hostile(s) Detected - [%E] [%L]"
alias imhit		"radio im_hit; wait; say_team I'm hit: %H"
alias hitem		"radio enemys; wait; say_team %D on %P [@ %L]"
alias teamdown		"radio teamdown; wait; say_team teammate down, probably flitz'" 

//misc 1
dmflags			"328"
gl_coloredlightmaps 	"0" 		// Turned off - but no noticeable change in framerate. 
game			"action"

Re: The big CFG Post

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:16 pm
by anesthes1a
Den wrote:bind TAB "inven"

bind d "+moveright"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind s "+back"
bind w "+forward"
bind SPACE "+movedown"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"

bind ENTER "invuse"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind 1 "cmd help"
bind 4 "use Blaster;echo .pistol"
bind ] "invnext"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind c "invprev"

//special things
bind q "use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; use MP5/10 Submachinegun; use Handcannon; use Sniper Rifle; use M4 Assault Rifle;echo .special weapon"
bind mwheeldown "reload;reload;reload;reload;reload;reload;echo .6x reload"
bind f "reload;reload;echo .2x reload"
bind b "bandage;bandage;bandage;bandage;bandage;radioteam im_hit;wait;say_team .bandage mode: on - %H/100 -;echo .bandaging"
bind CTRL "weapon;sensitivity 5;echo .zoom"
bind shift "weapon;wait;weapon;wait;weapon;echo .zoom out"
bind 2 "sky drksky;echo .drksky"
bind 3 "use combat knife;echo .combat knife"
bind r "opendoor"

bind ins "exec pi.cfg"
bind backspace "exec svin.cfg"
bind v "drop weapon"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind e "drop item"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind F2 "graph_on"
bind F11 "l0"
bind F12 "screenshot"

bind t "radioteam enemyd;say_team .enemy(s) down! (%K)"
bind g "radioteam right;say_team .right!"

bind o "voice newbie.wav;echo .newbie voice"
bind p "voice apyeahbaby.wav;echo .yeah baby!"
bind m "voice champion.wav;echo .homer voice"
bind k "voice letsrock.wav;echo .lets rock!"
bind l "voice terminat.wav;say .%K is terminated!;echo .terminated"
bind u "voice allbase2.wav;echo .all your base!"

set gl_dynamic "1"
set gl_polyblend "0"
set gl_shadows "0"
set gl_modulate "3"

name "anesthes1a"
hand "2"
cl_maxfps "175"
set scr_conspeed "3"
set rate "25000"
set cl_gun "1"

//Weapon&Item Seletion

alias mp5k "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose kevlar vest; say_team < mp5 . kevlar"
alias m3k "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose kevlar vest; say_team < m3 . kevlar"
alias hck "choose handcannon; choose kevlar vest; say_team < handcannon . kevlar"
alias ssgk "choose sniper rifle; choose kevlar vest; say_team < sniper . kevlar"
alias m4k "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose kevlar vest;say_team < m4 . kevlar"
alias m4l "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose lasersight;say_team < m4 . laser"

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:23 pm
by alekchi
My config can be found from :P

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:45 pm
by Den
lol :)

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:23 am
by kamikraez
yeah im not gonna post all of mine here, but you can download it:
thats my main cfg, the scripts are in a second cfg, and i have modified cfgs for DM and darkmatch with appropriate keys rebound/unbound (like health status for DM)

just the interesting bits:

Code: Select all

//netgraph toggle
alias +net "netgraph 1"
alias -net "netgraph 0"

//death taunts
alias deathtaunt1 "say I DIE! I DIIIEEE!!!; bind c deathtaunt2"
alias deathtaunt2 "say Goodbye team! Goodbye world! I'm off to a better place...; bind c deathtaunt3"
alias deathtaunt3 "say OH GNOS!!!11 I R DEDED GOOT!; bind c deathtaunt4"
alias deathtaunt4 "say %T I want you to go kill those fuckers!; bind c deathtaunt5"
alias deathtaunt5 "say You be gettin' a coupla bulletes to da head next round mutha fucka!; bind c deathtaunt6"
alias deathtaunt6 "say SUCK MY DICK %E; bind c deathtaunt7"
alias deathtaunt7 "say ahh for fucking fucking fucks sake, i fucking hate you dirty little fucker!; bind c deathtaunt1"

//wait1 alias
alias wait1 "wait; wait; wait; wait"

alias wait2 "wait1; wait1; wait1; wait1"

//semi-auto auto fire
alias att "+attack; wait2; -attack; wait2; +attack; wait2; -attack; wait2; +attack; wait2; -attack"

//semi-auto auto fire level 2
alias atta "att; wait2; att"
for the last one binding a button (i use mouse3) to "att" will attack a few times, and binding it to "atta" will make it fire more often.

originally i created this at a net cafe playing CS with my mates, it works very well with the pistols in CS (i dont like playing cs, hence making the script in the first place). it works OK with pistols in aq2....

however a "side effect" in both CS and AQ2 is that your movement will be screwed while this script executes.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:00 pm
by Ness
Haha hey Gen I was wondering if that victory dance really works, I just tried it and nothing seemed to happen

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:47 pm
by Gen

Code: Select all

alias +VictoryDance	"cl_forwardspeed 1;cl_yawspeed 1500;+left;+movedown;-left;+right;-movedown;+moveup;+lookup"
alias -VictoryDance	"cl_forwardspeed 200;cl_yawspeed 180;-left;-movedown;-right;-moveup;-lookup;centerview"
bind m "+VictoryDance"
for me work fine, are you shure that you not hav any other bind in m or the key for victorydance?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 11:10 pm
by Breaker

// Copyright!

echo " *---------------------------*"
echo " |-=Qco. TeaM=- |"
echo " |Breaker's CFG |"
echo " |MOD: Action Quake2 |"
echo " |-=Lo5 BrOk4 7e4m=- |"
echo " *---------------------------*"

// Player
name "QcT.Breaker"
skin "male/metalm"
set gender_auto "1"
set gender "male"
set password ligacuco

// NetPlay
set sv_reconnect_limit "5"
set msg "0"
set rate "10000"
set cl_maxfps 90
alias graph_on "set netgraph 1;set cl_shownet 1;echo Graph ON...;wait;bind F2 graph_off"
alias graph_off "set netgraph 0;set cl_shownet 0;echo Graph OFF...;wait;bind F2 graph_on"
bind F2 graph_on
bind t "messagemode"
bind y "messagemode2"
set hostname "QcT.Breaker ServerĀ“S!"
set allow_download_maps "1"
set allow_download_sounds "1"
set allow_download_models "1"
set allow_download_players "0"
set allow_download "1"
set sw_mode "0"
set sw_stipplealpha "0"
set sw_allow_modex "1"
set crosshair "3"

// Waves
bind F4 "wave 1"
bind F5 "wave 2"
bind F6 "wave 3"
bind F7 "wave 4"
bind F8 "wave 5"

// Uso Estandar
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind TAB "inven"
bind ENTER "invuse"
bind [ "invprev"
bind ] "invnext"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind F1 "cmd help"
bind F12 "screenshotjpg"
bind F10 "menu_quit"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

// Movimiento
cl_run "1"
bind w "+forward"
bind s "+back;opendoor"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind SHIFT "+movedown"

// Sniper Alias
alias sniper "weapon;sensitivity 2.5;echo 2x: sensetivity 2.5;bind q 4x;bind r quick1a"
alias 4x "weapon;sensitivity 0.8;echo 4x sensetivity 0.8;bind q 6x;bind r quick1b"
alias 6x "weapon;sensitivity 0.5;echo 6x: sensetivity 0,5;bind q 1x;bind r quick1c"
alias 1x "weapon;sensitivity 4;echo 1x: sensetivity 4;bind q sniper;bind r quick1d"
bind q sniper

// Reset Sniper
alias reset1x "sensitivity 5;bind q sniper;bind r quick1d;echo Zoom 1x..."
alias quick1a "weapon;wait;wait;weapon;wait;wait;weapon;reset1x"
alias quick1b "weapon;wait;wait;weapon;reset1x"
alias quick1c "weapon;reset1x"
alias quick1d "echo estas en 1x Zoom"
bind r quick1d

// Weapon
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapon"

// Binds Action
bind x "weapnext"
bind z "opendoor"
bind = "irvision"
bind MWHEELUP "reload"
bind e "bandage;radio im_hit;radio cover;say_team Me dieron, %H de Salud! Ayua %T"
bind f "drop weapon;say_team EsTa WeA no funk4 ToMa Mi %W %T aver Si te Sirve"
bind MOUSE3 "drop item"

// Radios
bind c "voice terminat.wav;say_team Murio ----> %K"
bind b "radio reportin;say_team ViVo Con %H Mi Fiel %W cOn %A!!!"
bind v "HeY %P te di %D, veni por otro?"
bind CTRL "radio treport;say_team **** Reportense Los CuCos VIVOS!!! ****"
bind SPACE "radio right;say_team OK! PayA vOY"
bind 3 "radio teamdown;say_team sorry bro!"
bind 1 "radio up;say_team ARRIBA! ta %P vamo x eL ql"
bind 2 "radio down;say_team ABAJO! ta %P vamo x eL ql"

// Risa
bind g "voice l2.wav;say HAhHAhAHHAhAhAhHAHAhHAHAhAHHAhAHHAhAHHAhHAHAhA"

// Miscelaneo
bind m "sky stars"
bind j "team 1;captain;teamname -=Qco. TeaM=-"
bind k "lock"
bind f3 "choose Sniper Rifle;Choose Kevlar Vest;say_team [ SSG & KEVLAR ]"
bind f4 "choose M4 Assault Rifle;choose Kevlar Vest;say_team [ M4 & KEVLAR ]"

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:55 am
by Den
Configs of the players can be found at their profile on the website.