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Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:29 pm
by blissard
you don't get along with foreigners? you haven't thought for a moment that the problem could be yourself? :)

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:14 pm
by Terro
Morph have anyone told you that Morpheus pic you use at a quick veiw looks like a woman spreading her legs?

I've been seeing that shit for months now so I just have to let it out into the wilderness of this thread :I

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:39 pm
by kaaos
Terro wrote:Morph have anyone told you that Morpheus pic you use at a quick veiw looks like a woman spreading her legs?

I've been seeing that shit for months now so I just have to let it out into the wilderness of this thread :I

kaaos has noticed too. oh yes :I

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 12:45 pm
by Clement
lol :)

Now you mention it, I see it too.. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:42 am
by MikuzA
It's not the Ping that bothers me, it's the PL and the stupid dmflags

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:38 am
by DaNi
Yes the fair dmflags are really a pain in the ass.

I really wanna go back to the times where u actually had a spawn advantage on 1 team!

........ O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o

Get ur facts straight Boomtown uses equal spawns.

Alot of finnish and norwegian ppl still think 256 is the way to go.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:38 am
by MikuzA

i dunno shit about dmflags but when we played on a foreign server(boomtown or tnx) and sludge1 was the map.. both spawned from the cellar or whatever it's called.. never happend on finnish server, maybe we use 256 dunno, but that only happend on a foreign server :#:

but w00teva :sleep:

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:53 am
by Da^JuaN
dmflags 768 is standard, used on most servers and in every league.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:57 am
by blissard
as far as i know only finnish servers uses dmflags 256, which is no ff. all other countries use 768, which is no ff 256 + spawn farthest 512 = 768. so come on finland, what's with the 256? :?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:38 am
by Jazzie
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

The spawns stopped being unfair for different teams when TNG was released, was it like 3 years ago?

In short the quake2 engine does like this: It randoms a team, then randoms a spawn for that team. Then it chooses a spawn for the other team, this is where the dmflags matter. in 256 It chooses another spawn that is quite far away (not a clue how that really works, but at least you don't spawn on each other.), and in 768 it sets it automatically as the farthest spawn away.

Please correct me as I said, but I think this is how it works.

In short, different dmflags doesn't make any team have better spawns in general. It just makes the spawns appear at the same place all the time, which actually takes away some of the randomness. If this is true, which I hope since I've told you all this now :o, it's really a matter of personal taste, and I prefer 768 since it removes some spawns where ONE team gains an advantage. But I don't mind if the others run 256.

note: All this is thouroughly explained by Blue Vex in AiD's old guestbook. #clan-aid for url.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:30 am
by Guenhwyvar
Ok. I just read the 9 pages of this thread and decided to add another point of view by a fin.

First your examples were about the lamest players in Finland but I agree the fact that there is a problem going on. I prefer using a server where the most people have best ping. Usually it is eDome and I was going to say BT too BUT as I read this thread farther I noticed that BT is nowadays using NCServer that enforces players to use NC? Why an earth are you foreigners still enforcing ppl to use NC? It is clear that it has already been hacked and so has no use. I'm sorry that I can't trust these anticheat clients, but that's the way it is. What comes to me I can always record a demo if you don't trust me while I don't use NC. But don't force me to use anything. I use q2ice as long as I can and so I guess I'm not playing in BT anymore, that I used to keep as a server for cw:s against foreign clans. I am very disappointed now, as my experiences of tnx and such servers are really bad! As our behaviour is driving us farther from each other so is yours.

And as you use the worst examples of finns, so could I do with foreign clans too, but lets not lead this conversation in to a war. Lets try to fix the situation. How could we get a server that is equal to all? Lets just all drop rate to 1 and play. I don't have the answer but I hope someone fixes the BT servers so I can play against foreigners too with their server.

[EDIT] Sorry my mistake. I thought NCServer enforces ppl to use NC. I was wrong. Then I don't have anything against foreigners (when we play @ BT servers) except some has weird attitudes.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:11 am
by Kurupt
If you really played on Boomtown you would've know NoCheat isn't forced there. NCServer doesn't enforce the use of NoCheat! The only server that I know where you can only play with NC is, but that has to do with their version of Q2Admin if im right...

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:10 am
by Con^
First of all, Dani... I may not answer to your primal question as I can only reply on my own behalf. Why do we have to bring out rasism to this factor? As we(-AoM-) start to look for a cw and add an ".fi" or "only .fi" for extra info, we want to have a .fi opponent. Now and then we get blamed for racism with a join/part-flood. Do you think I seek for unacceptance? Well I don't. Someone(can't recall) advised us finns to look into the mirror. I've done that now and I hope that everyone who haven't done it yet could do it too. For blaming others won't get anyone's acceptance. By admitting that NOT all finns are total jackasses but still blaming us as a nation makes me wonder that who is the rasist here? (Not blaming anyone, just trying to prove my point)

Art of Murder plays cw:s against foreign clans at a time we can't get finn ones (referring to the posts about the "ping thing"). We are having a blacklist of some clans that behave badly or cheat. This is a matter of having a decent capability of playing and about behaving. Man, you would propably go to buy flowers from an unknown finn that sells em with double prize than from a friend next door with lot less money just to show you are fair towards a foreigner. What about getting to know each other and after that advising that "someone's flowers are as expensive as hell and you could lower the prize"?

Though, I must admit that I might have not been as open minded as I should and maybe I should try to change my point of view. This can't be done alone and not AT ALL by the way this thread has gone, no one is helping each other.

As a final statement and opinion: This should not be a matter of nations or cultures. This should be about playing AQ2 with each other the way it is fun.

Play fair lads.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:24 am
by Stric
This "only .fi "sounds like "chickens" to me :sleep:

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 8:06 am
by Zied
First: Bs!

We arent the only country or "only finnish players" who do something like this. I usually challenge only Finnsh clans because I know this scene so well and I want to stay in this. But I have played in two Norwegian clans, [v8] & [RR] (I miss you,you are great guys) so I know how hard is to get cw from my finnish mates.

And about that server whine: All swedes have BBB? We havent got many isp's in here Finland, so our connections sucks ass. I have 256/256 and imagine to play on Norway / boomtown server. Edome 45,boomtown 70 & tnx 120. You guys have smaller pings on foreign servers (edome) than I will ever have in Finland. And thats why I refuse to play vs foreign's is that there are _aways_ same guys challenging: Dizzy, someone from c0w or somebody from iN. Change clan and maybe you get cw's from this side too. Stop this bitching and face the facts.


Wanting a low ping, and refusing to play a fair match are 2 different things.
I noticed this and I agree. But when you play in in C0w,you wont get match against my clan. Fair game is 40-2 score to your clan? Maybe you are in too good clan? Ping is not _always_ the reason when YOU wont get match.