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Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:28 pm
by emu
Devvvan wrote:i'd be suprised if Clutch wont make it to cott2 :) but.. u never know, they might piss someone off befor they get in ;) hehee

*hint hint* or something ? :E there are teams out there who can compete with clutch for a spot in COtT anyday. clutch are just not that stabile in the long runs. that might keep'em out of cott :\

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:24 pm
by quba
Clutch is a good clan, no doubt. Though there are many very VERY good clans. Inviting the right ones is not going to be easy... Let's see what happens... :)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 3:27 am
by n99
Well quba, I think kuwu and morpher decided on a system where all of the scandinavian countries are represented at least once, and one or two spots for a 'european' clan. Meaning that with [j]' folding, (c) has the best papers for admission. At least this is how I understand it to work at the moment, could be mistaken.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:32 am
by Commu
Zonic said: "Last season of CotT promised alot but the most of it were left out - like matchreports, clan of the week, interviews and stats. The start of the tournament was shining but suddenly the things I just mentioned disappeared. I've heard the admins blame real-life issues for this."

-This can be fixed with more admins, am I right?

My opinion of 8 best clans listed in alphabetical order:

Apprime Apr/
clan Survival ^cSu
Clutch (c)
guardians '[g]
ikkeNo iN
/Outrageous War Nuts :OwN
\infecteD .iD.
Shadow Crusaders 'sC
UNited a{UNi}

Well, maybe Im wrong but this is only MY OPINION :p

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:24 am
by dudemcpek
Why do u name 8 top clans from scandinavia? There will probably be one or maybe two spots for clans from 'european' scene.
Try naming the best two clans from non-scandinavian part :poke:

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:31 am
by Moose
I agree with Commu except I'd replace [g] with [e] ... other non-scandinavian clans haven't impressed me that much. Quad can play good occationally but in the long run I don't believe they would match other clans in that list.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:47 pm
by Kurupt
Commu mentioned 9 clans tho.

Our goal is to cover the whole "active" European scene, which can be seen as 5 regions. Four scandinavian countries (except Iceland) and the rest of Europe. This means there will be at least 1 Finnish clan, 1 Swedish, 1 Norwegian, 1 Danish and 1 clan of the rest of Europe (5 in total). Then there will be 3 open spots which can be for clans from any of the 5 regions / countries mentioned before, which could also mean that all those 3 spots are for the same country (4 in total).

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:17 pm
by quba
European sound much better than Scandinavian. We should try to make Action Quake 2 more united. I know that we are doing that all the time but even with tournaments like CotT. Let's wait and see what happens :)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:44 pm
by n99
European in that sense means portugal, for example, is left out. Not that I mind, since the reason is obvious - the ping difference is too big. This approach is the best approach I can imagine, with kuwu's explanation, I think (c) can start practicing.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:54 pm
by Clement
Questionmark > clutch imho.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:08 am
by Samislide
yo sux :>

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:46 pm
by Endy
Don't push it now Clement... I'm actually going to Denmark (perhaps) in the beginning of next year... I know where your mailbox live =)

Re. Morpheus

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:07 am
by Awezome
You Should take cott again , but maybe try and take a couple off more teams in? just a suggestion


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 7:55 am
by nufan
wink wink morpher :-)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:25 am
by Clement
oh please :)