Rallu's urban3
Clown's urban3
This has the best sky out of all the maps. I'm surprised nobody has tried to make high resolution skys for people. Overall the new textures give this map a 'pink' feel. I really can't remember what this map used to look like originally
My urban3 looks a lot cleaner, and lighter. I don't really like the mixing dark (road/pavement) and light (buildings/sky) in Rallu's.
Rallu's jungle1
Clown's jungle1
What the hell is with your trees that blend into the floor, and grass texture that reminds me of
Magic Eye? Your 'rock' texture is blinding and doesn't really fit in with the scheme of the map. My wooden texture for that little hut is just off. Sticks out like a sore thumb. This map could do with a new sky.
Rallu's cliff2
Clown's cliff2
I don't like the fact that I can see repeating textures on the cliff ridge in mine. It stands out even more with your cheese texture. I don't know if your cable car's cable texture is fixed in this release? I can't really see your water from here. Again, someone could make a new sky for this as well?
Rallu's urban2
Clown's urban2
These two are pretty similar. My road looks like when your TV has no channel and you just watching that black and white 'snow'. I like your wooden fence texture. Looks nice. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, sky anyone?
Rallu's ferron
Clown's ferron
Pretty similar again. You colours are move vivid. Some people like that, some people don't. I'm one of the ones who don't. I like the scheme to be a bit more normal, and if that means boring then so be it
I like this sky.
Rallu's skytown2
Clown's skytown2
I've never played this map. I downloaded it specially for the comparison (which I have no idea why I'm making one
). What's going on with that box behind the sign in yours? This sky looks like it jumped out of Doom 1 or something.
Rallu's urban
Clown's urban
Yeah yeah, I know. Look at my forever repeating texutres. The same pattern is EVERYWHERE. I like the look of that big building to the left of my screenshot. They need to replace that with the black and white striped one in urban2 and urban3. What happened to your sky? Black is better than my piece of shit. I don't like your dimply roads
Why am I making this comparison? I don't know.
Why do we even care what the background looks like when all you are trying to do is kill the enemy? I don't know.
Do we need more high-res player skins? Yep.
Bye now.