New Movie: AQ2 Fragging Awards

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Post by arild »

hurray !

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Post by dudemcpek »

Juan for teh win!

Good movie indeed. Oh and the length was perfect!
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Post by Da^JuaN »

btw why did you have to add that last action to your movie? :cry: ;)
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Post by NeoFight »

Damn what a cool movie there are some sick players around here :P :D
Gonna watch this movie alot more :D
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Post by Meist0r »

Da^JuaN wrote:btw why did you have to add that last action to your movie? :cry: ;)
funny end - happy end - good wins against evil (campOr) :)
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Post by Da^JuaN »

AssKick3r wrote: Good movie indeed. Oh and the length was perfect!
Yea indeed, the length was perfectt, to compare to that Apr movie.. that was waaaaaaaaay to long and became already boring after 3 minutes.. this one was exciting all 10 minutes.
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Post by Flunx »

Two Thumbs up!
I really like the music you've used in this one :)
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Post by Clown »

I'll add some criticism then -
> Maybe you could have skinned the 'statues' or trophies properly?
>I found it hard to watch the action and keep the description and name in my view at the same time.
>Maybe give some more "eye-candy" next time - better textures, better shadows.

The action was good, good mixture of recams and POV action, good light hearted ending.
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Post by Meist0r »

Fuck, the main host ( seems to be down. And own-age takes some time to host in on filefront.
Can anybody help with a mirror?
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Post by Clown »

Heh. I just deleted it. I was thinking to myself that this one wouldn't need a mirror. Now it's gone. Sorry.
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Post by Meist0r »

Clown wrote:I'll add some criticism then -
> Maybe you could have skinned the 'statues' or trophies properly?
Yes, maybe, maybe I should light and animate them too and release it in 2006. Indeed it was an huge amount of work... two weeks long my machine was just rendering every night these small unskinned sequencies...
Clown wrote:>I found it hard to watch the action and keep the description and name in my view at the same time.
Hehe, i know, but who said that u should do this? :-) I wanted to transmit the speed of the aq2 gameplay, to press you with 9g in a speedy curve, it's impossible to read anything this way. The stats on the top were made more for peple watching the movie a 2nd time and maybe give the others something to do when they get bored for a while.
Clown wrote:>Maybe give some more "eye-candy" next time - better textures, better shadows.
Well I'm more or less inactive since 2001, I dont have all the new paks, 32 bit textures, nice shadows, and hacked clipping planes. I've took a look at some paks but couldn't find anything i like. It's original AQ2, it's what me and so many people loved so much.
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Post by Clown »

Yeah, these were just tips to make it better for your next one. I wasn't asking you to justify your movie :)
Last edited by Clown on Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Meist0r »

Hmmm, man, we've already had a nice talk in another thread. And somehow i get the feeling that u want to piss me on. If I'm at fault pls dont read further and thx for your fair-minded comments, if not
Clown wrote:Yeah, these were just tips to make it better. I wasn't asking you to justify your movie :)

I've not justifyed my movie, i've explained why your tips are for the birds. Or do you really think that they can help?
-> to invest more time in things with small auxillary functions is nonsense in such a low-budget amateur production.
-> it's good so, that u haven't the time to focus on the players name, but on the action. And that's the way I wanted your attention to focus on.
-> q2 is already too old, for more "eye-candy" look there are another engines
Clown wrote:Heh. I just deleted it. I was thinking to myself that this one wouldn't need a mirror. Now it's gone. Sorry.
Dont know how to understand especially this valueable comment. A la just deleted that crap and glad that u have mirror problems?
Last edited by Meist0r on Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Clement »

Meistor; you're getting it all wrong.. Clown liked your movie but had some small points where he thought you could've done something a little different. And seeing how you ask for feedback, I think you should be grateful that he takes time to give you actual feedback instead of just 'YoU ROXoRs!!!1!!One!!'.. so take it easy mate.. he is in no way trying to piss you off. Not in this thread at least :p

I haven't yet downloaded your new movie 'cause im at my parents slow 512 adsl, and I can't be arsed to wait for the download to finish.. expect some feedback from me some time tomorrow...
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Post by Moose »

some people seemed to have troubles downloading the movie so here's another mirror
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