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Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:37 pm
by Caracol
I think Gen meant the 'fragmentation' grenades from LTKTBM. Where after their explotions they throw clusters that make damage. Of course, they are random and pretty difficult to hit something, but makes them more real:
Vietnam war related website wrote:M26 Fragmentation Grenade - carried by each member of a rifle section - lethal radius of 10 metres. Used effectively for close quarter fighting and clearing enemy bunkers and weapon pits. A smooth bodied high explosive grenade. It weighed 425g with a fuse delay of five seconds. The average throwing distance was 40 metres. Its blast radius was ten metres, with a killing distance of 5 metres and a wounding distance of up to 25 metres. The members were initially issued with two M26 grenades per man.
About the IRvision... we want a realistic or usefull one? In the first case, LTKTBM's is closer to the night vision goggles than to the infrared ones.
And, for AQ2, I think IR is better, look the differences:
Night Vision:


If not, then a multicolor and enemy detector visor called irvision will be great.

And there are too, IR laser aimer:

But that seems too powerfull.

(Source: )

About the "grenade launcher"... erm, that's not a secondary barrel. I don't know much about weapons, but I think that's the place where the bullets are saved before you bump them. Where you insert them when you reload. And then the "bumper" bumps them into the chamber where the hammer triggers them.
No way to put a grenade launcher there.

If you are interested in grenade launchers, take a look at LTKTBM and his next release.

By the way, that sens cvars that gen said sounds pretty usefull, maybe can be added to TNG?


Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:40 pm
by n99
concerning ir/nightvision: I don't give a rats ass about realism - all I care about is that the two teams get DIFFERENT colors..

If the map itself becomes black/white that's fine with me, it's even better, probably.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:05 pm
by Gen
mm flashlight like kots flashlight without lag :p

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:05 am
by z0
-Introduce a self made weapon priority list, so that if you have two weapons on your "back" and you press your 'use special' button, the weapon that has the highest priority will come up in your hands. As it is now, there is a default weapon priority list. And if you dont know it, you will have no idea wether it's your Shotgun or Sniper Rifle that shows up in your hands when you press your 'use special' button.
The current weapon priority list is MP5 -> M4 -> M3 -> HC -> Sniper. From the highest too the lowest.
A sprayers' priority list would for example be M4 -> MP5 -> Sniper -> M3 -> HC.
While a snipers' priority list could be Sniper -> MP5 -> M4 -> M3 -> HC.
My list would probably be M4 -> Sniper -> MP5 -> M3 -> HC.
this is and has been doable sience the start of aq, q2 whatever.. the only thing u have to do is make an bind listing the weaps in order what u want to be choosen first, second etc.
bind q "use use Handcannon; use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; MP5/10 Submachinegun; use Sniper Rifle; use M4 Assault Rifle"
this bind makes me use weaps M4 -> Sniper -> MP5 -> M3 -> HC.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:39 am
by n99
Ye but BV wants the priority list to change depending on what weapon he chooses. You could do this manually with cascading weapon selection aliases, it's a shitload of work though, I made a script for it in the train once.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:32 pm
by Blue Vex
It's not doable without getting the message "unknown weapon" spammed across your screen. If anything, quality is something I care about.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:21 pm
by minchiano
What z0 said, again.

Anything besides this:

Code: Select all

bind <?> "use Dual MK23 Pistols;use Handcannon"
bind <?> "use throwing Combat Knife;use M26 Fragmentation Grenade"
bind <?> "use M4 Assault Rifle;use Sniper Rifle" 
bind <?> "use MP5/10 Submachinegun;use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun"
is just fucked up lazy shit. The end.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:58 am
by BeAViS
Late wrote:If these changes come true (not the bug fixes) it prolly will divide aq2 players into different groups. Playing with these, not playing and the ones who don't care.. Imo its rather bad thing.
But as for the changes I wouldn't prolly use any other than m4 vest.. As some people wouldn't use vest, m4 would kill everyone easily. And I don't really see the problem in m3. Not all weapons should be effective everywhere.
Ofcourse people will liked it first, but we will see if it lasts and if these are even made. Just to clarify, Im neither againts or agreeing :|

quoted completely

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:43 am
by Reptilee
M3 is good now, sometimes it's very powerfull to long distance and its allways good in low-range-battle.
IMO M3 is as good as M4, if you move rightly and the map allow it.
What weapon need change, is totally HC. Sometimes it dont kill to 2-3m, even it can do 740 damage. HC damage should be 1000-1200.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:58 pm
by Slashn64