Time - leaving the past - [NEW MAP]

Forum for all new beta and released maps!

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Post by nufan »

so you want this map replaced with the old one? or both? :S
looks much nicer imo :)
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Post by angra »

angra's junkyard is updated.
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Post by Da^JuaN »

Updated on DA Main
tried to put the pin back in
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Post by WizardExt »

Thanks for the comments!
so you want this map replaced with the old one? or both? :S
looks much nicer imo :)
Yes. This version of Time should replace (any) older one.
angra's junkyard is updated.
Updated on DA Main
Thanks! Hope all other servers will follow and update too.

I also want to thank r1ch for helping me get rid of some issues.
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Post by emu »

hmm i cant load the map, it stops when its loading the sky
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Post by Jazzie »

I had that progblem with the old time too emu, its something with the tga texture, just erase it and it will work fine. or download aprquake, which also solved the problem.

oh and i think the name of it is wtime.
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Post by WizardExt »

hmm i cant load the map, it stops when its loading the sky
it should work in this version
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Post by cTr01 »

hmm... i have some problems with the new time map, i downloadet it from the same server as juan did. but my AQ alwas say this
someone can help ?
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Post by Da^JuaN »

i gave him the same time.zip as i use (the file in the TS) so im really not having a clue.
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Post by imeiz »

i took the map from the url on the first post.

ERROR: Local map version differs from server: -1413427190 != '1980842247'
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Post by cTr01 »

the same like me, just reverse
#action.one <-> quakenet
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Post by n99 »

Either ur trying to play it on boomtown or another server which doesnt have the new version yet OR, and I ahd this problem alot, something goes wrong with extracting/replacing. What u need to do is delete the original, or call it timebackup.bsp or something, and then extract.
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Post by R1CH »

This is what happens when you don't use different .bsp names for each revision :). Perhaps there is an old version in baseq2/maps, in a .pak file, who knows... then add on some servers running it and some not, some clients updated and some not, it gets very messy.
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Post by Beavisss »

Plz Update boomtown.
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Post by stan0x »

BT sux

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