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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:05 am
by angra

And one thing can't aq2gear host a .avi for clip of the week?
So can aq2gear get a some promo =)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:29 am
by Hawk
flunx: I don't get why people are so obsessed with .avi in this matter, using keygrip and recording through it takes as long as using fraps, only difference is that you get a much smaller file to email..

beaviss: noted :P

mirror: if you have something to say, say it, don't pretend everything is obvious, when i started working on this page i never agreed on anything but to help them out with coding for the already done design, you should know that since you were in the team before i joined.. and also, what are you actually doing with the site that allows you make angry remarks like that to me?

stan0x: i don't care what "i think you miss", if you would have read everything i wrote you'd know that i don't want to spend any time on doing things that people has no need for, that's why i'm asking the people.

devirus: finally a serious reply, about the aq2gear, that's kind of what was in mind from the start with the files on aq2world, sadly there hasn't been a single file uploaded since I uploaded keygrip a few months ago. Both a league and themes require alot of work, but if there's enough interest i will look into it

finally, for you that did not understand what this was about, i want to know if there's any interest to do anything to the page, i don't feel like spending tons of hours doing something that nobody would care about when I don't even play the game anymore, for now the interest seems pretty low though, sadly.

one thing I see myself that's needed, but which is not my area are rules.. rules for the channel and the forum, clear rules which people who break will be punished for no matter who they are, i've seen alot of things in these forums and the channel that wouldn't be tolerated in other forums

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:26 am
by WizardExt
Yes. A good and serious effort there Devirus. I agree fully with you.

And great to have you back Hawk!

What I want to see is like Devirus already mentioned. Everything in one place. Marlporo does most of the graphics, so everyhting and all the sites connected stays with a similar theme. That will be done having marlporo doing the graphics. If we have all the sites connected, things will work so much better. AQ2world, AQ2gear, AQ2movie(?), a new AQMD, AQ2suomi and other language only Aq2 sites linked. I am not saying marlporo standing for graphics to all these sites, just for AQ2world, AQ2gear and maybe some new sites...mentioned above.

Organize a better working team. I know I do a bad job and shouldn't be a part of the crew. If I get something done, I will have it posted, but I don't need to be a part of the crew when I don't do shit. And maybe if others feel the same way, maybe we should leave or position and let others in, more motivated and more willing to put energy down for things to be done. Maybe things will work better now when Hawk is back. We all appreciate what you are doing Hawk. Keep it up.

We all want this game to keep going. Thats we are all so concerned. And that is good. Some of us may hate eachother on the battlefield, but here we are mostly friends. Even though we can be a bit cocky. All of us. :)

Let's all try do our best to make this and coming years of Aq2 great.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:35 am
by WizardExt
As in my previous post I want a new AQMD and also if of interest (and I know it is) a AQ2Movie site.

The current AQMD isn't at all working and if you browse that site you notice the inactivity and on the forums a post made by Greydeath saying pretty much the same thing. What I think we need is a new AQMD. Nowadays you don't notice if a new map is released unless they are posted on the forums. Would be nice to have a site going deeper and really concentrate only on mapping. Thats what I want things to be. Aq2world will just be the main site. Displaying all the news and also have all the general information needed about Aq2world. All the users will be there, with a more detailed profile. Some leagues and so on. I would like to have the same thing with a Aq2movie site. Where they only concentrate on moviemaking and new movies and so on. Ofcourse news about things hapening all around will be posted on the main site - Aq2world. Also posts, will most likely e made by the author of a new movie/map on the forums, just to receive some feedback.

Also the Aq2gear I want to focus only on the visual side of aq2 - huds and graphics. Maybe also jumps etc which are already on the site. But not the mapping and movie part. I think it will work better if we devide things in to other sites as mentioned above.

That's what I want.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:46 am
by n99
Seriously Hawk, I thought u were a goner. Let's hope this thread will motivate you to come back - here's my first 'contribution'.

The most important thing I am missing is ladders, this has been said alot of times, both internally and externally, but I will give it another go. Ladders have the advantage that they are 'self-refreshing' if coded properly (to a degree that is), there would still be need for a team of admins, but that shouldn't be a problem, lots of suitable people in this thread alone. I am actually registered with the suomi 1on1 ladder, but even with all the help I received in translating the buttons and rules, the step to actually go and play is still too steep - I feel a more intuitive system than used there could possibly be conceived.

Second - Why not have a browser variant of AQ2Pickup. Only for the people who are not going to whine about the ping on the official AQ2World server, of course, but I think it would be funny to '!add' yourself on the page.

Third - it's hard to write content since the magical admin panel on the site is in desperate need of an overhaul. That little window is fucked up to work in, there are some bugs (like Beavisss said), and I want to be able to use HTML instead of BB code, it feels sluggish as it is now.

Fourth - About making the site more 'international' - mirror and sF said some stuff about it, it was also brought up internally on several occassions. I think it is obvious by now that the mere creation of such a thing as 'AQ2World' does not bring the World of Action Quake 2 together, sadly enough. I suggest more actively recruiting on other continents, and maybe doing some promotion on local scene forums.

Well, I will have tons more to add but now I really must have a shower and head out, I have about 5-6 hours of 3ds max work ahead of me :(.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 8:44 am
by mirror
Hawk wrote: and also, what are you actually doing with the site that allows you make angry remarks like that to me?
uhh? did i? dont think so. chill pls, ive always respected your work and i hope you know that. still i dont think you should base your motivation to go on with the coding on this forumthread... if youre part of a project like this you should definately not do it just to receive praise in public, cause you wont get as much as you need/expect anyway. do it cause you enjoy it the work and cause you enjoy it when ppl finally browse the page.
i know i didnt do shit for all this in the past, but you can find the reason on the internal forum.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 8:59 am
by Clown
I like to think we are all helping in our own little way. If you didn't post here, mirror, people, then there would be no forum. And more than likely the website wouldn't have even been made.

Group Hug!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:18 am
by grover
Clown wrote:I like to think we are all helping in our own little way. If you didn't post here, mirror, people, then there would be no forum. And more than likely the website wouldn't have even been made.

Group Hug!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:10 am
by Hawk
mirror, well the problem is that i don't really care for the game or the scene anymore, due to reasons i won't discuss here, what i do know is that my current goal is to learn more php, if i do it on this site or with some other project doesn't matter to me, so basicly, this is the peoples chance to say if they really want something,, it just seems to me that alot of people in this small community are either too selfish or lazy to contribute with anything. Also, it's not the praise i'm interested in, i just don't, as i've said several times already, don't want to waste alot of time on something that might be dead when i'm finished with it

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:30 am
by Da^JuaN
First of all, if you need help in any case with a competition or ladder, im willing to help you.

Another issue, in your profile theres the option aq2world level, i dont know if someone is ever gonna tell whats the function of it? (Not relevant to your question i know, but maybe you can do something with that aq2world level if we know what the function of it is ;))

Maybe something with statistics about the page, how many people visiting the page per day, week, month? As in averages and/or real values like 1000 people have visited the page in March, average visitors / month is 800.
Which users are online atm? Instead of just the number of users online atm (same as on the forum)
Statistics about what OS are visitors using? What browser? Etc.
How many news items, column, interviews etc?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:59 pm
by Caracol
I could quote Devirus, WizardExt and n99 and it would be what I support -and think- even I could say it is the thought of many aq2world'ers (or however you call them, hehe).
Also, Da^JuaN added some interesting stuff to the messy table.

But I would like to add that most of the chilean aq2'ers like this page, visit it often (the forum mainly) and have a "daily dose of aq2" news/stuff/etc. Happends the same with AQ2Gear (now) and Quadaver's map depot (not as AQ2MD... just... a depot... of maps... *giggles*).
Soon (*slaps at chilean webmaster)
chilean aq2 scene's webpage will be up and would be lovely to see a "international links" section, with differents scene's webpages and the chilean one in between.

Hawk, I think that there's an enourmous (spelling?) quantity of aq2er's deeply thanking your work, and the rest of the crew's work. Too bad most of them (*hey cara... you are too!*) are quite some lazy pigs.
And I appreciate the chance you give us with this thread. Thanks!


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:51 pm
by Da^JuaN
Im also on a irc server from American clans, just heard something about that they wanted to make an aq2 resource site for competitions and downloads. I said they could use actiongear, aq2world etc. but they wanted to make one for the American scene, so maybe that international thing Cara just mentioned would be nice.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:47 am
by mOrg
I think the more we could put in to this site the better it would be, things which have already been mentioned several times, such as the making of an aq2world mapdepot, skins, scopes etc etc, yes i know abit like actiongear, but like dev mentioned wasnt the intention of this site to have aq2 united under one roof so to speak?..
And i know im not one those people that use these forums the most, call me lazy if u want, it doesnt mean i dont have great respect for the people making this possible.
In the end - aq2world.ladders, tournaments, leagues, whatever you wanna call it, this has (imo) always been one of the best ways to bring the people together, and if needed i would happy to be apart of making it happen, and i really feel we need a good well represented cup/ladder/tournament to kick of 2005 with.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:13 am
by angra
My top 2 :)
Devirus wrote:Player Profile.
Perhaps some space in the profile for a bigger Presentation
Devirus wrote:AQ2World League.
Am i the only one thinking about this? A big tournament -AQ2World-league for all clans around. And for this to be the Official Aq2-league. Using this website for it also ofc, with a section for it and so on. With a special league-crew with admins and stuff, if needed or if "you" guys wanna do it by yourselves. Im sure many would help out with things like that. I know i would, if someone asked :P
I well contact you Hawk IF YOU WILL ANSWER ON YOUR PHONE!


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:40 am
by alekchi
I already suggested this to den and dun (so fun) but Ill put it here also.

aq2.cup section to aq2world pages, like a weekly list of winners.
it would bring glory and fame to the winners and everyone would be like "I must win" and there would be like billion keen players on the cup.

ps. Hawk come to foc and we'll hug you