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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:26 pm
by Sovnig
Erh well, I'm always more happy when im winning - it proves the tactics worked and you did a good job and kicked the other players asses.

Still i can have tons of fun if I'm losing a match (though i have a hard time if i lose -20).

Also, I steal every stomach shot i ever lay my eyes on and if someone shoots an opponent over a cliff I'll empty my entire mag just to steal that sob.

Despite my LAME behavior stated above i still think i like the player i am (though I'd like to be a skmz-player and pwn teh ladies) and I have fun, but does that make me an egocentric bitch obsessed with winning? :shock:

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:30 pm
by alekchi
just winning is to easy and boring

and about the stealing thing, atleast I like more those frags that I get with like 1 kevlar or something. After a mates stomach shot for example. I have always thought the 'stealor!' thing was just a joke? you steal some frags and some of your frags get stolen. in longer timeline 1-1=0.

And I find those +20 cw's really boring :o (since I also hate playing with knives and hc's, I find that boring also)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:36 pm
by Stanny
Sovning: That might be because you have a hard time killing a WHOLE opponent by yourself

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:41 pm
by minchiano
I like to win too belive it or not, but I play because it's fun. So I don't get 30+ frags all the time, I guess I don't 'pwn' the way some people do in public servers. No big deal to me. The few times you see me pick up the 'pwngun'* I've stopped having fun but I came to the conclution a while back that it was better to pick it up rather than stop playing alltogether...

And I've been told I scare people speccing when they see me standing idle watching two people having a duel. So what? I let them finish and perhaps get the guy left if the 'wrong' one won. I belive it's the decent thing to do and noone can tell me different.

And when the clan I was in, [balle], was up and running we too played for fun. We had the occational camp cw when we faced 4 mad 'pwngunners'* but on the whole we where just fucking around having a blast. And we actually won once or twice too :P

That be all, for now.

* M4 you moron

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:47 pm
by noVa
I couldn't agree with you more minchiano!

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:18 am
by suds
im guilty of shooting someone for stealing on DA too 99... i guess its more my own frustration at not fragging like i used to. i felt bad about it at the time, now i tell myslef to chill and not go for frags so much, trying for teamplay instead. i find i actually play a lot better when im relaxed, not rushing so much, i cant keep up with the high fps low pingers anymore anyway. its a pity for me because i used to be first in any charge, now im a few steps behind, i'm guessing the 20 ping difference is a lot, just players hearing the lights, camera, action thing a fraction before me.

so im slowly changing my playing style, it sucks not being at the front but playing a support role is quite good in cws anyway.

i still have my days, but tend to play for less maps these days, just because i cant keep up anymore.

*dreams of new pc*

gg everyone anyway, still new players coming in, i met one last night.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:46 am
by Samislide
I play to get girls.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:28 am
by emu
Devirus wrote:I play to get girls.
so whats your fpm baby ?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:31 am
by Sovnig
Stanny wrote:Sovning: That might be because you have a hard time killing a WHOLE opponent by yourself
Who's Sovning?
Do you know him?
Do you have any idea if he's good at quake or not?
I feel sad u have to start dIzZiNg that poor gaNgztR in hiRr dAwG?!

... 1on1, bitch? : (