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Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:07 pm
by Tupe23
My nickname Tupe cames from my friends idea and 23th February is my birthday.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:44 pm
by bliz
My head is shaped like a Kiwi and I'm a fan of the Finnish people, thus why I decided to put an extra 'i' there - et voila: Kiwii is born.

And I took it because I go like wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii after each headshot I make. And I possess a lot of 'ki' - so hell yiiiiiiiiii !

Man, this is so sad. Next thing you'll want to know is what my parents are called like. Just frag eachother disregarding eachother's nicks - it's hard enough as it is! ;_;

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:03 pm
by minchiano
My first nick was Nightstalker I used that when I started playing Q2 in a local internetcafé here in Gothenburg. Then I started playing AQ2 and when I joined [balle] I changed it to Zodiac so the full name would fit. It turned out someone in the AQ2 scene allready had that nick so after some debate I decided to change it to minch

minch or minchiano are the ones I use most, other twists might be minchen or minchia.

And about the links to crimelibrary: my first two nicks were highly influenced by the style of music I listen to and one band in particular, namely Macabre

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:48 pm
by Septique
My first nick was Anborn and its a character from lotr.. one of those unknown characters.. Then i had Septiq. I just decided to get a new nick and poom Septiq comes. Then i've just edited in someways: Septiq -> Septique -> Los_Septiques (i wanted some mexican style :)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:41 am
by Magger
When I started back in 1998, my nickname was Daxman. I only played public, so I wasn't known. Then I had a break, dunno how long. But when I started to play again, I wanted a new name. Since my name is Magnus, and irl friends call me "mag, maggie" I thought Magger reminded a little bit about it, and it looked nice. :D

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:20 am
by imeiz
i started as jokudokumies, being a joke song by Laveerre(yeh, .filol)
jokudokumies could be translated as "a random hobo" BD

then one day, i dropped/threw my phone and it had that IMEI-code on the back, so that + z. :)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:49 am
by Rulf
my first nick was Rulf have awlays used it... I made it on a lan when a friend of mine said RALF RULES so i heard a mix Rulf dont ask me its ugly and it sux but its me! :santa: :D :) :bday: :P

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:04 am
by Akor
Well my first nickname was Hannibal, but i didnt used it for long. And later i figured it out to be Bone, because my surname has this word in it. But i got thought that this nick is gay so i thought myself as Akor.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:45 am
by sajh
been using lots and lots of nicks.. been using the name sajh for the last 3 years though, got it when i tried to connect to irc, and my default nick was taken.. i got annoyed when it asked me to select a new name, hence i slammed the keyboard and the name "sajh" appeared.

Still use the nick solidas when i play kwaak though, which was a remake of the nick Solid which i used for a short while, but it later became Solidas for no reason whatsoever (no, its not taken from the mg-series.. had never played it) :P

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:18 pm
by BeAViS
Tupe23 wrote:My nickname Tupe cames from my friends idea and 23th February is my birthday.
my name is beavis from ever... i think i choose this name because when aq2 was installing first time i was watching beavis & butthead on mtv.... harharhar

hey even my birthday is on 23rd february :hop: :hop: :hop: :hop:
:rambo: :rambo: :rambo: :santa: :santa: :m00: :shocker: :shock: O_o :o :bday:

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:19 pm
by V34
My name comes from Quake2 a guy called R1 owned me much. And i needed a new name. I called myself V and the 34 is just some random letters.
BTW my name before V34 was m3xt0Z^. Quite suck-age.


Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 5:22 am
by Samislide
I came up with this nick when I was 14 or something, playing alot of Aliens vs Predator on, wich no longer exists. First I used the nick zamo, wich I got when some old skank asked my name (irl), I answered Sami - Then she yelled SAMOOO?!?!?? B> After some time I wanted a more AvP-kina nick. I was playing much with the Alien, so I called myself Jaw_Attack. And some months past by, and I hooked up with a Dutch(at that time) clan, wich was called SX, Squad X. The leader of that clan was called Deforce, and he was pretty much domniating the scene, winning almost all 1on1 tournaments and stuff. And when I was getting better at the game (ranked #4 on the US Ladder :P), ending second, and third on some tournaments, I decided to call myself Devirus. At that time we were known as the best Minigun-Marines. :P

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:54 pm
by n99
Well this is entertaining.

I started playing on my ole buddy's PC a long time ago, JizLt. He was the guy who thought me the tricks of the trade, and since i didn't consider myself fully grown yet I called myself Apprentice.

Went through some names that I don't feel like mentioning, until I started a clan of numbers: "Hidden", with some good dutch players from various servers, just to cause a hassle. I was [!] Nine. Somehow it stuck and I added more nines (don't ask me why, it looked cool or something): .NiNe'99.

Had a short break from AQ2, came back, called myself Japan for a while but I missed my old name, so I shortened it to n99. Looks funky, feels funky, and it's the Nr. 1 babe magnet after pink cadillacs playing cheesy R&B tracks.

Nuff said.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:40 am
by DaNi
Dont have any reasons for my nicknames, but they include:

Huggy, Manson, Romeo, Tybalt, Rat, T0To^ DaNi, Da-ning, PenisXXL, IMoan, Achilles, F#ckit, and probably alot more.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:27 am
by aka
dominated the q2dm scene as AiR and dominated the aq2scene with the nick aka. aka is short for akatora. For the st00pid ppl who's missed out on the greatest animeseries ever it's from silverfang.