strafe jump problem

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Post by BeAViS »

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Post by Haudrauf »

in my opinion, this works best:

Monitor on 120 hertz, vertical sync disabled for quake2. (that is true when timerefresh gives more than 120 fps :) .. more like 200 to 1500 fps)

.. using clientvariables:
cl_maxfps 120
rate 15000

.. and if r1q2, then:
r_maxfps 120
cl_async 0

.. r1q2 server:
sv_strafejump_hack 1 - every r1q2 server should have that as default since version 5920

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Post by Janner »

fuct wrote:ive learned this from hours of JumpMod :)
these are guideline fps settings for certain jumps

cl_maxfps 31 - ladder jumps
cl_maxfps 40 - double jumps
cl_maxfps 120 - high jumps and ramp jumping
cl_maxfps 90 - everything else

might not be very useful in aq2 but anyway
Jump.cfg wrote:alias fps31 "cl_maxfps 31;bind mwheeldown fps40;echo Maximum fps set to [31]"
alias fps40 "cl_maxfps 40;echo Maximum fps set to [40];bind mwheeldown fps120"
alias fps120 "cl_maxfps 120;echo Maximum fps set to [120];bind mwheeldown fps31"
alias fpsreset "cl_maxfps 90;echo FPS RESET TO [90];bind mwheelup fpsreset;bind mwheeldown fps31"

very handy :)
Hmm, i have 30 FPS somehow, but i can do ladder jumps, ramp jumps, double jumps and everything else exept for jumping on high crates
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Post by Proto »

Low FPS is good for ladderjumps (28 (28 was the original FPS for AQ2) -31)

High FPS for crate-jumps (90-120)

Normal FPS for strafejumping.. (60-90)

If you have too high FPS while strafejumping, you might get a "fps-stop" .. That means you will suddenly STOP instead of jump, because your accuracy have to be just about perfect.. Very annoying if you stop on the ledge of a house and slip of the edge..

I like 60 FPS :)

So there it is
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Post by fuct »

janner those are just optimum settings..most/all jumps will work with 90fps ...just not best :)
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Post by Proto »

fuct, do you live inside the internet, more precice, in this forum?
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Post by Clown »

Less than 200 posts in a year. I wouldn't say so, Proto.
I don't give a shit.
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Post by Proto »

maby he just moved in? :)
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Post by fuct »

i post when i feel it is necessary

can you feel the irony
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