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Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:51 pm
by NRGizeR
Proto wrote: Enter and Backspace are buttons on my mouse, since Q2 doesn't support mouse4 and mouse5
aprq2 does support mouse4 and mouse5... and atleast my linux aprq2 binary supports mouse5, mouse6, mouse7 and mouse8 as well :D

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:01 pm
by W1lco
Both O_o

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:13 pm
by V34
cheef wrote:script...noob stuff
my bot is doing it for me...
aim zoom shoot

Funny, so do my?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:57 pm
by Hawk
Proto wrote:

Code: Select all

Enter and Backspace are buttons on my mouse, since Q2 doesn't support mouse4 and mouse5, I made the two extra buttons on my mouse act as enter and backspace in order to use them..

Works good for other things too :P[/quote]

just curious, what os and quake2 version are you using that doesn't support mouse4 and mouse5? I've been using mine for years :P

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:40 am
by dudemcpek

Code: Select all

alias L0 "lens out;sensitivity $sn;bind c L2;echo [6]"
alias L2 "lens 2;sensitivity $s2x;bind c L0;echo [2x Zoom]"
bind c l2
set sn 5.5
set s2x 3.5
One button, only 2x zoom, couldn't be better.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:48 pm
by Proto
I've used WinME for years, recently changed to 2000, then XP a few months ago.

My Quake2-clients have been
vanilla Quake2 3.20,
and now Apqr2 or whatever it's called..

and yes, apqr2 suppports mouse1-->8 or whatever, but now I'm so used with enter/backspace that I don't mind :)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:09 pm
by Demuz
Bah the only thing needed is "bind xxx weapon" and thats it! Atleast I have always used this :)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 5:50 pm
by Proto
And it obviously works fine, considering you guys owned us hardcore today.. ... slut.. :P

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:11 pm
by Demuz
Pjoto :D Well I'm going to keep using it till the end.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:14 pm
by JezeT
Used to play about 2years with weapon-command. But then i lost all my configs and just took some lens script...Yes, I'm lazy...

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:29 am
by goldblade
Proto wrote: Enter and Backspace are buttons on my mouse, since Q2 doesn't support mouse4 and mouse5, I made the two extra buttons on my mouse act as enter and backspace in order to use them..

Works good for other things too :P
mouse4 and mouse5 work on my q2...

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:11 am
by skmz

Code: Select all

	bind t 					"echo 2x - Sensitivity $s_2x;sensitivity $s_2x;lens 2"
	bind e 					"echo 4x - Sensitivity $s_4x ;sensitivity $s_4x;lens 4"
   bind y 					"echo Normal - $s_Normal;sensitivity $s_Normal;lens 1"

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:07 am
by cloN

Code: Select all

// ---- sniper settings

set 1x 			"30"
set 2x 			"30"
set 4x			"25"
set 6x 			"20"
alias 2x_zoom 		"weapon;sensitivity $2x;bind q 4x_zoom;bind e 2x_zoomout;crosshair 3"
alias 4x_zoom 		"weapon;sensitivity $4x;bind q 6x_zoom;bind e 4x_zoomout"
alias 6x_zoom 		"weapon;sensitivity $6x;bind q 2x_zoom;bind e 6x_zoomout"
alias 1x_zoom 		"weapon;sensitivity $1x;bind q 2x_zoom;bind e"

alias 2x_zoomout 	"weapon;weapon;weapon;sensitivity $1x;bind e 2x_zoom;bind e"
alias 4x_zoomout 	"weapon;weapon;sensitivity $1x;bind q 2x_zoom;bind e"
alias 6x_zoomout 	"weapon;sensitivity $1x;bind q 2x_zoom;bind e"

alias reset 		"sensitivity $1x;bind q 2x_zoom;unbind e"
bind n reset
bind alt                 "lens 1; sensitivity 30; echo 1x"

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:03 am
by Haudrauf
The most advanced out there I believe..
Ofc, you may be well set with the small scripts above.

What does this do?
- Can use the "lens" OR "weapon" commands but still supplying commands as if you were using "lens".
- More commands to cycle between zooms.
- Better handling of the "Sniperreset" - it's quiet, ppl won't hear it ingame.
- Negative acceleration won't be an issue with sensitivity 1 - use m_pitch and m_yaw instead.
- It works.
- Easy configuration and setup - even newbies can handle this.
- Client independent. No AprQ2 or other advanced client needed.

Code: Select all

//// sniper.cfg
// HAU0RS big sniper script - //////////
// provides everything an Actionsniper needs.
// - 1.1 public: 2006-03-25 small improvements, cleanup
// - 1.0 public: 2005-06-08
// installation:
//   put bigsniper.cfg AND sniper.cfg into a folder
//   called "cfg" within your "action" directory.
//   Edit this config (sniper.cfg) to adjust your 
//   sensitivities. That's done with m_pitch and m_yaw.
//   You may want to edit the bindings at the bottom
//   to suit your "button"-needs.
//   Then put into your own config: "exec cfg/sniper.cfg".
//   Done.
// and btw, THIS IS MY CODE, I HAVE ALL THOSE FUNNY COPYRIGHTS ON IT - you can use it anytime, but NEVER 
// EVER say this was your work. It's mine! quad.Haudrauf - Drop me a mail if you
// like it or have suggestions!

/// exec big sniper script code //////////
exec cfg/bigsniper.cfg

////////////// SNIPER CONFIGURATION /////////////////
//// USE "WEAPON" or "LENS" FOR SNIPING? uncomment //
//h_sniper_weapon   // 
h_sniper_lens     // command "lens" default (AQ2-TNG)
// you can change this ingame by typing:
// h_sniper_weapon or h_sniper_lens

//// DEFINE SENSITIVITIES ////////////////////////////
// M$ IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0                     //
set sensitivity "1" // prevents negative acceleration 

alias h_1Xsens  "m_pitch 0.125;   m_yaw 0.125" 
alias h_2Xsens  "m_pitch 0.058;   m_yaw 0.058"
alias h_4Xsens  "m_pitch 0.0218;  m_yaw 0.0218"
alias h_6Xsens  "m_pitch 0.01125; m_yaw 0.01125"

///// binding Sniping to buttons ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// the following commands are available now:
// - h_reset   - doesn't switch zoom, but resets sensitivity to 1x (use it on weaponswitch, drop weapon, bandage or at roundstart)
// - h_lens1   - switches to 1x zoom, nozoom (lens, weapon)
// - h_lens2   - switches to 2x zoom (lens, weapon)
// - h_lens4   - switches to 4x zoom (lens, weapon)
// - h_lens6   - switches to 6x zoom (lens, weapon)
// - h_lens12  - switches between 1x and 2x zoom (lens, weapon)
// - h_lens24  - switches between 2x and 4x zoom (lens, weapon)
// - h_lens124 - switches between 1x, 2x and 4x zoom (lens, weapon)
bind 1      h_lens124
bind shift  h_lens24
bind alt    h_lens6
bind c      h_lens1

// quad.Haudraufwienix of Quadaver -
// HAU0RS big sniper script - //////////
// leave me a mail if you like it:

Code: Select all

//// bigsniper.cfg:
// Big Sniper Script Code
// provides everything an Actionsniper needs.
// for installation see "sniper.cfg"
// - 1.1 public: 2006-03-25 small improvements, cleanup
// - 1.0 public: 2005-06-08
// "omg it's so cool, it supports both, 'lens' and 'weapon'."
// "it's all about abstraction."
// "newbie or not? doesn't matter"
// "tech for the people"
// and btw, THIS IS MY CODE, I HAVE ALL THOSE FUNNY COPYRIGHTS ON IT - you can use it anytime, but NEVER 
// EVER say this was your work. It's mine! quad.Haudrauf - Drop me a mail if you
// like it.

///////////// Snipingcode: hands away

alias h_2x "h_2Xsens; echo W:2x; alias h_weap_auf2 h_von2auf2; alias h_weap_auf6 h_von2auf6; alias h_weap_auf4 h_von2auf4; alias h_weap_auf1 h_von2auf1"
alias h_4x "h_4Xsens; echo W:4x; alias h_weap_auf2 h_von4auf2; alias h_weap_auf6 h_von4auf6; alias h_weap_auf4 h_von4auf4; alias h_weap_auf1 h_von4auf1"
alias h_6x "h_6Xsens; echo W:6x; alias h_weap_auf2 h_von6auf2; alias h_weap_auf6 h_von6auf6; alias h_weap_auf4 h_von6auf4; alias h_weap_auf1 h_von6auf1"
alias h_1x "h_1Xsens; echo W:1X; alias h_weap_auf2 h_von1auf2; alias h_weap_auf6 h_von1auf6; alias h_weap_auf4 h_von1auf4; alias h_weap_auf1 h_von1auf1"
h_1x // initialise weapon sniping aliases

alias h_von1auf1 "echo W: nothing to do :P - already 1x"
alias h_von2auf1 "weapon; weapon; weapon; h_1x"
alias h_von4auf1 "weapon; weapon; h_1x"
alias h_von6auf1 "weapon; h_1x"

alias h_von1auf2 "weapon; h_2x"
alias h_von2auf2 "echo W: nothing to do :P - already 2x"
alias h_von4auf2 "weapon; weapon; weapon; h_2x"
alias h_von6auf2 "weapon; weapon; h_2x"

alias h_von1auf4 "weapon; weapon; h_4x"
alias h_von2auf4 "weapon; h_4x"
alias h_von4auf4 "echo W: nothing to do :P - already 4x"
alias h_von6auf4 "weapon; weapon; weapon; h_4x"

alias h_von1auf6 "weapon; weapon; weapon; h_6x"
alias h_von2auf6 "weapon; weapon; h_6x"
alias h_von4auf6 "weapon; h_6x"
alias h_von6auf6 "echo W: nothing to do :P - already 6"

// initialise lens sniping aliases
alias h_lens_auf2  "lens 2; h_2Xsens; echo L:2x"
alias h_lens_auf4  "lens 4; h_4Xsens; echo L:4x"
alias h_lens_auf6  "lens 6; h_6Xsens; echo L:6x"
alias h_lens_auf1  "lens 1; h_1Xsens; echo L:1x"

//// switchingcode... addition to normal direct zooming:
// switch to 6,4,2 directly, provides h_lens6, h_lens4, h_lens2 ... and switching aliases 
alias h_lens6      "h_sniper6; alias h_lens24 h_lens2; alias h_lens12 h_lens2; alias h_lens124 h_lens2"
alias h_lens4      "h_sniper4; alias h_lens24 h_lens2; alias h_lens12 h_lens2; alias h_lens124 h_lens1"
alias h_lens2      "h_sniper2; alias h_lens24 h_lens4; alias h_lens12 h_lens1; alias h_lens124 h_lens4"
alias h_lens1      "h_sniper1; alias h_lens24 h_lens2; alias h_lens12 h_lens2; alias h_lens124 h_lens2"
alias h_reset      "h_1Xsens; echo H:1x without setting lens (quiet); alias h_lens24 h_lens2; alias h_lens12 h_lens2; alias h_lens124 h_lens2"

// What commands should be used? Provides h_sniper_weapon and h_sniper_lens to public.
alias h_sniper_weapon "alias h_sniper2 h_weap_auf2; alias h_sniper4 h_weap_auf4; alias h_sniper6 h_weap_auf6; alias h_sniper1 h_weap_auf1"
alias h_sniper_lens   "alias h_sniper2 h_lens_auf2; alias h_sniper4 h_lens_auf4; alias h_sniper6 h_lens_auf6; alias h_sniper1 h_lens_auf1"

// Haudraufwienix of Quadaver
// HAU0RS big sniper script - //////////

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:19 am
by Clown
That's my script actually. I wrote it. All royalties should be made out to me.