Quick Shot 2

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saw the light
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Post by Proto »

W1lco wrote: that effect in the start, black/white thingy.. whats the name of that ? :)
Adobe Premiere.
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Post by Mutu »

nice movie :)
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Post by Caracol »

Great config, great use of sounds (not so video-clip-like) and the frags, well, what to say... those were awesome.
I specially liked the quality, the counter and comments, and some of the in-game sounds... now I remembered why I don't use those sounds, some are just too much.
A very good job done (and the use of slow/fast tempo was just great), for what it was, it was impressive.

What about your other movies? Any way to get my hands on them?

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Post by W1lco »

Proto wrote:
W1lco wrote: that effect in the start, black/white thingy.. whats the name of that ? :)
Adobe Premiere.

Yeah, and whats the name of the effect? :)
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saw the light
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Post by Proto »

W1lco wrote:
Proto wrote:
W1lco wrote: that effect in the start, black/white thingy.. whats the name of that ? :)
Adobe Premiere.

Yeah, and whats the name of the effect? :)
Try hitting "Black and White".
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Post by sajh »

I will be needing the following items from you:

(and yea, the movie kind of owned.. much thanks to the length.. far to many movie makers think to highly of themselves and make faar to long movies.. 2-4 minutes is perfect)
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
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Post by nemesis »

W1lco wrote:Yeah, and whats the name of the effect? :)
Its no single effect, just stuff together. If i remember correctly, colors black & white + some bw-noise and adjusting brightness and contrast a bit.

sajh: You can find urls for skins(weapon) and icons from the starting post. Player skins are original. Sounds were also posted along the way at first page (I have prolly changed some of the SOF2 sounds in my aq2). It doesn't really show but I was also using my Gunther Awards ;D. Textures I can't give, since its scattered in over 20 paks and im lazy. :)
Caracol wrote:What about your other movies? Any way to get my hands on them?
I still have Close Combat online, just stabbing ppl, crappy quality and music but hey, you asked. O_o

THANKS EVERYONE! For all these comments. <3
· clan Survival · #clansurvival @ IRCNet/QuakeNet, /msg Neme^ · www.lahtela.com/survival · AQ2Suomi admin, AQ2World moderator and a member of AQ2Admins
saw the light
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Post by Proto »

Hehe, okay, so it was a bit more work than I thought with the black/white thingy, anyway, I was checking out Action Gear, and found some crazy Dane had made a pak.

TNG Award Sounds, Linkin Park | 1 671 KB
Replaces the original TNG award sounds (accuracy, impressive, excellent)

...Linkin Park sounds? Hah, this has to be great! :D I'm at school now, so I can't test it, but sure as hell I'll test it when I get back home :D

Keep up the good work with the funny movies :D Love watching movies from other people, seing their AQ-style.
Also, your M4-sprayers kinda glov yellow, how do you fix that? Could be nice on darker maps =)
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Post by nemesis »

Proto wrote:Also, your M4-sprayers kinda glov yellow, how do you fix that? Could be nice on darker maps =)
I have no idea, theres a command for that though. You seem so surprised? :D Its the muzzleflash from a gun when someone shoots. Silencer removes that, thats the half of the purpose of using silencer, second being the sound-part. :) Id be surprised if there weren't any "glow". :P
*search search*

Code: Select all

Type: Toggle
Default: 0
Description: Toggle the blending of lights onto the environment.
Note: If this toggle is enabled the lights will blend into a translucent ball of light.
I think that does the trick. "Default: 0" Its always been 1 for me, since '98. :)
· clan Survival · #clansurvival @ IRCNet/QuakeNet, /msg Neme^ · www.lahtela.com/survival · AQ2Suomi admin, AQ2World moderator and a member of AQ2Admins
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Post by Proto »

Oh, cute.. :)
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Post by NRGizeR »

Proto wrote:...Linkin Park sounds? Hah, this has to be great! :D I'm at school now, so I can't test it, but sure as hell I'll test it when I get back home :D
You didn't miss anything, they were quite crappy to be honest...
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Post by W1lco »

Proto wrote:
W1lco wrote:
Proto wrote: Adobe Premiere.

Yeah, and whats the name of the effect? :)
Try hitting "Black and White".
hmm, wasnt just black and white, was some disturbings to
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Post by maGro »


i like juans avater more..
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Post by maGro »

not bad :)

Lil boring music imho tho... could create more tension and.. pressure :)

But skilled frags... except the single headshot with one m4 bullet, you aim like... 10 degrees from his head :) And have to support my simple-minded moviemates, nice paks indeed.

Even if most of the items are just used to give you an advantage.. like white airport textures and a more silent m4 shot :)
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Post by nemesis »

Yup, music could have been better, thats what I think after every goddamn movie...
maGro wrote:more silent m4 shot :)
Yeah, it gives me advantage not to BLEED BLOOD FROM MY FUCKING EARS. Plz. O_o
· clan Survival · #clansurvival @ IRCNet/QuakeNet, /msg Neme^ · www.lahtela.com/survival · AQ2Suomi admin, AQ2World moderator and a member of AQ2Admins
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