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Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:21 am
by PaTMaN
I fixed the jrecord crash.
As for the updates... with puppettrails, I should be able to easily add a command that turns your loaded puppetdemo into a trail. Why do you want more than 1 puppetdemo to be loaded? From my experience I haven't had the need for it, but fill me in on your thoughts please.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:15 pm
by Stric
Me neither till today when i wanted to make a movie with example of a possible rush in some map when action starts with more puppet at same time. :lol: Mod aint just good for jumping but you can make tactics with it too :)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:21 pm
by PaTMaN
Ok. I could put in a server variable for setting the puppet limit. The only problem is that this could complicate commands... but I'm always up for making advanced functions while trying to keep things easy to use. The first thing that comes to mind is the "puppet" command. As of now, it either spawns a puppet if needed, or removes the pup and then the puppet if they are already spawned. This command could be kept as is, but then I could expand it so it can spawn more puppets or remove certain puppets. For instance, "puppet" "puppet add" "puppet remove" and "puppet remove <#>". The puppets would be named "Puppet #", which would show up on the player id display. When adding puppets, the lowest number available will be used. When removing, either the highest number is removed or the specific # is removed.
So that isn't so bad. Now for recording puppet demos... "precord" functionality would be changed so that it records to the last spawned puppet #. Then it could be modified to include a specific #, "precord <#>", to record to.... "pstop", "pplay", "pclear" would all work in the same was as the new "precord".

So I just got to thinking after writing all this... that's a lot of modifications to do and I haven't even mentioned everything there is to modify. What if instead I modified "puppet" the way I said above, and then put one more command onto it "puppet <#>" (or "puppet act <#>") which would signify that all puppet commands will be modifying that particular puppet #. This would need a lot less modifications to the code and less commands to remember. I think this second idea is the best way to go. Also with this, making aliases to control multiple puppets wouldn't be too hard since you just need to add in a "puppet #;" before running the commands.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:34 pm
by Caracol
Great idea. But I wouldn't forget a 'puppet removeall' and, this could be messy though, a way to make them shoot eachothers, or look at eachothers. Could even work for making up scenes for machinimas or whatever you can imagine. Going further, maybe the possibility to command the puppets, something like 'puppet # wave 2', 'puppet # moveup' or make them run, walk, walk and jump... don't know, puppets have been the thing I've most used from the mod.

I'll keep an eye on this thread, and see if something else comes up.


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:14 pm
by PaTMaN
I can add in the "puppet removeall"
Movement... here's the problem... the puppets are really dumb when it comes to movement. They can't move unless they follow a specific pre-defined path... a puppetdemo. I have tried other methods for puppet demos where you could actually shoot them off course and they would stop the jump, but from my experience, real player movement and game object movement are 2 different worlds. I actually tried making a mod using puppets as practice bots that would be able to synch up to puppet demos and use them for advanced movement around levels, mainly jumps. For this mod, I had to overcome the 2 different movement realms first, but couldn't get their movement to be just like a real person's. I even had it so that puppets connected to the server in the same fashion real people do, and were treated like real people, but it still didn't work perfectly.
Puppets shooting each other (or people)... right now that is done through the "tog puppetshoot" and "tog puppetshootarea" commands, and then pressing the attack button to make them fire. I could change this so that "tog puppetshoot" is replace by a command like "pattack <#>". So this way, you could fire at the puppet and also be sending the "pattack" command to make it fire back at you. If this were implemented, I could also see a command for targeting and accuracy developed.
As for looking at each other, that I can do, but only when the puppets are standing still. Right now, puppets only look at the object that spawned them. That's why the pup looks at the puppet while the puppet looks at the player.
I could make the puppets do waves, but I don't think I can get them to jump like a real person (even just up and down).

Still, the main focus of this mod is helping people learn jumps and save jumps for easy in-game playback. I could have another go at making a standalone mod where you fight puppets, but that would be after I update ^J Mod more.

Another note, I am coming close to releasing ^J Mod V1.21... multiple puppets won't be implemented until V1.22 due to the extent of coding.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:58 pm
by Sabotage
Great 8)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:27 am
by Stric
How does spawnp works ? Map has 5 play_info_deathmatch spawns and with spawnp I get only 4 spawns and with specified number after spawnp # I get only 3 spawns? Can this be fixed/changed? Oh, I cant use demos recorded in Jmod with program DEMentED. It says "Error, Default case in a svc_temp_entitiy" and after OK "ERROR: Demo contains invalid ID (Please only load demos recorded with Quake2 3.14+) No more errors will be reported" and then it uses all memory I have. :x Tried many ways and found out that, If I use "teleporter set & recall" while recording demo that things happen :D

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:07 am
by BeAViS
kinda lovely :D
i've just thought that i had to train jumps :D

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:14 pm
by PaTMaN
I will go over the spawnp code to fix the problem with it. I did confirm the problem, and also found a nasty bug while I was at it. As for the demo errors, I'll have to download the editor and do some testing. I could always just remove the teleporter effect or toggle it off via a server variable if I can't find the exact problem.

Today I don't think I can work on ^J Mod much due to homework and other things I need to take care of, so I'll start working on this tomorrow.

If you could, Uncle-, start up a new server and load urban. When in, start recording and do this: "tog trailing", walk around a little to make a trail, "tog trailing", then stop the demo. Reload the map, start recording a new demo and do: "tog trailing", walk around, "tog trailing", point at the trail and type "goto trail start", then stop recording. Reload the map, start recording a new demo and do: "goto 0 0 50", stop recording. Try opening these 3 demos in the editor and see which ones have the same error, if any. If the error messages change, also tell me. (Note that "goto" will crash if you dont type in all the coords so watch it)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:35 pm
by Stric

2nd and 3rd try makes "broken" demo for the program. Error is the same for both.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:12 pm
by PaTMaN
Thanks for testing that out.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:54 pm
by PaTMaN
Well, it looks like I just need to run through the ^J Mod help file then I can release ^J Mod V1.21 for Windows. I'm in the middle of porting it to Linux, so I don't think that will be released at the same time. I'm planning on uploading the Windows version tomorrow (Jan, 20). I'll post here again when its up. Take note that my website address will change then also.

I'm going to be quite busy tonight and tomorrow, so I don't expect to release the Linux version until Sunday at the earliest.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:28 pm
by Stric
We love ya :rambo:

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:27 pm
by PaTMaN
^J Mod V1.21 for Windows has been released. You can grab it at my new site at:

I'm still working on the Linux port.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 3:40 pm
by Sabotage
That was fast, great job;)