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Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:10 am
by NRGizeR
sescrew wrote:dude once u read what im writting, come wit a respons plz! This will go off topic if u dont read what i writ! I wrote: "i aint saying EVERY fin is an asswhole but MOST of the fins i played were jerks" Ill say this for the last time so there will be no more further misunderstandings: i SeScrew AINT flaming a whole "nation" or finland
First of all, I did read what you said, and in my ears "i/we dont "flame the biggest aq2 community" due to 2 peeps behavior but after a WHOLE bounch of experinces" sounds like "I don't judge you because of one player, but because of a whole bunch of players"... still judging though.
sescrew wrote:...but i do flame the 2xfin SHIT! And no my dear friend u will use the extra time to change the server so its fair for BOTH teams! And no i would never played 2xmyserver unless the opponers were cool with it, and thats the main differens betwen us. I cant understand that way of thinking, not even if we were "the biggest aq2 community in THE WOOOORLD" its gotta be fair for both teams!
umm... isn't that exactly what means? If you're not "cool" with playing that's a warning that you shouldn't even bother looking for a cw against that clan at all right? Think of it as "if you're ok with playing, please come and challenge us"... You only see that from your own perspective, I understand that it must be frustrating, but usually IS about having fun. Playing on an own server with low ping, instead of highping bashing on some other server. So what the guys do, is that they only state, that they wanna have fun, and not play a high-ping "shoot-miss" game, but a nice no-lagg game, against any clan that is willing to play on a finnish server. If you don't want to do that just don't challenge the clan in question.

Imo it would be a totally other story if the game was set, and two clans HAD to face eachother (like e.g. in a ladder game) and one of the clans would refuse to play on any other server than their own. That's about sportsmanship, but when you don't HAVE to play a certain clan, it's not. Then it's just about choosing to play on a certain server, and only AFTER that choosing the opponent accordingly.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:11 am
by Masa^
Like nrgizer said:

1) 15 ping and some good old familiar opponent.

2) 70 ping, lag, pl, whine, mm1-smileyflood, waiting, waiting, disconnecting, connecting, overflowed, whine..

I'd pick door #1.

PS. I too think that glue should be banned. =\

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:17 am
by NRGizeR
Masa^ wrote:PS. I too think that glue should be banned. =\
Yeah, it's not like it's the first complaint against this guy :/

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:33 am
by sescrew
well ok NRGizeR ur right, i havnt been looking at it that way but i still find it pretty annoying! But less now i didnt really think of it like that! In my eyes it was like: "play 2xours so we have that advantages and if u dont to sad no cw"

No matter what i would still wish more felxibility from .fins!

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:36 am
by sescrew
Masa^ wrote:Like nrgizer said:

1) 15 ping and some good old familiar opponent.

2) 70 ping, lag, pl, whine, mm1-smileyflood, waiting, waiting, disconnecting, connecting, overflowed, whine..

I'd pick door #1.

PS. I too think that glue should be banned. =\
Laf dude thats the TYPICAL .fin style TYPICAL! But how funny is it to play vs the same clans ALL the time i dont get it !

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:16 am
by NRGizeR
sescrew wrote:well ok NRGizeR ur right
Yay! Now there are five words that I can't see enough :mrgreen:
sescrew wrote:No matter what i would still wish more felxibility from .fins!
No argument against that it would be a nicer and more international atmosphere that way....
sescrew wrote:But how funny is it to play vs the same clans ALL the time i dont get it !
we don't... We (freemasons) have played very little against non-finnish clans, and we must have almost 100 different opponents on our wars page. (out of about 500 matches) so although there are clans there that we have played more than others, we have still played MANY different clans. I just checked that clan list at AQ2Suomi, and there are 53 registered clans, and I bet there are as many Finnish clans that are NOT registered...

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:17 am
by sescrew
hehe nrgizer dont get to corky :lol: your partly right :P

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:06 am
by IBA
juhu stopped reading after:
"ok all.. SeS|Crew and I where playing 2on2 vs these guys.. we agreed to play 2x .fi,"

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:14 am
by sescrew
IBA wrote:juhu stopped reading after:
"ok all.. SeS|Crew and I where playing 2on2 vs these guys.. we agreed to play 2x .fi,"


Watch your language

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:10 pm
by vipse
Your english is shitty 'ses to the crew'.. <3 Terro

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:49 pm
by nemesis
Masa^ wrote:mm1-smileyflood
I've been wondering this same thing, whats the idea of doing this, can't you just SHUT THE FUCK UP? This is not targeted to any person or nationality but to every fucktard doing it. Retarded.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:59 pm
by Gepardi
Another .fi vs rest-thread, just a different topic. Way to go, there!

What comes to Liima's acting, that's just stupid. May I guess, the command he used was gl_nobind 1 (or somethin' like that)? :)

And what comes to a public rcon on the clanservers (for example clanuniteds), it's primarily just a good thing to have it. You can change the wanted settings (limchasecam, tgren etc.) unlike on some voting-server (for example angras). Ofcourse there are some idiots who start phucking around with rcon when they get frustrated, but a cw vs these kind of jerks wouldn't probably be a gg even if they didn't have the rcon. And these jerks are a minority anyway.

Yes, mostly offtopic but is this thread leading anywhere anyway? The admins know what Liima & his friend did so let 'em decide what to do.

I'll ask again for sure (I hope Liima answers), was the command gl_nobind 1 or something like that?

Btw, mm1 smiley-flooding and whining 'bout dmflags suck!

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:23 pm
by Haur
Ye.. Gepardi.. Thats actually it..! but dont get any funky ideas now..! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:05 pm
by imeiz
first of all, o my fuckin god. this thread is NOT how we build an international community.
sescrew wrote:Laf dude thats the TYPICAL .fin style TYPICAL! But how funny is it to play vs the same clans ALL the time i dont get it !
i just wanted to bring up the point of view, where you ses, are thinking "typically" about us finns. works the other way around too, eh? :)

all i'm saying is that everyone should think from both points of views, not just their own ones. when i want to have an enjoyable cw, i don't want to have to change the server in the middle of the game, but sometimes that has worked out without problems too. i don't think playing 2xse/no/africa is that bad, so i assume it's not that bad to play 2xfi either. not saying you'd have to play 2xfi. not saying you have to play at all. my normal ping on finnish servers is above 30, which becomes usually 50-60 on other european servers. it's not bad, no, and i can play with it. i just think it's easier to get a match, where everyone wants to play on a finnish server. that's just me, and it's different for you, i know.

sorry for all the offtopic bs, but i suddenly lost the feeling of a community here.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:25 pm
by SheMale
actually ses|crew, there's some .no .dk clans wich only plays 2xcg so...

but i don't think there's any other country than .fi with clans who only plays vs their countrymen ... that sucks :I