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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:45 am
by Proto
V34 wrote:

Code: Select all

bind l "inven;wait;invuse;wait;invuse;wait;choose sniper rifle;wait;choose kevlar vest;wait;echo SNIPER!"
I didn't quite get this one?
If you want to choose sniperrifle/kevlar, just bind it

Code: Select all

bind l "choose Sniper Rifle;choose Kevlar Vest;echo Sniper/Kevlar

And if that other stuff was for choosing team, well.. team 1 / team 2 ?

Code: Select all

bind l "team 1;choose Sniper Rifle;choose Kevlar Vest;echo Sniper/Kevlar

Code: Select all

bind k "team 2;choose Sniper Rifle;choose Kevlar Vest;echo Sniper/Kevlar
? :D

And about the dance scripts, I tried dancing the night away :) funny as hell, but I had to edit the waitingscript to make it shorter :)

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:58 am
by NRGizeR
Proto wrote:
V34 wrote:

Code: Select all

bind l "inven;wait;invuse;wait;invuse;wait;choose sniper rifle;wait;choose kevlar vest;wait;echo SNIPER!"
I didn't quite get this one?
If you want to choose sniperrifle/kevlar, just bind it
Isn't that exactly what he's doing? Binding it...? As for the team1/team2 commands, that's true, but this way you automatically join the team with less players, so you don't need two binds...

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:25 am
by skmz
indey wrote:
skmz wrote: (I'm not sure about the currently default dmflags, but just feel free to change it.)
Yep, it sure in hell aint 756 :), you were probably looking for 768 there, but i dunno, i personally still like 256 the best =).
Haha, thanks for pointing that out. I don't know what I was thinking.. but sure as hell it wasn't Aq. You must be .fi, since fi's seems to like strange spawns, because that is what happens with 256. B>

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:36 am
by V34
NRGizeR wrote:Isn't that exactly what he's doing? Binding it...? As for the team1/team2 commands, that's true, but this way you automatically join the team with less players, so you don't need two binds...
eee-xactly. Thats the smart thing about it.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:35 am
by dudemcpek
Proto wrote:As the name indicates, to avoid bandage-spam.

Code: Select all

//Bandage flood protect script
alias bandage1 "bandage;sensitivity $normal;bind r sniper;bind q bandage2"
alias bandage2 "bandage;sensitivity $normal;bind r sniper;say_team [BANDAGING] %H%;radioteam im_hit;bind q bandage1"
bind q "bandage1"
Try this version, works like a charm and you don't have to press the button two times.

Code: Select all

bind q "bandage;bandage;bandage;sensitivity $normal;bind r sniper;say_team [BANDAGING] %H%;radioteam im_hit"

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:10 pm
by arNe

Code: Select all

alias w0 "wave 0; bind j w1" 
alias w1 "wave 1; bind j w2" 
alias w2 "wave 2; bind j w3" 
alias w3 "wave 3; bind j w4" 
alias w4 "wave 4; bind j w0" 
bind j w0 

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:25 pm
by fuct
for you apr 1.18 users

Code: Select all

trigger "radioteam cover;say_team Started Bandaging at [%H]" "You've Started Bandaging"
now you can press the bandage button as often as you like and it will still only say_team once
useful for avioding those "Can't Bandage now" messages

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:10 pm
by Terro
I've seen a few server scripts here already, but I'll post mine as it ain't really the same as the previous ones I've seen. Here you scroll the server list with an up button and a down button (here: F7 and F8), and connect with a third one (here: F5). Maybe a waste of too many buttons, but I dont use them to anything proper anyway 8)

Some of the servers are a bit out of date though, but for anyone with time on his/her hands, it shouldn't be a bother to replace inactive ones with active ones ;)

Code: Select all

// eDome
alias server1 "set adress;alias nextip server2;echo eDome public server"
alias server2 "set adress;alias nextip server3;alias previp server1;echo eDome public #2 - out of order"		// eh, doesn't work since a few years 8(
alias server3 "set adress;alias nextip server4;alias previp server2;echo eDome clan #1"
alias server4 "set adress;alias nextip server5;alias previp server3;echo eDome clan #2"
alias server5 "set adress;alias nextip server6;alias previp server4;echo eDome clan #3"
alias server6 "set adress;alias nextip server7;alias previp server5;echo eDome clan #4"     	

// clan united 
alias server7 "set adress;alias nextip server8;alias previp server6;echo - clan united"
alias server8 "set adress;rcon_password clanunited;alias nextip server9;alias previp server7;echo - clanserver #1"	
alias server9 "set adress;rcon_password clanunited;alias nextip server10;alias previp server8;echo - clanserver #2"

alias server10 "set adress;alias nextip server11;alias previp server9;echo AQ2#1 Teamplay"
alias server11 "set adress;alias nextip server12;alias previp server10;echo AQ2#2 Matchmode 1"
alias server12 "set adress;alias nextip server13;alias previp server11;echo AQ2#3 Matchmode 2"

// Peliportti
alias server13 "set adress;alias nextip server14;alias previp server12;echo Peliportti AQ2-TNG Teamplay #1 - Old Maps"
alias server14 "set adress;alias nextip server15;alias previp server13;echo Peliportti AQ2-TNG Teamplay #2 - New Maps"
alias server15 "set adress;alias nextip server16;alias previp server14;echo Peliportti AQ2-TNG Teamplay #3 - Threeteam"
alias server16 "set adress;alias nextip server17;alias previp server15;echo Peliportti AQ2-TNG Teamplay #4 - Sniper War"

// Pelitutka
alias server17 "set adress;alias nextip server18;alias previp server16;echo Pelitutka AQ2 #1"
alias server18 "set adress;alias nextip server19;alias previp server17;echo Pelitutka AQ2 #2"

// clan clutch
alias server19 "set adress;alias nextip server20;alias previp server18;echo Angra's JunkYard CW #1"
alias server20 "set adress;alias nextip server21;alias previp server19;echo Angra's JunkYard CW #2"
alias server21 "set adress;alias nextip server22;alias previp server20;echo Angra's JunkYard Public"

// BoomTown
alias server22 "set adress;alias nextip server23;alias previp server21;echo BoomTown AQ2 Public Server #1"
alias server23 "set adress;alias nextip server24;alias previp server22;echo BoomTown AQ2 Public Server #2"
alias server24 "set adress;alias nextip server25;alias previp server23;echo BoomTown AQ2 Clanserver #1"
alias server25 "set adress;alias nextip server26;alias previp server24;echo BoomTown AQ2 Clanserver #2
alias server26 "set adress;alias previp server25;echo BoomTown AQ2 Clanserver #3"
// Binds 8)
alias upkey nextip
alias downkey previp	
alias keel0r "connect $adress"

bind F7 "upkey"		// scroll up 8D
bind F8 "downkey"	// scroll down 8D
bind F5 "keel0r"	// connects 8)
server1 // default choice set to eDome public server

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:19 pm
by Flunx
Another bandage haxx while we're at it.
You only have to press bandage once and it will bandage as soon as you are done doing whatever you are doing:

Code: Select all

bind q  "bandage"
trigger "say_team I'm bandaging (%H%)"				"*You've started bandaging*"
trigger "bandage"						               "*Can't bandage now*"

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:33 pm
by fuct
i like that flunx :) took it to the next level eh? :)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:53 am
by skmz
Hmm. Everybody seem to like the new Apr with it's triggers. But my mouse get somekind of delay, which I don't get with r1q2. I have no idea what's it's cause.

But the triggers sure seems to be cool and actually handy.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:22 am
by Stric
try playing with m_directinput 1

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:09 pm
by Yuhmouth

Code: Select all

bind p "say See you later alligator; quit"

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:29 pm
by V34
Yuhmouth wrote:

Code: Select all

bind p "say See you later alligator; quit"
I use the "~ & Q & Num-Enter" But your script is quite nice.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:52 pm
by dudemcpek

Code: Select all

bind F10 quit
I've had that since always. Some friend had that bind and since he was bad tempered he simply smacked the button when got pissed - was always funny to watch him at LAN.

Also, I find it funny when people type qui, qut, q/, or something similar in the console. Bind it, god damn! :o