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Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:31 pm
by ZooL
fever, junkke2, bloodspa, cloud3, subway2, soho, plaza2, 187city, nine2, teamjungle, wargroun, winter, border, plaza3, kumanru, skytown, seen, sludge1, murder, revolution, lumber, teamdepo, karnival, retro3, beach, aggression

haha nicely done, peli ftw (even thou I get pl to there from time to time but my connections fault :P)

about the maplist, I would say, really a mix of shitty grogg and clean finnish water :D

some of the "all disconnected" maps can be removed in my opinion, and as an active public-player for 7 years now (that without the smallest break :D :D :D) I would say, "hej då" to subway2, soho, tj (die you freak!!! :D) winter, border, kumanru, teamdepo (AND STAY DOWN!!!), aggression.

Otherwise really good then nemesis, keep that servers coming and whine some more on alm for cheating O_o . and update this server with the maps everyone wants to play *cough* u2 and new maps *cough*.

Humppa olän neme, forza