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Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:02 pm
by Clown
I don't care if it's 32bit textures. But at least make them 'fit' together.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 2:32 pm
by fuct
this topic is losing sight of the terrible map it was created for!
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:12 pm
by Caracol
There you notice the interest in the topic.
Looks cheap, ain't going to try it.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:01 pm
by KriBBa
congrats, u picked the worst map ever to mod.
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:55 am
by Sabotage
KriBBa wrote:congrats, u picked the worst map ever to mod.
actc2 is a great map when it is played like it should be. Haven`t tested the "re-maked" one yet.
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:59 pm
by cloN
I thought it was quite nice.
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:37 pm
by vampyre
ahhh well, sorry fellas gave it a shot, wasn't REALLY a release it was released for a bit of fun - didn't really expect it to be an official release.
Ahh well cheers anyway
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:52 am
by Picer
Now now, don't loose your heart. We played some of it the other day and it was fun. It now suddenly became a very riable AQ:G map, wich is good
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:23 pm
by arild
heh, quite cool. But some bugs here and there. And I dont know if you are going to be able to crouch under the bar near the elevator to hide behind the boxes.
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:48 pm
by Da^JuaN
I like the idea of remixing uncool maps into cooler maps, you did it great with tj.. but with act2, it seems to be even darker to me than the orginal version and besides that, there are even more places to camp and make the game slower then it actually was.
The main problem still is that the gameplay wont be much affected imo. I mean, its still "the elevator spawns" vs. the other spawns.
A tunnel from the elevator spawns to the main area would have helped more to creat a better version of act2.
I also wondered why you didnt lock the elevator, i know you fixed some bugs in tjt, i mean the tree for example. You could have done the same with the elavator.
Nevertheless, a nice idea.. but it could have done better, no offence
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:16 am
by FooQ
I liked this map, seemed it had potential especially for AQ2 CTF as I have been workin on a CTF version myself but then I noticed a real big problem for teamplay .. you cant shoot thru the fence either side if the gate .. which is where a lot of firefights occur on actcity2. Dunno if this was to stop teams camping in there but I didnt like removing that aspect of the maps playability. Otherwise it had some nice ideas especially in creatin more paths for CTF. btw I love tjt, its on rotation on our server and was on our old AQ2 CTF server too.
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:55 am
by SoD
havent seen this topic before..
well decided to give my thoughts too..
vampyre it looks like a cool map i guess.. its just i cant get over the fact that all it is is a edited version of actcity2. heres what i think, when a map is released officially thats how the author intended it to be. he liked it the way it was and thats why he released it that way. going back and changing the map only seems to go against what the author meant for it to be. basically what im getting at is editing maps other people make and then re-releasing them as your own = bad in my book and apparently CryptR (the guy that made actcity2) agrees with me.
this is taken straight out of the actcity2 readme:
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
its kinda like... plagiarism
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:29 am
by FooQ
Well I dont think its such a problem so long as you credit the original map maker and you really make the map different in such a way that it improves it for a reason. Yes its plagiarism if you claim its your own map, but everyone knows actcity2 isnt Vampyres map, this is a remix. It's not like he edited it for financial gain or even for fame and fortune now is it? =D
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:46 am
by Haudrauf
Code: Select all
Title : Action City Remix -By Vampyre
Release Date (DD/MM/YY) : 22/02/2006
Author : Jeffery Wall -Vampyre and Lari Muuriaisniemi -CryptR
Email Address : acowoncrack & [email protected]
Web Site :
Description : Action Quake2 map designed for deathmatch and teamplay.
Additional Credits to : Wizard Ext -Textures and Entity Sparks.
Flunx - Textures
WHAT'S NEW : Maps been Retextured and 2 more entranced placed
for faster paced rounds.
And actually, I think vampyre should ask cryptr if he hasn't done yet - and put some more infos in that mapdoc. I preliminary removed the map (as soon I got notice) from the maparchive I run... but I hate to do such things. As cryptr is an old part of the AQ2 mapping scene, you at least owe to try to ask.
Please fix that problem.
On some other occasions, the community certainly "allows" plagiarism., .. Those are converted and edited from other games.
But to be real, it's not fully done by yourself. Architecture (if innovative or unique) sometimes counts as art and if it has been done by someone else than you then you normally gotta ask the author.
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:51 am
by 32bitzeba
man actcity2 what a great map! ah it's all coming back to me now...