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Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:09 am
by Den
:shocker: OMG! a joinparter!!!@#!@ kick ban!

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:14 am
by dudemcpek
Huh, I had many conflicts with fins too... When I was arranging cw of course :)

Like some leaders said to me they can't join on our server etc... So once I just wanted to make sure that they r just cowards... I gave ip of 'our' server, he asked where r we from and then said they can't join on slovenian server, 'too laggy'... But I gave him ip of german server.. Khm..

Usually they don't want to play 2 server match cause they have soooo big ping on foreign servers.. We have 120 ping on edome and they want us to play 2 maps there? And we don't even play on slovenian server, we play on german, where we have like 50-60 ping.

Of course not all fins r like that :!:

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:25 am
by DaNi
@ Jazzie i clearly aid not ALL fins are like that i just said that there are more and more that refuse to play vs clans based on where the clan is from (racist motivation)

@Rallu: plz.. lets get one thing straight.. if 90% of the fins play on boomtown they still have a better ping then me.. and this LAG they talk about.. hey .. welcome to my world!

1 map each is most fair like.. 80% of the time..

and oh 1 more thing.. when people say : but u are used to the lag.. thats really the most shitty and selfish thing ever.

@uitto.. dun be sad huney :p

@kikson i dun have anything against ur clan, but i just think that if u have a lamer/cheater in ur clan.. either kick him or accept that he gives ur clan a bad name

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:28 am
by alekchi
DaNi wrote:and this LAG they talk about.. hey .. welcome to my world!

But what if I dont wanna come to your world, I wanna stay in mine :P

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:34 am
by Rallu
Flunx... You don't need to play on finnish server if you don't like...

It's stupid when other clan says "Your clan sucks becouse you play like we want".

Just play against clans which are good for you.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:37 am
by alekchi
Rallu: But there isnt them enough, like we have to maybe wait long time for getting finnish opponent that has atleast 4 players. It like example .no people would like to wait the other one of 2 norwegian clans (just kidding you know :P) to wake up, it might take hours, or even days. :sleep:

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:56 am
by Tlx
Just ban *.fi ;)

No, luckily we aren't all mentally and emotionally kids in Finland.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:31 am
by Kurupt
Rallu wrote:Flunx... You don't need to play on finnish server if you don't like...

It's stupid when other clan says "Your clan sucks becouse you play like we want".

Just play against clans which are good for you.

Exactly my point. The Finnish clans got enough clans to play against. If you want to play them just adapt to their rules and have fun. Thats just how it works nowadays (with the exception of the "good guys" ofcourse).

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:46 am
by Battery
Boomtown - Ok

Other servers in foreign lags.


I hope you dont bann all fins :(

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 10:02 am
by Clement
Tlx wrote:Just ban *.fi ;)
Yea, tried that already.. but then we lost the GSBot :D

Nah really, some Finnish clans are just too much.. always claiming to have ridiculous high ping on Boomtown, while in fact 90% of the Fins have better ping on Boomtown than any Swede or Dane have on eDome or playtrix or whatever..

But ok - we could just accept it, and then not play them, but that's no fun either. There are only so many active AQ2 clans outside of Finland, that it quickly gets kinda repetitive to play them over and over again. My pledge to the .fi guys is; Please, pretty please, go test your ping on Boomtown! I can almost guarantee that you won't have above 50 in ping.. that is, if you have the typical .fi ping 17 on eDome.. :)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 10:41 am
by Flunx
Rallu wrote:Flunx... You don't need to play on finnish server if you don't like...

It's stupid when other clan says "Your clan sucks becouse you play like we want".

Just play against clans which are good for you.

I never said that I was playing them either. My point is that it's very sad that finnish action quakers shuts them selves out from the rest of the community, if I can call it a community.

And you can't deny that it's very egoistic of finns to demand 2 maps .fi

My clan never play against clans that have 2 maps .fi

It's a pitty because we'd really like to play against some of them and see how we do. But not if they're going to have that big of an advantage.

It's just stupid

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 11:15 am
by kaaos
I guess the other finns already said what I was about to say.

yes, it is true that few/some/most finns don't like playing in foreign servers since they have better pings in finland and they can choose to play against a finnish clan than for example a danish clan.

and what comes to me, I don't mind playing in foreign servers since I don't have that bad of a ping for example in boomtown or tnx.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 4:52 am
by Jazzie
Well, I'm lucky enough to live in sweden, I have great ping everywhere :P must be the perfect country eh? ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 7:04 am
by Zonic
FragBair from jägarna will loan NAQL a swedish server so I'd like to knnow what ping you guys have. I have ~30

temp ip:

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 7:46 am
by Trmmr
Jazzie wrote:Well, I'm lucky enough to live in sweden, I have great ping everywhere :P must be the perfect country eh? ;)
Would be if the whole country wouldn't be swarming with böghomo people!!!


Heh, before I had read more of this thread than the "Finnish people... are lame" I was going to say that there are people like MoonElf and GuDeL (plus me, myself and I), who are the clowns of the Finnish aq2 scene, but all are not like that :)