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Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 12:01 am
by Samislide
Ping is not a big problem, not for a experienced player anyways. Ofc its easier to hit with low ping, but its all about adapting to the highping and get used to it. 'Ping is only a number, timing is everything'
And also, if you own all those players mentioned in this thread, wich i highly doubt, i'll say: Good boy. :P

No offence, but i really dont think you guys outside euro would stand a chance against us europeans, like n99 said and also the big one made by mirror.
All the times i've played in us server i've managed to top the fraglist or very close to it, and im not the only one, worse and better player has done the same several times. Though im sure u got some real pwnerers, (like Jeremy) so im not saying u suck, just that i think pretty much like you "we are better than you" The difference is that i know im right, you just think your right. :P
But sure, prove me wrong. Would be cool if u actually are better.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 1:28 am
by Blue Vex
Ping isn't a big problem when you are used to having the same ping all the time. You can ofcourse become used to 80+ ping and do well with it just like someone with 30 ping. People with 30 ping has the advantage, but it is hardly noticable if you are used to playing with 80+ ping every day in and out.
The problem with pings arise when you have to play with pings values different from what you are used too. This is much more of a problem when the ping goes up instead of down. If I'm used to playing with 30 ping, a bump to 60 ping can be horrible. The same goes if you are used to playing with 9 ping. A bump up to 30 ping is a horrible downgrade for a short amount of time even if 30 actually is good.
I have experienced both these examples so many times during my AQ2 lifetime, and it is still the case. After beeing to LAN with 9 ping for a weekend, it is dull coming back home to 30. It's nothing to go crazy and whine about, but it is very noticable that you aren't at a LAN anymore. Nevertheless, after a day or two you become used with your normal Internet ping again.

When I was playing AQ2 and had a clan I would always play cw's on those *beep*ing eDome servers. My daily and normal public ping was 30, but in cw's I would get 60 because of the server selection. 60 ping is doable, but when you're not used to it the frustration starts bubling on your forehead. I eventually got so tired of these server changes each cw, because most of the time I couldn't perform at optimal efficiency before the cw had come to an end. I decided to play clanless several times during my AQ2 career and rather stick to fun acrobatic showoffs at public servers. Cw's have afterall become emotionless shadows of their former glory, because beating another clan is no longer the great sensation that it was before. Cw's and untold leagues are played to the left and right every day, and they are nothing more than a fake gimmick to the scene.

Anyway, the morale of this ping matter. If for 40 minutes you have to play on a server that has a ping value higher than what you are used to, a problem arrise. The problem doesn't last forever, but it lasts through the match. Even if you only have 30 ping which is considered 'good', it can be awfull if you are used to having 9.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:28 am
by Samislide
Word Blue Vex.

But everyone knows theres a big difference when u dubble up your ping or even more than dubble. If your used to '30' and get '90' in some server, public or clanwar, you start adapting to the ping after each time u fire your gun. A smart player knows u have to start planing your moves and shots and to be patient about it, a dumb person chooses to spam "LAGG!!" and quits the server or whatever, and can never get used to it.

I dont wanna do a showoff here, but just to prove it's not impossible to 'get used' on a short notice. This was taken pretty much at the same time this thread was born, in a random US server. Then i had a normal ping of 25.

My question is, would i have fragged more with low ping, or did i play extra smart? Or was it the lack of skill the opponent had? hiRr. And no, i didnt play lame like camping and stuff. Playing with a ping like this makes u putt ur mind into it more than just doing the lpb-rush'n-kill thingy. So imo ping is not a big problem, but maybe its just me. :\
I remember when i had 56k that i played with for like 2 years, i didnt have much of a problem fraggin 'much' (depending on the sutiations and all that , yes) Same now with low ping, not really a problem. "lame sami, talking high about himself" heh! :)

About the cw-thingy. The clanwars nowdays are what keeps me playing this game, and also whats have been keeping me playing it for over 5 years. Sure, public is ok sometimes, but cw's > all. The amount of clanwars played nowdays is whats keeping the game alive. So your ruining it by playing public!..nah j/k :) Today theres this 1-map-each-server-thing that is kinda ok. Back then there was eDome, so you could hook up with iN and start playing again in ze Catchgamer. :)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:53 am
by angra
WORD Blue Vex. I play with 5-6 ping on my server then back to 20-35
quite hard sometimes, or sometimes 50-60(.nl/.be)

Thank you for clearing that out.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:11 am
by Samislide
Ye angra, harder. But that doesnt keep you away from fragging equally in all servers. And thats what i call teh skillz, or A skill atleats.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:53 am
by angra
ahh well i can say that 5 in ping helps when you get the flow. sometimes i say "how the fuck did kill him?"

So no "Plz omg whine i have 10000 ping" thanks :)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:37 am
by bail
when BBB bought bostream, i had some serious pl for 2 weeks or something, but i got used to that pl and played normal. but nowdays my line is stable so if i get pl sometimes i can feel it.
but im lucky i have around 30-40 on so my ping is basically the same on all servers but sometimes i have 25 in ping though 8)
so ping problems never been a problem for me.

hell yeah

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:12 am
Well almost all above average not mentioned in this thread has already beaten the ones mentioned here :p

But then I talk about us europeans ;)

Seriously, I dont think we in europe are much better before its proven, sure most of us has been playing some with high ping on american servers.. but hey? Ive seen americans and others playing on european servers and own hell! Just because lamers like marine etc etc etc. quits as soon they dont score 2x more frags then minutes we just prove ourselves not skillful enough to challange the threat and are owned by others easily with only noobs on our servers.

So my point is.. if we have "super skilled" players that quits as soon as they are owned, what says that its different on non-europeans servers? They probably also has alot of these "super skilled" players that cant take a loss and must keep on watching their status?

Oh yeah flame me, you know its all the truth! The only above average player that stays on the server is that old Stn guy, hmm.. futoreq I think.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:16 am
by Jazzie

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:37 am
by FoxX
Seriously, I got a bigass piniz!

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:01 am
by Caracol


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:51 am
by emu
whoever made that picture is a fucking ripoff !!!!1oneoneon!!!!11on!!11

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:35 am
by IBA
lol pls... k maybe theres not really diffrence bettween ping 0 - 70 (eg) but u cant tell me u can be that good with a ping 80+ even if u r used to it. u r so often dead before u can even press the mouse button.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:38 am
by Samislide
Yea well, we all got our own opinions of it Kaozarn, whos good and whos not. But its not like it matter anyway, we all play it for 1 reason - teh fun. Also everyone got their own opinion of whats fun in the game, imo it's the clanwars. Public for you i guess? For me - cws and public are two different games, dunno about you guys. heh! I only join publicservers when im bored to death, and tbh i dont really enjoy it much then either. I'd rather go play a mixgame 4on4, like we've been doing some nights now, thats teh fun. :)

Marine maybe quits if he dont frag alot public (wich i dont know shit about) but he sure do kick ass in clanwars when hes active etc etc..

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:49 am
by bail
KAOZARN, i dont agree with you, i have seen those unknown halfgood players fakenick and when they got a nice time and frags they change to their real nicks, never seen one of the elite do that.
public is a great thing to keep myself active when the lazy folks in UNi refuse to play cw ;)