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Post by mirror »


i agree with you that you can get used to it, and yesss, there are also some hpb players that can compete with lpb players.. but what the hell, you cant tell me that you can hit as much with ping 80 than u can with 30. its just a lie.

and generally this community is heavily infested with ping whine.. just look at the 2xfi ppl. or just look at our (=zeh germanz) situation. nowadays we got enormous problems to get a clanwar at all, just because were from germany, and just because we want to play our map at a german server. in most cases it ends like this: "OMGOGMOMGOMG A GERMAN SERVER OMG IT MUST LAGG NO WE WONT PLAY... -> ban".
wake up already? there was a time when we all played with ping 80+ on our homeserver server.. yes, it's possible to play with even that ping. and NO, it's not LAG.

i can understand ppl that dont wanna play vs someone from portugal (especially the nordics, my ping there is ok), but in this northern europe scene ping whine is just a bad joke.

oh and btw, another server option is to just find one fair server for both maps where pings are nearly equal. it's done like that in all the other firstpersonshooterscenes i know. what you think about that one? im not sure if this is possible in aq2.. hm.
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Post by n99 »

bail wrote: i have seen those unknown halfgood players fakenick and when they got a nice time and frags they change to their real nicks, never seen one of the elite do that.
I do that, you theory doesn't hold up since I'm also elite!

I'm just sad no one has mentioned me as one of the best fraggers ever born...
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Post by bail »

n99 wrote:
bail wrote: i have seen those unknown halfgood players fakenick and when they got a nice time and frags they change to their real nicks, never seen one of the elite do that.
I do that, you theory doesn't hold up since I'm also elite!

I'm just sad no one has mentioned me as one of the best fraggers ever born...
oh sorry i tried to be nice and not to mention anyone, but now you blow it! 8(
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Post by Blue Vex »

I believe my post covered what you said miRRor2a. It doesn't matter if the pings are equal for all players in the cw when their ping is higher from what they are used to.

I don't see where you are going with your post though. Do you want people to play with 80 ping, as long as it is equal for every person on the server? And do you back this up by saying "we all had to play with 80 ping five years ago" and "other fps games are played on servers where people have equal ping"? I don't agree. AQ2 is unlike other FPS games. AQ2 doesn't have bullet prediction and other improved netcode solutions. I could play with 100 ping if AQ2 had bullet prediction. Sure, no sweat. Or a more realistic situation would be to play with 60 ping on a Finnish server, even though my normal ping would be 30. I remember owning 'sum in Q3Fortress on German servers, and my ping was 120. Didn't even notice it. My chaingun bullets always hit in the middle of my crosshair ingame, and they always came out when I pressed the mouse button. It was delightfull to play with bullet prediction.

Try playing without player prediction, cl_predict 0. See how much that affects your gameplay. I guarantee that you won't be able to play well at all. And as the ping grows, it will be unplayable. Enable player prediction again and see how wonderfull it is. Even if your ping is 200 you can move perfectly with player prediction. It's the same with bullet prediction. No wonder these players in other fps games don't mind playing on servers where the pings are equal. They got prediction.
Steinar "Blue Vex" Furuli
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Post by Flunx »

That's why timing is everything, like Devirus said :)

And playing both maps at a server where each clan has equal ping is as fair as you get it. Don't tell me anything else. Even if you have bulletlag and whatnot, everybody has got the same bulletlag with the same ping.

The next fairest thing is to play one map each.

And then there are a certain nation where 90% of it's clans play "their server only" which you have to be really clever to think is fair.

But let's not turn it into that discussion again :-O

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Post by KAOZARN »

KAOZARN, i dont agree with you, i have seen those unknown halfgood players fakenick and when they got a nice time and frags they change to their real nicks, never seen one of the elite do that.
Is there any elite players left? The absolute first guys that was good? I havent seen a single one of them, so there cant be any elites left.

The NOPD clan, ST# guys? and some more less known clans at that time.

And clanwars, clanwars.. hmm where did the fun for that go? When the game was somewhat stil hot some years ago, it was actually fun to se what clan had won over another clan. Now its a waste of time because everyone is equall there isnt any interesting players left to watch. The only fun thing is to own the noobs on the 3team server with m4, believe me 90% of all noobs plays there.

Oh well it might be fun to play against better resistance, youre owned one map, you start to own their pretty asses the next map when they disconnect... oh well, stucked with the noobs because that sissy didnt want to be owned.
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Post by Samislide »

The reasons why i rather play cw's is simple. The somewhat serious feeling over it when 2 teams playes vs eachother. Everyone wont pick sniper and run for the roofs, blocking an shit. Your not only after the frags, you play as a team. There arent any fakenickers spamming, "lol you think ur so good" or whatever. You play the map(s) you like?.. etc etc etc, dont wanna make a big post bleh :)

But your right, it's no longer a big 'sensation' when you beat other clans, as we are pretty much equally skilled nowdays, like mentioned 40 times befor. And it was much more fun when u had players u looked up to, known as the best at that time, now theres so many.

Seems to me like you only got bad things to say about the players playing AQ2 atm, and about the game overall. No offence, but it also seems like you think you know much about aq2/players, but all u've come up with is total bullshit to me. Because some ppl leave servers(public) when they dont frag or when they get kill is pretty understandable, to me anyways. Since the Clanwar-servers are more in use than the publics nowdays, shows that ppl rather play clanwars today. Playing 3-4 cw's / day (hi no life) usually, and then go playing public, truly sucks :) When being bored to death and decide to play some public to kill some time, the gamestyle is all weird, and in your head things like this goes on "omfg stupid team8s" and oops.. you die from a headshot "f#cking shit, i'd rather do something else" - Disconnected. Thats how i think it is. But for you its different since you play public only? or.. :\

I've done it myself, quit the server when things dont go my way, but i dont usually play MUCH public nowdays. I just join up when i see a map i like, then quit it when the map is over, kinda.. Im not a bad guy.. really! :(
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Post by Den »

lol you think ur so good :D


Nah seriously, this is ur longest post ever devi :D
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by Samislide »

I just have to get it out, when i see something i dont agree to.. sometimes :(
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Post by sCrewFace »

1. Public sucks
2. The most fair thing would be if every1 played with ping 30, so untill that happends it will allways be unfair to play 2 maps @ the same server (unless both clans have the server as default server)
3. aq = clanwars today, public is just a way to spend your time.. O_o
4. Ive played alot on us servers aswell with ping 150 and i havent seen a glimt of any tallent at all. Im sorry if i sound cocky, but theres just no one at those servers who can match the scandinavian topplayers at all. I know u think your all that, but lets see some demos of nice playing then?I would like to see 20min demos of cws with acc above 45-50% and frags above 60..

I remember playing cw with BV together with aid vs a finnish clan once.. First we played their map on edome, afterwards we went to TNX (for bv's sake ofcouse :P ) Hes ping difference was 30 and he got accused for cheating after 5 mins since he was almost the only one with frags (25 or something :P) Thats how much difference it makes..
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Post by Samislide »

sCrewFace wrote:I would like to see 20min demos of cws with acc above 45-50% and frags above 60
Thats kheeetz!1
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Post by imeiz »

sCrewFace wrote:3. aq = clanwars today, public is just a way to spend your time.. O_o
4. Ive played alot on us servers aswell with ping 150 and i havent seen a glimt of any tallent at all. Im sorry if i sound cocky, but theres just no one at those servers who can match the scandinavian topplayers at all. I know u think your all that, but lets see some demos of nice playing then?I would like to see 20min demos of cws with acc above 45-50% and frags above 60..
just wanna point out that you're saying that publics = nothing and then you wonder why there's not any talent on us publics :D still, i would also like to see some clips/movies from us players too :)
Sync' imeiz - AQ2Suomi & AQ2World forum moderator, part-time TATM-writer
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Post by mirror »

bv: i just wanted to say that we all became to pingwhiny.. and that someone who rejects a 1server each challenge in "our" scene is just a pussy .. :)

im still not sure about this neutral server thingy.. especially in a match between a.. lets say danish and norwegian clan.. whats the neutral server? a swedish? uhm.. things get more clear when it comes to a match between a german and a finnish clan.. 2x boomtown should be fair then.

conclusion: ping is not just a number, but there are many ways to make a fair match possible.

oh and why is everyone flaming the public servers? i'm playing public everyday, and i like it. it's not as good as a clanwar, but it's more relaxxed and u dont have to care about the result at all. and u can play with the people that aint part of this clanwarcommunity, which i like.
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Post by KAOZARN »

sad to hear that your mouth is filled with crap devirus, some people doesnt care a shit for cw's, and especially when it doesnt matters who wins anymore.

Youre even more stupid if you think Iam pointing out every player in aq2 lol?

I dont care what you think is understandable so?

I know alot about aq2/players? I think everyone that has played since 98´ knows at least something idiot. O_o

And yes I only enjoy public the few hours each week I give my time to games these days. Some years ago it was the ultimate thing to do a cw, especially against well known names. Now the well known names left are all gone or the few who still plays are just as good as yourself. So I rather harass the new ones as much as I can. Its quite fun to se how many new players has old players name.

If youre not talking bullshit post the damn periodic system here :lol:
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Post by nufan »

blablabla, sad to see that ppl need to call eachother names when they don't got any good arguments left.

some likes public and some likes cws. etcetc

I don't understand all this talk about "it's doesnt matters who wins anymore" tho... I 100% sure that many ppl cares alot about winnings cw and beeing a 'top clan'.... It's one of the main reasons aq2 is still alive, without competiton there wouldn't be fun at all anymore.

and to keep the post short, i'll just stop it right there. :(

I don't even wanna go to bed after a stupid loss :P
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