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Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:22 pm
by mac
why dont maniac and r1ch make a client together, with some anti-cheat stuff and nice gfx options, for AQ2 only. because i dont think that any one makes cheats for AQ2 but for Q2 so just by making it AQ2 only there wouldnt be made that many cheats.. then the NoCheat FRKQ2 stuff wouldnt work any more, cuz thats for Q2(i think)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:39 pm
by Sovnig
roger roger mac!
Well, who gives about the anticheat clients anyways? Would be much more giving just to focus on developing all the important stuff (leik new crosshairs!)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:16 pm
by slacker
r1ch is only interested in bugfixes and feature improvements for quake2. he doesnt want to focus on a particular mod, go into no-cheat features, or improve the graphics and other related gimmicks (like aprquake's built-in winamp features).

choosing to work on an aq2-only client is cool for players like us, but in reality it is a waste of effort. if you're going to make changes to the engine, you should make it so the ENTIRE quake2 community, as a whole, can benefit. thats the best way to spend your effort, anyway.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:56 am
by mac
Ok, but i just think it would be harder to find cheats for an all AQ2 client, i dont even think theres made any cheats for aprQ2(like the frkQ2 for NoCheat), but just an AQ2 client with some basic anti cheats for oldsk00l cheats like wallhack, spikes, etc etc. i dont think frkQ2 would bother to make cheats for an AQ2 client, if it just had a msg like NoCheat or aprQ2 it would be easy imo..

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 7:38 am
by slacker
i dont think frkQ2 would bother to make cheats for an AQ2 client, if it just had a msg like NoCheat or aprQ2 it would be easy imo..
exactly right.. for the same reason i just said before. no point in wasting effort on a particular mod, make a cheat for quake2, and it'll be usable throughout all of the mods.

the only reason they wont target a mod-specific client is because its less popular, wont recieve as much attention. and they may not even play the mod, so it'd be a complete waste.

but if you think about it, any mod-specific client is just as good for any other mod. i mean deep down they are all quake2 compliant anyway. hence why frkbot, although not intentionally made to cheat in action, can be used to cheat in action. as well as tourney, ctf, and any other countless mods.

something interesting is mspark's ltktbm client, which includes SCI (server client identification). if enabled, it will only allow ltktbm clients to play. since ltktbm isnt the most popular quake2 thing around, nobody has bothered trying to crack SCI.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:15 am
by angra
Sounds neat with a aq2 specific client, just one problem who will do it? :poke:

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:22 am
by bail
btw, are cheating our biggest problem in the aq2 community.
the only cheat that is effective on us is some sort of aimbot and its too easy to detect so they get banned at the spot. the fun is over, i dont think lamers even bother cheating anymore cause they get too little attention for their effort. this game is basically too small and too much high skilled players.
i dont know about you but i dont see much cheaters. maybe some ppl use wh or some lighter cheats like brightskins. but wh is quite easy to detect too and bright skins hardly help when we play with our official CTF skins.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:27 am
by angra

Its quite a many. we get alteast 1 everyday joins aq2admins and want us to look for a cheater.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:38 am
by bail
you remember that swedish server mats hus or something, he had a thing you had to get a account with a password to join the server, why not have that on all public servers then it must be easy to control all fakenickers and cheaters, you can only play with the nick you regged and dont let unknown players reg a account.
thats how i remember it working.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:04 am
by nufan
Yeah.. that would been nice.
Could someone make a poll about this? so we can see what the rest of the scene thinks about it.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:19 am
by DaNi
Kurupt wrote:apr kuake is best
Mr lovah lovah

the call me MISTER BOMBASTIC, telefantasic

Midwife: C'mon, push! Push!
Me: Yeah babe, push!
Midwife: Ok, now don't push.
Me: Yeah babe, push! Erm.... Huh?
Midwife: Now push again!
Me:, but you just said --
Midwife: Now, stop pushing."
Me: Yeah babe, whatever she just said.
Angel: Do me a favour and just shut the fuck up, will you?

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:43 am
by mac
ye slacker, thats why we need the msg like NoCheat and aprQ2, just like 'AQ2 Client blahblah" they hardly wanna make a cheat client that does ansawer that. the idea with username and password is nice, even tho i like to fake :)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:59 am
by Haudrauf
mac wrote:why dont maniac and r1ch make a client together, with some anti-cheat stuff and nice gfx options, for AQ2 only. because i dont think that any one makes cheats for AQ2 but for Q2 so just by making it AQ2 only there wouldnt be made that many cheats.. then the NoCheat FRKQ2 stuff wouldnt work any more, cuz thats for Q2(i think)
Different goals. Different concepts - not wanting to be compatible to each other.


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 8:13 am
by bail
frkq2 or whats its name seems to be our biggest problem.
what can you do with frkq2, wh/bot?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:41 pm
by minchiano
bail wrote:you remember that swedish server mats hus or something, he had a thing you had to get a account with a password to join the server, why not have that on all public servers then it must be easy to control all fakenickers and cheaters, you can only play with the nick you regged and dont let unknown players reg a account.
thats how i remember it working.

Mats Hus of Ajaj (RIP)

Yah, would be nice if the servers that joined AQ2 admins used that. That way we'd get rid of fakenickers or in-game nickchangers as well. Yay!