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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:34 pm
by mirror
nice, really had to laugh when i read that one :)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:35 pm
by emu
no seriously clown. most ppl like these kind of threads just cuz you think your to cool for these kind of posts, doesnt mean everybody thinks the same way.

so cock off to General \ Helpdesk

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:20 pm
by Clown
Wow. This coming from the guy who shits in everyone's thread.
Anyway, you're right. I do think I'm better than everyone here.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:46 pm
by Royal^
Thats very hard to say "the best" player for a map since theres usually good sniper(s) for a map and good m4(s), its too hard to pick the best but ill give my shot:

cliff2 - Misse
plaza2 - KoteloNorsu
riot - sweetus
cloud - marine
rok - ILU
plaza - indey?
plaza3 - chkul/eximo
mesto - <insert any mestolover here>
airport - Alien?!
country - Moose
urban3 - Moose
tokyo - Thermax
aqnitro - spiff?!
Pier - some illusion dyyd pöhäps

and i run outta maps.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 2:15 am
by MadWolf
If I had to choose it would be something like this:

airport: Diivil
aqnitro: em0l
c2: sf
cloud: Marine
country - Moose
deepcanyon - GangStarr
dose: Buddah
j1: Predator
mesto: Tlx
pier: McCree
plaza: eX
plaza2 - kotelonorsu
plaza3: eximo
rok: Zonic
riot: sweetus
rexro: peep
rooftops: eX
sludge1: Retypo
tokyo: Frede
urban2: Aksu
urban3: Rallu, m4 laser _0/

And clown can go jerk off or something, don't bother looking here if your not interrested

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:14 am
by grover
hey don't bother looking at Clown's posts, if you're not interested (1 r) in them. I so agree with Clown.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:37 am
by FoxX
Clown, what the fuck are you posting in this thread for, if you dislike it? Don't you have better things to do than bringing other people down, who actually write serious posts here?

Obviously this is a serious forum thread, which most people think is funny to discuss, otherwise I doubt people would give any feedback here, dont you?

I've seen you post in a few threads beside this one, and every single time it seems you got nothing astructive to say? Oh well, your people exist so just keep talking, one day you might say something intelligent.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:09 am
by Samislide
Heh, what an ass u are Clown. Just becuz you dont got the skills ingame to get attention, u fuck some admin in the ass and beg for op!, by making "oooh plz.. lets unite ppl!!! its important, comon guys, be serious!!" -threads. Do you even play this game anymore? If not, piss off Mr.I'm-so-important. Seek attention somewhere else :P

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:21 am
by Clown
Firstly, my replies were serious. I didn't start any trouble until someone started on me.

And you're right. I don't play this game much any more. It's because the public servers are full of dick heads. If you've ever seen me play, you will know that I only play for my own personal fun. I don't give a fuck about anyone else, I don't chat shit, I don't talk, I pick a gun and I play until I'm bored.

I don't need to seek attention because, basically, I don't particularly need it from you guys. You're nobody to me. It's just sad that you only bother to read the sarcastic posts that I write. You guys only seem to like the flaming and nonsense part of these forums.

If you paid attention, you would probably find that my more serious posts are all well written, no bullshit l33t0r txt spk. I try to help people when they have problems, and when there are proper threads, I give a serious opinion.

But when this forum is full of bullshit, or when people start on me, I'm going to make the most out of it and provide my own entertainment. I'd rather see my own kaka than any of yours. Instead of picking on me, why don't you say something about the obvious idiots on these forums? There are BLATENT people taking the piss and posting three letter replies to a thread that was here from 6 months back. Why don't you try and make them look the fool, and humiliate them into behaving properly. Because it won't work on me. You're wasting your time.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:48 am
by Jazzie
It's funny how nobody would've cared if emu said it.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:14 am
by Samislide
Whatever. Your doing exactly the same thing as the ppl you call idiots. Writing shit in threads that you do dont like, but appreciated by others.
And when someone starts bullshitting you, you do exactly the same thing as the "idiots"- Providing your own entertainment. But hey, I dont mind, this is entertainment for me.

And yer right. The flaming and shitchatting here is almost the only fun parts in the forum. In my opinion, it just brings up some "action" from the graveyard. Without it, this forum would be dead and buried.

And i dont think we're nobodys to you, since you're here and closing into 1000 posts, almost without playing the god damn game :D

We're all idiots, in one way or another. hirr B> pz

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:48 am
by Clement
There's really only one map where I can truly say that one player stands out as being "The Best".

rok - skmz

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:59 am
by NRGizeR
lol @ morpheus

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:25 am
by Clown
Yeah, I've been here since the beginning. Commitment, loyalty and all of that. I tried to bring the community closer, even started that shitty story game. I helped people who needed help and tried to get rid of the retards who try to ruin everything for everyone. I've tried being an admin, and I've put forward ideas for this whole project.

Yeah, I used to care about AQ2 but unfortunatley people have to ruin things for other people. I don't play the game anymore, but does that mean I don't know what I'm talking about?

Like I said before, my original posts were on topic. Then I was picked on. Please tell me where I'm wrong.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:00 pm
by FoxX
Dude, things aside... We're talking about this damn forum thread, not about the game in general... Who gives a rats ass about what you tried to do the the community? Even though people always say they care, and they have compassion for this games community, I doubt people really do. The game is old, and nothing has changed in it.. BUT theres still a special driving force in AQ2 that I personally can't seem to find in any other FPS out there, so thats pretty much my reason of sticking to AQ2. I know alot of people feels the same way..

Anyway, it was not really to launch a personal attack or something, since I dont really know you well or care that much, I just feel like writing a little column every now and then, especially reading so much bullshit conversation..