NoCheat Only Server Problem

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Post by Clown »

Just calm down a bit chief. Also, he apologised, so let's ignore the name-calling.
I don't give a shit.
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Post by Haudrauf »

There is no spoon.
As well as there is no cheat-proof q2-server.

Enforce NoCheat if you want to decrease the size of the aq2-scene by opting out any other platforms q2-client. There are still Mac and Linux ppl playing aq2. And btw, with NcServer ppl can use your q2-server to launch DDoS attacks from. Now what's better?

Anyways, it's your decision - and as you can imagine, I find your decision to make a cheat-proof server, quite a big effort without being able to code own security-mechanisms. Good Luck, though.

edit: One thing that helps a lot is serveradmins with at least rcon being present at the server. Btw, there is a saying: You can't fix social problems with technical solutions.
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