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Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:27 am
by Da^JuaN
maxfps 150


with that pc :P

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:43 am
by Hawaii
why not smart guy

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 10:04 am
by Da^JuaN
u get loads of fps n u put maxfps 150? u got good cable connection so its not because of ur connection u put them that low i suggest.. why not putting in any higher?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 10:07 am
by Hawaii
@ 200 it starting to lag allready... and with 150 i can do enough like box jumping

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 11:43 am
by Flunx

Code: Select all

- AMD Athlon 1Ghz

- 385 MB SDRAM

- NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400

- Logitech MouseMan Dual Optical

- 19" Hansol 920D Flatface

Sniper Script

Code: Select all

alias 2x_ 			"lens 2;sensitivity 3;echo Zoom: 2x;bind mwheelup 4x_"

alias 4x_ 			"lens 4;sensitivity 2;echo Zoom: 4x;bind mwheelup 6x_"

alias 6x_ 			"lens 6;sensitivity 1;echo Zoom: 6x;bind mwheelup 1x_"

alias 1x_ 			"lens 1;sensitivity 4;echo Zoom: 1x;bind mwheelup 2x_"

Link to my autoexec:

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 11:47 am
by Hakkis

(CPU) 2-IntelĀ® PentiumĀ® 4 CPU 3.06GHz, 3073MHz, 512KB (0% Load) .:. (RAM) usage: 295/1024MB (28.81%) .:. (GFX) NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4800, (Display) 1280x1024/32bit/60Hz

Sniper Script:

alias 1x "lens 1;sensitivity 12;echo [1x] ;bind DEL 2x"

alias 2x "lens 2;sensitivity 3.5;echo [2x] ;bind DEL 4x"

alias 4x "lens 4;sensitivity 2.25;echo [4x] ;bind DEL 6x"

alias 6x "lens 6;sensitivity 1.125;echo [6x] ;bind DEL 1x"

alias quick1x "lens 1;sensitivity 12;echo [QUICKLY] Zooming to 1x;bind DEL 2x"

alias alrd1x "lens 1;sensitivity 12;echo [ALREADY] 1x zoom;bind DEL 2x"

alias wpdrop "sensitivity 12;echo [SNIPER] Adjusted;bind DEL 2x;bind . alrd1x"

bind DEL 2x

bind mouse3 alrd1x

AQ2 Settings:

set rate "25000"

set cl_maxfps "120"

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 12:30 pm
by Da^JuaN
Auw gimme such a pc plz :)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:56 pm
by Mjr

Code: Select all

alias in "in2x"

alias in2x "lens 2;sensitivity 0.85;echo sniper sensitivity - 2x;alias in in4x;alias out out1x"

alias in4x "lens 4;sensitivity 0.4;echo sniper sensitivity - 4x;alias in in6x;alias out out1x"

alias in6x "lens 6;sensitivity 0.3;echo sniper sensitivity - 6x;alias in in1x;alias out out1x"

alias out "out1x"

alias out1x "lens 1;sensitivity 4;echo normal sensitivity;alias in in2x;alias out out1x"

bind w "in;crosshair 0"   // make your sniper zoom

bind r "out;crosshair 1"  // reset your sniper

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:56 pm
by Beavisss
Da^JuaN wrote:Auw gimme such a pc plz :)

I want this PC too :shocker:

P3 -800 512 Ram, GeFore 2 Mx 64. logitech mx500

Code: Select all

rate 22500

cl_maxfps 60

Code: Select all

//Alias for SSG

bind c                                        "lens 2"

bind mouse3                                   "weapon"

//End Of Weapon//


alias 2x "lens 2;sensitivity 1.2;bind MOUSE4 4x;bind ALT reset"

alias 4x "lens 3;sensitivity 0.7;bind MOUSE4 1x;bind ALT reset"

alias 1x "reset;bind MOUSE4 2x"

bind MOUSE4 2x

// Zoom out to 1x fast

alias "reset"                                "lens 1;sensitivity 1.6;bind mouse4 2x;echo [ ZOOM RESET - LENS 1 ]"

bind ALT reset


//Sensitivity Changees. I were tottaly bored when I wrote it  :-|

bind MOUSE4 s2x

alias "s2x" "sensitivity 2.00;bind MOUSE4 s3x;bind ALT reset;echo [ 2X 2.00 ];bind b sens_reset"

alias "s3x" "sensitivity 1.80;bind MOUSE4 s4x;bind ALT reset;echo [ 3X 1.80 ];bind b sens_reset"

alias "s4x" "sensitivity 1.60;bind MOUSE4 s5x;bind ALT reset;echo [ 4X 1.60 ];bind b sens_reset"

alias "s5x" "sensitivity 1.40;bind MOUSE4 s6x;bind ALT reset;echo [ 5X 1.40 ];bind b sens_reset"

alias "s6x" "sensitivity 1.20;bind MOUSE4 s7x;bind ALT reset;echo [ 6X 1.20 ];bind b sens_reset"

alias "s7x" "sensitivity 1.00;bind MOUSE4 s2x;bind ALT reset;echo [ 7X 1.00 ];bind b sens_reset"

// Zoom Reset and Sens Reset

alias "sens_reset"                           "sensitivity 2.00;echo [ 1X 2.00 ];bind MOUSE4 s2x"

bind b sens_reset 

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:32 am
by Sulfate
AMD 2400+


GF4 ti4200 128 mb ddr

17" monitor

<B>aq2 settings:</B>

cl_maxfps "150"

gl_swapinterval "0"

<b>Sniper config:</b>

alias 1x "lens 1;sensitivity 8;echo [1x] Sensitivity 8;bind mwheelup 2x;bind mwheeldown alrd1x"

alias 2x "lens 2;sensitivity 5;echo [2x] Sensitivity 4;bind mwheelup 4x;bind mwheeldown quick1x"

alias 4x "lens 4;sensitivity 3;echo [4x] Sensitivity 2;bind mwheelup 6x;bind mwheeldown quick1x"

alias 6x "lens 6;sensitivity 1;echo [6x] Sensitivity 1;bind mwheelup 1x;bind mwheeldown quick1x"

alias quick1x "lens 1;sensitivity 8;echo [QUICKLY] Zooming to 1x;bind mwheelup 2x;bind mwheeldown alrd1x"

alias alrd1x "lens 1;sensitivity 8;echo [ALREADY] 1x zoom"

alias wpdrop "sensitivity 8;echo [SNIPER] Adjusted;say_team Dropped %W;use throwing combat knife;bind mwheelup 2x;bind mwheeldown alrd1x"

worx perfect for me :)

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 9:10 am
by Winball
pIII 450Mhz


geforce ti-200 64MB

Code: Select all

rate "12000"

cl_maxfps "60"

Code: Select all

//Sniper script made for AQ2: TNG 

alias 1x "lens 1;sensitivity 4.5;echo [1x] Sensitivity 4.5;bind r 2x;bind shift alrd1x" 

alias 2x "lens 2;sensitivity 3;echo [2x] Sensitivity 3;bind r 4x;bind shift quick1x" 

alias 4x "lens 4;sensitivity 3;echo [4x] Sensitivity 3;bind r 6x;bind shift quick1x" 

alias 6x "lens 6;sensitivity 1;echo [6x] Sensitivity 1;bind r 1x;bind shift quick1x" 

alias quick1x "lens 1;sensitivity 6;echo [QUICKLY] Zooming to 1x;bind r 2x;bind shift alrd1x" 

alias alrd1x "lens 1;sensitivity 6;echo [ALREADY] 1x zoom" 

alias wpdrop "sensitivity 6;echo [SNIPER] Adjusted;bind r 2x;bind shift alrd1x" 

bind r 2x          //Button to zoom in with sniper rifle 

bind shift alrd1x          //Button to zoom out with sniper rifle 

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 9:18 am
by Den
My pc:

Intel Pentium III 700MHz, 256KB


Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 64mb

iiyama HM703UT - 1024*768 85hz

Logitech mx 300

Old Microsoft IE keyboard

Got standard @Home Cable connection.

set rate "8000"

set cl_maxfps "85"

My normal sensitivity in aq is 8 for snipe its 4, changed my windows mouse sensitivity.

//Sniper Rifle sens

alias sniper "sensitivity 4; echo 2x - sniper sensitivity; bind r 1x"

alias 1x "sensitivity 8; echo 1x - normal sensitivity; bind r sniper"

bind r sniper

No need for a fancy sniper rifle script

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 10:30 am
by dudemcpek
(CPU) 1-AMD Athlon? Processor, 999MHz, 256KB

(RAM) 512MB

(GFX) Creative GB0030, (Display) 1152x864/32bit/85Hz

OS) Windows XP Professional (5.1 - 2600), (installed for) 1w 6d 4h 5m, (HDDs) 80GB + 120GB (not always)


rate 9000

cl_maxfps 90

//Sniper script made for AQ2: TNG


alias L0 "lens out;sensitivity $sn;bind c L2;echo [7]"

alias L2 "lens 2;sensitivity $s2x;bind c L0;echo [2x Zoom]"

bind c l2

set sn 7

set s2x 4.5

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:36 pm
by Endy
Well, not that anyone would be interested but my specs are these:

P4 2.6Ghz, 800FSB, 512 DDR ram (going for 1024 so I get use of the hyperthread), some shitty keyboard, Logitech mx500, Func Surface and 17" Compaq MV700 screen...

I used to have ha sniper script but I don't use it anymore, I play with a sensitivity of... hmm... doesn't really matter since it's so much different on all computers, mouse speed in windows and other shit. I have absolutely NO MOUSE ACCELERATION, mouseacc is the work of the DEVIL! :/

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:34 am
by Winball
Action quake is based on 60 fps? So don't use higher cl_maxfps than 60 :-x