The last ^Proto movie.. probably...

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saw the light
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Post by Proto »

Hawk wrote:say, what happened to that urban3 jump where you jump from the ledge by the tilted roof, onto the roof, and fly up towards the "camp" part of the map that you claimed wasn't fake a few years ago? :P
WizardExt wrote: I wonder the same thing... :?

Hehe, I've been trying hours doing it again too, but no success.. Must've been when I was fooling around with gravitythings, when I was about 12 years old? :p

That's why I did all the moves in this movie, either in clanwars, or in demomodethingy, making it impossible to use cheats or gravity..

Dimmo wrote: Good jumps by a fairly simple person in succesfull lenghted movie with some already used soundtracks and mistakes video editing.

Its nice to see these jumps completed that i was so sure can be done when i played aq2 (around year 2000).
Well, actually most of these dm2-files are from around 99-01.. I'm not sure I understood your post completely, but anyway, if you were wondering about some of these jumps, around year 2000, too bad you didn't ask me then :p

I know most of these jumps are done before, but there are a few, that I found myself, and thought others, so they've probably been seen earlier, on public servers and such, but the biggest reason for making this movie, is because I'm tired of people wanting me to show them different moves..

So I hope you learned something while watching the demo..

I'll post the .dm2-files later after finding them all again, so you can see for yourself that they are all real, and nothing is edited away..

God damn getting tired of hearing that now..


Also, I really don't know where the hell you all found my other movies, I made like 3 of them, but only gave them to a few friends on LANs ..

Suddenly I find them on japanese AQ pages, all over Germany, American and Finland, wtf?

And they were all made just for fun in a hour or so.. Kinda funny though :)

BTW, Santa's comming by tonight! :D :santa: :santa: :santa:

*me love santa* :D
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Post by arild »

And you sent them to me Proto :)
I showed them to all in some of the M.I lans which both wiz and hawk was at.

saw the light
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Post by Proto »

Ah! That kinda explains things.. :p

:santa: (I know you all luuv santaclaustrophobia :D )
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Post by JezeT »

Nice jumping.
It's like deja vu all over again...
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Post by Hawk »

offtopic: actually, arild.. you still have my cd with the proto movie on! :P
inter-net is good, that means inter-great should be even better
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Post by slacker »

the video will finish downloading in 4 hours for me.. so i cant read the readme.txt yet. i wanted to ask, what is the artist/name of the 1st track you play in the video? it sounds awesome!

thanks in advance :)
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Post by Yuhmouth »

where i can find those music's :(
saw the light
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Post by Proto »

Hehe, I'm not really sure about the music..

I think I ripped it years ago from another movie because I liked it :p
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Post by chatode »

nice job Proto, those jumps are pure magic :hop:

aka Ode aka katodi
saw the light
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Post by Proto »

chatode wrote:nice job Proto, those jumps are pure magic :hop:


Thanks.. :)

but wtf.. Skie is teh quaker? .. mkaytehn.. don't do drugs..

I'll ph0wnz0r tihs Skie anyday.. :p

*cuddle* =)

:santa: :santa:

Nebo is teh roXx.. :)


To any of you fuckers out there, _NO_! I do NOT FFS ¤#%&#¤%" have those brightskins you saw in the demo, and No! I'm not gonna send you my scopes..

I only used those brightskins, which I made myself, then deleted, in the demo, not on the actual server. That means I have no idea where to get them. If you look at the server-rules, it sais on almost every AQ server, that brightskins, wh, aimbot and speedbots, are illegal. So for each person asking me for brightskins, I will report to the server admins.

Also, my scope is packed into a 1,4 GB .pak-file, and I don't have any pakxplorer programs installed. I'm not going to install a pakxplorer just to get my scope-files, and send to you #¤%¤&% spamming, laming, bothering, cheating n00bs.. Seriously, I hate you..! especially Tcz^ and Inferno something.. Go fuck off..
I made that scope myself, used a long time making it perfect for me, and I'm not giving it to any cockjugling thundercunt! I hope you all burn in hell, forever and ever..

To all you other, thank you for your time.. :)
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Post by maGro »

"not that bad" :)

Quite impressive movement. I bet you aint got a clue about demoediting thats pissing off tho :)
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Post by Proto »

The .dm2 editing with keygrip2 was a real pain..
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Post by fuct »

:offtopic: torabora jumps ftw...some extremely useful ones and cool ones too...ive discovered about half of them id say and i cant do em all
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Post by Chris »

it sure is the best one you ever made.
how many movies have you done?
three or more?
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Post by angra »

[offtopic] upload the torabora jumps at .
}i{ angra - #clan.illusion
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