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Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:24 pm
by Repsaj
AssKick3r wrote:

Code: Select all

bind F10 quit
I've had that since always. Some friend had that bind and since he was bad tempered he simply smacked the button when got pissed - was always funny to watch him at LAN.

Also, I find it funny when people type qui, qut, q/, or something similar in the console. Bind it, god damn! :o
Thats exactly why i haven't bound it.. I'll see me (accidently) pressing the button when im getting pissed in the middle of an important match.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:41 pm
by IBA
Proto wrote:

Code: Select all

alias +nofps "set cl_maxfps 0"
alias -nofps "set cl_maxfps 66"
bind n +nofps
this wont work on every server and i hope that finally all admins disallow
fps < 30. hate it when legdmged ppl run away :/

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:32 pm
by Yuhmouth
no no no.. :I If dissallow Fps 30.. no no no.. :I You walk some meters at airport and you walk to the glasses and fps drops 60 to 20 and then got kicked (Reason: Fps 20) 8) would be nice

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:23 pm
by gegoj
Yuhmouth wrote:no no no.. :I If dissallow Fps 30.. no no no.. :I You walk some meters at airport and you walk to the glasses and fps drops 60 to 20 and then got kicked (Reason: Fps 20) 8) would be nice
You wouldn't get kicked, You just wouldn't be able to cap Your FPS at lower value than 30.
If your hardware can't produce more than 20 FPS server can't do anything about it.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:14 pm
by L0ki
Repsaj wrote:
AssKick3r wrote:

Code: Select all

bind F10 quit
I've had that since always. Some friend had that bind and since he was bad tempered he simply smacked the button when got pissed - was always funny to watch him at LAN.

Also, I find it funny when people type qui, qut, q/, or something similar in the console. Bind it, god damn! :o
Thats exactly why i haven't bound it.. I'll see me (accidently) pressing the button when im getting pissed in the middle of an important match.
Damn right!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:42 am
by gegoj

Code: Select all

bind f10 menu_quit
Gives that second thought a chance.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:17 am
by Proto
IBA wrote:
Proto wrote:

Code: Select all

alias +nofps "set cl_maxfps 0"
alias -nofps "set cl_maxfps 66"
bind n +nofps
this wont work on every server and i hope that finally all admins disallow
fps < 30. hate it when legdmged ppl run away :/
Well, that's a script for getting 0 Fps and disconnecting from doors and whatnot :p You can't do much running with 0 fps fyi .. :p

anyway, i agree with the legdammagething.. hope they fix that someway, but still let's this script work..

also; for the team choosing script earlier, yeah, now it kinda made sence, that's actually a great script! :) GJ :D

and here's a new one :p

Code: Select all

Bind F10 error "you got angry and fucked up" :P

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:24 am
by GreeDy
A little "script"

Code: Select all

bind INS "captain;teamname < + > #people"
bind HOME "!red"
alias !red "teamskin male/ctf_r;bind HOME !blue"
alias !blue "teamskin male/ctf_b;bind HOME !red"
bind DEL "ready"
bind END "sub"
alias lck "lock;bind PGUP ulck"
alias ulck "unlock;bind PGUP lck"
bind PGUP "lck"
bind PGDN ""

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:13 am
by V34
Hehe I like it but i find the bind PGDN "" quite interesting.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:54 pm
by BeAViS

Code: Select all

bind everything "quit"

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:07 pm
by Preto
bind m initiate

alias initiate "echo dancing the yattamagro;centerview;cl_yawspeed 900;dance"

alias dance "sidestepdance;rightjump;right360;jumpdrop;straightstepdance;tornado"

alias text1 "I feel good!"
alias text2 "I knew that I would, now!"
alias text3 "So good..."
alias text4 "So good!"
alias text5 "I got you..."
alias text6 "Whoa!"

alias sidestepdance "text1;rightstepdance;leftstepdance;rightstepdance;leftstepdance"
alias rightstepdance "+moveright;midwaiting;+movedown;midwaiting;shot;-movedown;midwaiting;-moveright"
alias leftstepdance "+moveleft;midwaiting;+movedown;midwaiting;shot;-movedown;midwaiting;-moveleft"

alias straightstepdance "frontstepdance;frontstepdance;backjump"
alias frontstepdance "+forward;midwaiting;+movedown;midwaiting;-movedown;midwaiting;-forward"
alias backstepdance "+back;midwaiting;+movedown;midwaiting;-movedown;midwaiting;-back"

alias rightjump "text2;+moveright;midwaiting;+moveup;midwaiting;+left;longwaiting;longwaiting;-left;-moveup;-moveright;longwaiting"
alias backjump "+back;midwaiting;+moveup;text5;midwaiting;drop weapon;longwaiting;longwaiting;-moveup;-back;longwaiting"
alias jumpdrop "+moveup;longwaiting;drop item;text4;longwaiting;-moveup;longwaiting"

alias shot "+attack;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;-attack"

alias right360 "+movedown;longwaiting;+attack;+right;longwaiting;text3;longwaiting;-right;-attack;-movedown"

alias tornado "+right;drop weapon; use throwing combat knife;tornado1;tornado2;shot;tornado3;-right;text6"
alias tornado1 "cl_yawspeed 100;longwaiting;cl_yawspeed 200;longwaiting;cl_yawspeed 300;longwaiting;cl_yawspeed 400;longwaiting"
alias tornado2 "cl_yawspeed 500;longwaiting;cl_yawspeed 600;longwaiting;cl_yawspeed 700;longwaiting;cl_yawspeed 800;longwaiting"
alias tornado3 "cl_yawspeed 900;longwaiting;cl_yawspeed 1000;midwaiting"

alias waiting "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait"
alias longwaiting "waiting;waiting;waiting;waiting;waiting;waiting;waiting"
alias midwaiting "waiting;waiting;waiting;waiting;waiting;waiting"
How come this works out fine on NoCheat but fucks up at AprQ2? :#:

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:02 pm
by S3ci0r
Many ppl pleased me for my radio script and i don't know why so here you go:

Code: Select all

bind  "3"		  "enemy0"
bind  "e"		  "enemy"
alias "enemy"	 "enemy1"
alias "enemy0"	"alias enemy enemy1"
alias "enemy1"	"say_team -1- %K;radioteam 1;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy2"
alias "enemy2"	"say_team -2- %K;radioteam 2;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy3"
alias "enemy3"	"say_team -3- %K;radioteam 3;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy4"
alias "enemy4"	"say_team -4- %K;radioteam 4;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy5"
alias "enemy5"	"say_team -5- %K;radioteam 5;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy6"
alias "enemy6"	"say_team -6- %K;radioteam 6;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy7"
alias "enemy7"	"say_team -7- %K;radioteam 7;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy8"
alias "enemy8"	"say_team -8- %K;radioteam 8;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy9"
alias "enemy9"	"say_team -9- %K;radioteam 9;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy10"
alias "enemy10"  "say_team -10- %K;radioteam 10;radioteam enemyd;alias enemy enemy0"
I hop it's useful for sb :o

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:10 am
by Winball

Code: Select all

bind 0 "radioteam 3;wait;wait;radioteam 2;wait;wait;radioteam 1;wait;wait;radioteam go"
bind n "radio 2;radio back;say_team TOBAKK"

bind tab "inven;radiogender female;sky black"
bind F1 "quit"

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:53 pm
by fuct
preto i hope that script makes ur hd melt :)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:29 pm
by cheef

Code: Select all

bind mouse1 unbindall