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Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:55 am
by Den
ZoRoXo wrote:maybe a "rambo" powerup that gives u 2x speed, +200 health and forced HC (forced means that u cannot unequip it) :rambo: FTW
Are you mad ? :P have you got any idea how much damage i do with just a "normal" hc?

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:47 am
by dudemcpek
None, den, none..


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:00 pm
by Caracol
I really liked the idea of some kind of "hero" powerup instead of a typical "rune" sort of powerup.

For example an "Ash's boomstick"*:
- Giving you a better performance with M3 (increasing long distance damage, f.ex.) and eventually HC too.
- No bleeding damage, maybe (he cut his hand off afterall)
- A chainsaw (nah, just kidding, right? hehe)
- Punch/kick powered up (more damage and/or strength).

I think we could come up with some more powerups if the idea is liked. In my opinion adding some more stuff from action-movies, or from movies in general will revive the stuff we were used to. And will make the CTF mod an ActionCTF and not just CTF in Action, if you know what I mean.

Besides, who wouldn't like better to get that glowing M3 and read "You got Ash's Boomstick... you feel gooood." than "Offensive Rune acquired."

*: Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:04 pm
by arild
Speed is not possible to increase. We've already tried that.
And yes the HC thing sounds cool. But I see more disadvantage with that since the only thing you can do is running like hell and kill the ones you have in closecombat. Without the speedup it doesnt really give you anything.

And I must qoute you Caracol.
"I think we could come up with some more powerups if the idea is liked. In my opinion adding some more stuff from action-movies, or from movies in general will revive the stuff we were used to. And will make the CTF mod an ActionCTF and not just CTF in Action, if you know what I mean. "


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:33 pm
by Stric
Gangsta mk23 ftw :bday: 12 bullets in 2-3s :rambo:

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:00 pm
by Den
Caracol wrote:I really liked the idea of some kind of "hero" powerup instead of a typical "rune" sort of powerup.

For example an "Ash's boomstick"*:
- Giving you a better performance with M3 (increasing long distance damage, f.ex.) and eventually HC too.
- No bleeding damage, maybe (he cut his hand off afterall)
- A chainsaw (nah, just kidding, right? hehe)
- Punch/kick powered up (more damage and/or strength).

I think we could come up with some more powerups if the idea is liked. In my opinion adding some more stuff from action-movies, or from movies in general will revive the stuff we were used to. And will make the CTF mod an ActionCTF and not just CTF in Action, if you know what I mean.

Besides, who wouldn't like better to get that glowing M3 and read "You got Ash's Boomstick... you feel gooood." than "Offensive Rune acquired."

*: Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy.
Hero powerup, good idea. Create them after some famous Action actors ala chuck norris or steven segal :)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:00 pm
by PaTMaN
arild wrote:Speed is not possible to increase. We've already tried that.
Careful :) I believe it is possible. I actually did some testing today for fun. Movement speed is maxed at 300 for x/y (and inaccessible to mods), but not velocity... so my general idea for my test was if the player is doing a move (usercmd_t forwardmove or sidemove), adjust the pmove velocity accordingly per x/y axis. So I did that (to an extent) and found that air control bug thing mentioned in another post. Ok, so when the person is in the air (!groundentity), bypass the velocity adjusting so it is back to normal and the person's current velocities will be kept. So after my quick test, I had the player walking at a speed of 750 along an axis which was either x or y... didn't care to find out. Remember the normal speed is 300, so I increased it quite a bit since I wanted to make sure it worked right.

Ok I say 'to an extent' for the x/y axis movement stuff because this was just a quick test and didn't want to take much time doing more tests. In my thinking, some vector math or trig will be involved in finding exactly how much to adjust both axis and didn't care to think about it too much atm :) This was more of a test to let you know that it should be possible.

Player animations, weapon switches, reloads, and firing rates can also be increased to make a haste item.

As for suggestions, you can play with gravity settings on a per player basis, so you could make something like an anti-gravity boot powerup. Also if you are going towards classes, you could make bigger guns weigh you down more.

A funny item could be invisibility, where you could just leave the vwep model showing... nothing like being chased down by a rouge shotgun :)

What about items/weapons to create distractions? Noise makers? Toss a noise gren and after 5 seconds it sounds like a battle is going on for a few seconds? hehe

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:46 pm
by PaTMaN
I just couldn't let this haste issue go... hehe. SO here's a 2x haste test demo :santa:

Note that player speeds can be increased by anything. For this demo, I just did a 100% increase giving a speed around 600 instead of the usual 300. I threw in the fast shooting, weapon switching, and player animations just for show really... that was only 2 lines of code with 1 second worth of thought put into it.

Coding wise, speed increase was 23 lines in 1 block (15 coding). The concept isn't hard to understand. Basically you scale velocity according to player angle, movement input values, and your specified speed increase value.

Here's the source:

(Note: Haste speed is always set for running status... trying to walk does not slow you down. That's the way I think it should be, but fix it if you want, heh)

Questions/Comments, lemme know. HAVE FUN!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:50 am
by arild
I like you idea Pat. However, when we tried haste out it was kind of like that. Would have appreciated if you tried one thing for me. If i remember correct the haste was put at 450, maybe 600 when we tried Maniac's haste. dont know for sure.

Anyways, you got some major speed. Try to run from highest roof to middle roof at urban.

We were able to do that without jumping. Just walking straight over the edge and you by the speed flew to middle roof.


Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:31 am
by ZoRoXo
but rambo is kewl :D
what about a Mike Tyson powerup, one punch one kill :lol:
or Bruce Lee, one kick one kill

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:18 am
by Den
patman will save us all.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:01 am
by PaTMaN
You can't walk from the top to the middle with double speed. This haste code has no air control to it, which if there was air control, you would be able to walk straight across and you would get huge speed boosts when in the air. Maybe Maniac's code didn't have the air bug fixed? For this code, your running speed will always be the same. Just think of it as running double speed and everything else is the same as it is supposed to be.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:32 am
by fuct
patman clearly pwns :P

cant wait to test this :bday: every post i read makes it sound better and better

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:34 am
by arild
Ok Patman. Thanks for your explanation.


Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:55 pm
by PaTMaN
Heh, just noticed a bad bug with that haste code. If you are going up or down a slant, your speed will go back to normal. This is because of the velocity[2] checking. Lemme know if you want me to fix it... but I'm sure you guys can work it out :)