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Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:41 am
by sajh
AssKick3r wrote:iN got bad.. Doesn't look good, guys!
yea, its really bad that iN has a few players who dare to speak their minds.
They should all be silenced, people must please the admins and love what they love!

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:42 am
by Samislide
Yea.. We need to get ahold of ourselves, befor we lose our online-reputation!

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:08 am
by Flunx
AssKick3r wrote:iN got bad.. Doesn't look good, guys!
What do you mean by bad?

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:46 am
by nufan
Let's stick to topic :)
no need to start evry thread to flamed ones.
Prinsii wanted to give someone a smile on their face with some dancing and funny frags.
those who don't think it's funny... no need to push him down, don't post imo. It takes some guts to post these kinda movies.
And it seems most people find this kinda funny :)

now move along!

fun movie prinsii :) keeppp'em comming!

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:26 am
by dudemcpek
Since he opened a thread about it, he could have expected a discussion about it, and also different opinions. Don't know why you have to be so protective and offensive. Yes, you might need some guts to publish such movies, but that's what he did and now he should expect some criticism. If he made a perfect movie everyone would write l0lol1 funneh oneh!, however it's far away from it.

Flunx, I don't know what you guys have against angra but it doesn't make you look cool or anything by acting like that.
AQ2daddy? Maybe you should write a definition for it, since you make it sound so spooky - are admins/clanjumpers/mappers aq2daddies? Always makes me wonder :(

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:39 am
by nufan
jizzezz.. I give up. If you see my post as offensiv you got some issues. and If people always need to be negativ, fine. have fun.
You don't see me dragging down people posting sucky movies and maps. I just leave the thread alone. Becouse their still trying their best, and I respect them for that. no need to push anyone down.
but latly is seems fun to flame in all goddamn thread there is.

I'll just keep myself in the cheater section from now on. c yaaa!

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:51 am
by Flunx
It's cool that some of you don't think it's funny. It's foolish to expect everyone to think the same way and laugh at the same things.

That's why some of us find the posts which Asskicker, angra and many others find offensive to be quite funny.

But as you guys post that you don't like it or don't find it funny, you should also be ready for some feedback and take some critique back without screaming 'FLAME!!!'.

I don't have anything against angra, Asskicker. No more than you have against Prinsii judging from both our posts. And why do you think I'm trying to look cool?

You all seem to take things too personal. And the only one which actually has a reason to do so in this thread is Prinsii.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:54 am
this is just my kind of humor. you rock irl rikkan.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:59 am
by Samislide
Definition for AQ2daddy.
One guy or a group of people who seeks attention and status in this community for the reason of their IRL-failure. A guy who thinks the scene is still alive thanks to his/their achievement of a life-time, that has nothing to do with the game itself. A guy who got problems to seperate his irl with his precious virtual world. People who thinks I'm full of shit writing this now, is one.

I could go on and on. But big posts suck since people who read it seems too dumb to understand it anyway. And btw, it's not like I dislike anyone or anything like that. Whining in this forum amuses me.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:19 pm
by Prinsii
Oh my, thanks for the comments! :bday:
Haha, I didnt except all to like the video anyways,
fun to see some critizme... :heart: Atleast someone liked it! :)
Flaming is always entertaining to read :wee:

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:59 pm
by FairyB
aye, it was different. aye, it was fresh. aye it was short. aye, everything was sloooooooooow mooooootiooooooooned (that's not cool, dude). aye, make more.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:21 pm
by Caracol
I didn't like the movie... as in, I don't look at that stuff to get some laughter or something, but it was sure something new and, hell, it requires some attitude to show yourself, put your voice in it and then even dance.

And about the discussion, I just don't see the point on teasing and turning things on fire. It might amuse you, it might be funny, even I have done it (but in considerable different conditions)... but so hard, so honestly and direct -staying to the basic definition of those- is just innecessary. Noone needs to get offended, noone is looking for problems (and the few ones that are, should be ignored) and is no use to start fights without being able to stop it all with a fast punch in the face.
Some people should just stop it and shut the mouth, it goes too far and is plain depressing.

Or it might be always like this, this being a micro vision, and it's all even more depressing.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:08 pm
by arild
Devirus wrote:Definition for AQ2daddy.
One guy or a group of people who seeks attention and status in this community for the reason of their IRL-failure. A guy who thinks the scene is still alive thanks to his/their achievement of a life-time, that has nothing to do with the game itself. A guy who got problems to seperate his irl with his precious virtual world. People who thinks I'm full of shit writing this now, is one.
Eyeball material :P


Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 5:41 pm
by skmz
Oh my god, Rikk. You blow. You sexy fuckass.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:12 pm
by Prinsii