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Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:13 pm
by Evilcina
Isnt the real A-Team down??And how come ure allowed to make aq4 if they sayed there will be no aq4!?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:36 pm
by Stric
Ace12GA wrote:Do I have to say this again? There will be no ports, there will be no release of source code, there will be nothing of the sort. The A-Team is flattered that so many teams want to emulate and port what we did, thats really nice. However, we will not support said teams, and if they really rip us off, we will look into potential legal action. Action is dead, atleast in terms of something new happening in the near future. You want Action, play AHL, AQ2, AUT, but do not look forward to, expect, or make a new Action.

Don't like that answer? Well, then do something thats your own, and not just a fairly tired formula, ripping off our hard work. Hell, want to be really helpful, get in on the "Open Reaction" project, I still need a coder(s), and most everything else. Its off to a slow start.

Ace12GA wrote:I am pretty sure I explained the team's feeling on this a long ways back in this thread. The short version, we retired the Action name. We are not giving out the source code. We do not want another Action game to be made by anyone. We decided a long time ago that the Action name needed a rest. Thats the way it is.

:D aq2 f ever :rambo:

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:19 pm
by BeAViS
Uncle- wrote::D aq2 f ever :rambo:

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:57 pm
by emu
Ace12GA wrote:Do I have to say this again? There will be no ports, there will be no release of source code, there will be nothing of the sort. The A-Team is flattered that so many teams want to emulate and port what we did, thats really nice. However, we will not support said teams, and if they really rip us off, we will look into potential legal action. Action is dead, atleast in terms of something new happening in the near future. You want Action, play AHL, AQ2, AUT, but do not look forward to, expect, or make a new Action.

Don't like that answer? Well, then do something thats your own, and not just a fairly tired formula, ripping off our hard work. Hell, want to be really helpful, get in on the "Open Reaction" project, I still need a coder(s), and most everything else. Its off to a slow start.

Ace12GA wrote:I am pretty sure I explained the team's feeling on this a long ways back in this thread. The short version, we retired the Action name. We are not giving out the source code. We do not want another Action game to be made by anyone. We decided a long time ago that the Action name needed a rest. Thats the way it is.
What a sad old bastard. Im pretty sure his penis got erect just typing that.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:52 pm
by minchiano
emu wrote:
Ace12GA wrote:Do I have to say this again? There will be no ports, there will be no release of source code, there will be nothing of the sort. The A-Team is flattered that so many teams want to emulate and port what we did, thats really nice. However, we will not support said teams, and if they really rip us off, we will look into potential legal action. Action is dead, atleast in terms of something new happening in the near future. You want Action, play AHL, AQ2, AUT, but do not look forward to, expect, or make a new Action.

Don't like that answer? Well, then do something thats your own, and not just a fairly tired formula, ripping off our hard work. Hell, want to be really helpful, get in on the "Open Reaction" project, I still need a coder(s), and most everything else. Its off to a slow start.

Ace12GA wrote:I am pretty sure I explained the team's feeling on this a long ways back in this thread. The short version, we retired the Action name. We are not giving out the source code. We do not want another Action game to be made by anyone. We decided a long time ago that the Action name needed a rest. Thats the way it is.
What a sad old bastard. Im pretty sure his penis got erect just typing that.
Yes, and no, but mostly yes. And he's the maker of a dreadful series of maps as well. I pray for a nasty veneral disease myself.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:38 am
by suds
Clown wrote:
suds wrote:-the chance to chat and talk between rounds/while dead make sure its possible. NO other game has this, its shoot, die, spawn, shoot, die, spawn. no talking means no community and no funny shit.
What are you saying? Every round based game I play has talking. You're mental.
i think you misunderstood, but ur a frumpy tosser anyway

although other games have chat features no fps games give you time to chat like aq2 has no time for it in any game, other games respawn pretty fast too. aq2 is the only game ppl really talk in (fps game perhaps but who care about the rest)

chat is the core of the community aspect of this game, there are no others like it

and clown, dont be so negative ya twat. go back to you hole. if you want to take the thread of topic with this, start a new one and ill come visit.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:49 am
by NRGizeR
why does it matter if the A-team doesn't want another action? why do you even have to call it action quake4? it will never be the same as any other action game anyway, so what's in a name? :P

If you change the engine, you will change the most important part of this game. If you also change the people making it, there will without a doubt be changes to the game code made. So why not just make what you want to make, give it a original name and be done with it?

Oh, and I think I'll stay with aq2 :)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:03 am
by Clown
suds wrote:and clown, dont be so negative ya twat. go back to you hole. if you want to take the thread of topic with this, start a new one and ill come visit.
I think I'll keep this here. I said every round based game I play has chat in it. I DID NOT say deathmatch you stupid fucking imbecile. In round based games, the rounds last as long as the people playing it take. There's no such thing as different games having different amounts of times to talk. It depends on the map. Obviously a map like sludge will have a shorter 'chat-time' than actcity3 will. Likewise, any small map on any other round-based game will have a shorter time to chat. The community makes the chat. Not the game.

The only thing I misunderstand is how stupid some people in this community are. Or rather, plain incomprehension.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:05 pm
by suds
anger, small penis?

i dont care about dm, i wasnt the one who mentioned it.

chat in aq2 is good. it makes people laugh and creates the community spirit that built and populates this site.
it may be that its not the amount of time but the way we can chat and spectate, chasecam etc. that makes [DEAD] chat so good.

point is i was descibing my favorite parts of aq2, you clown were abusing and being negative.

just drop it unless you can be constructive, perhaps go out and get some sun.

clown, why do you (or did you) play aq2? what are your favorite parts?

try to be nice.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:09 pm
by Clown
suds wrote:dm has no time for it in any game, other games respawn pretty fast too.
You mentioned it. You mentioned other games. I mentioned that other round-based games have talking between rounds. You can spec, fly around and do what you want in pretty much every public round-based game. I was simply correcting your ignorant remark.

Negative? The only 'negative' comment I made was that you were mental. Hardly on par with calling people twats and tossers. How can you be so fucking stupid as to forget what you've been writing in this thread? It's right there in black and white.

Again; The community makes what it wants to out of the chat.

What do I enjoy about this game? Nothing. I like playing multiplayer games with my friends. It loads quickly, and I'm fairly good at it, but I enjoy nothing about it anymore. It's full of idiots. I just don't have time for idiots, and I've wasted far too much time on explaining myself to you, who is clearly too brain damaged to understand what the fuck is going on.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:39 pm
by Mortah
Sweet... Aq back in the old days was full of people bitching and moaning at each other.

For the record: I've abandoned this idea. I'm going to get involved with Open Reaction. Also, I'm going to sort out Q2TV post-exams so watch for that too :D

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:32 pm
by Cnnlngs
Mortah wrote:Also, I'm going to sort out Q2TV post-exams so watch for that too :D

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:49 am
by Evilcina
lol morath u havent eaven started and u already abandoned it ccc!

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:03 am
by Mortah
Best time to abandon it... no work has been done :)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:05 am
by WizardExt
I think he is glad he didn't start. It's really a dead end, if the goal is to re-create action quake 2 for quake 4. there are legal issues and there is a negative atmosphere in here about the whole thing. so where is the motivation to launch such project? :)

Action Quake 2 is unique. Attempts to deliver it for future engines will probably keep disappoint you - all of us.