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Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:06 am
by BeAViS
emu wrote:the best thing catch could do is add a nick-based login to the server. People would prolly still cheat, but you'd know who.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:55 pm
by Monk
Yeah, I think it's a nick registration built into Q2Admin, I think someone mentioned that earlier as well.

The DLL method is pretty much the only route to get around the GPL for an anti-cheat kind of thing. I think the old ACP and probably Bryce's work with Nocheat did the same.

How does this work with Q2 servers? I mean, there are linux binaries for the Q2 server anti-cheat bit too, right? Or does this only work with Windows servers?

I keep posting while I'm at work so I can't just download this, slap on Q2, and give 'er a shot myself. ;D

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:58 pm
by Monk
Also, hopefully he's not using some GPL'ed SSL implementation in his DLL as that'd not be very nice. The main SSL/certificate/public key encryption stuff I know about is from OpenBSD but I don't know what license they release under, if that's even where Rich got it from. If it's homegrown and it works, dang impressive!

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:18 pm
by Clement
emu wrote:
minchiano wrote:
R1CH wrote:So I still see very few AQ2 servers using this at all. Come on, give me some reasons :D.
Main reason in my opinion is lazy, inactive server admins.
im 100% behind minchiii on this. The server problem isn't that people are cheating. Its the activeness of admins. On Catch-gamer we have 3 admins, Nufan,Flunx,Skretch.
You can always catch me on MSN and I'll join and kick the cheats on your command.. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:41 pm
by FooQ
From personal experience, people aren't using anticheat because it's still considered a test version. Sooner you put it out as a finished version, sooner it'll be required for clan competition, sooner it'll be used by the majority of players in AQ2.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:36 pm
by nufan
stating that flunx and skretch is one of the catch admins just proves that you don't know much ;D

it's me, eneonova, tyldis and nevers that is the catch admins.
so I have allready in fact allready given rcon to skreth and flunx.. to help me on the problem with more and aktive admins...
but have found out that the problem isn't our "inaktivnes" anymore..
it's more like that people just pm almost only me when people see a cheater..
not the #aq2admin channal.. where not just the catch admin! but ALL admins can in fact take action on the matter.

and also..even tho I have said it quite a few times. rotation and ac(nick reg maybe) will come early 2007
really cba when it's xmas..

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:30 am
by emu
nufan wrote:stating that flunx and skretch is one of the catch admins just proves that you don't know much ;D

it's me, eneonova, tyldis and nevers that is the catch admins.
so I have allready in fact allready given rcon to skreth and flunx.. to help me on the problem with more and aktive admins...
but have found out that the problem isn't our "inaktivnes" anymore..
it's more like that people just pm almost only me when people see a cheater..
not the #aq2admin channal.. where not just the catch admin! but ALL admins can in fact take action on the matter.

and also..even tho I have said it quite a few times. rotation and ac(nick reg maybe) will come early 2007
really cba when it's xmas..
can't really call the inactive admins as nevers,tyldis and eneonova into it, when its mainly you and skretch who admins activly and plays activly. Flunx has come to the rescue a couple of times.

Hoping for the nick reg thingie :)

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:51 am
by R1CH
Monk wrote:Also, hopefully he's not using some GPL'ed SSL implementation in his DLL as that'd not be very nice. The main SSL/certificate/public key encryption stuff I know about is from OpenBSD but I don't know what license they release under, if that's even where Rich got it from. If it's homegrown and it works, dang impressive!
All code either allows binary-only distribution or is written from scratch.
FooQ wrote:From personal experience, people aren't using anticheat because it's still considered a test version. Sooner you put it out as a finished version, sooner it'll be required for clan competition, sooner it'll be used by the majority of players in AQ2.
It's still a "test" since there are still the odd people having bugs with it. Until I stop getting bug reports, it will continue to be a "test". You can help it be become more "final" (if it ever will) by downloading and trying out the test version.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:07 am
by FooQ
Well Im running anticheat on our [DWL|TheDogsBollocks] server but Im finding its not being embraced for the reasons I've said. Players dont want to change to a different client and use anticheat with it, they wont until theyre forced to by it being required by OGL where our clan ladder is.
The ladder admin wont require it till its a final version.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:14 am
by R1CH
A "final version" implies no more changes, which is not going to happen as an anticheat will need to constantly adapt and update to face new hacks and cheat methods. If they want a "final" version of an anticheat, maybe they should stick with NoCheat 2.34.

If it really makes that much difference, I'll drop the "test" version.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:58 am
by Clown
They don't need to change client.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:39 am
by fuct
They do if they use nc.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:40 am
by Clown
Only in America...

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:52 am
by dudemcpek
Nocheat is not a client, it's SHIT.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:11 pm
by minchiano
No offence FooQ but we (US vs EU) have been apart AQ2 wise since day 3 (when we EU's found out our own bac0n tasted better). So if the anticheat shoe don't fit, it might be because you're trying desperately to fit into a size 7 when we all know Polk High's no. 1 has taught us your a fatty in size 9.5.
