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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:56 am
by Clement
What Mario and fuct has said seems to be how everybody who's ever tried to do anything for the community feel.. I had a period where I spent a lot of time doing all kinds of administrative things to keep the aq2 spirit alive (EAQL, NAQL, CotT, Boomtown, AQ2world) but I always ended up disappointed by the fact that so many seemed to not appreciate the work that was put into the projects.

With the sign-up tournaments, EAQL and NAQL, we always ended up with clans who couldn't be arsed to report their results or even play their matches. The initial work we put into the articles and such things on AQ2world was recieved pretty well, but still, it seemed like people didn't really care. CotT was great, and all participating parties made it very pleasing to be administrating. I believe this was the case because we invited people we knew would stay focused and serious throughout the tournament (lol no #clutch haha). The reason this tournament ended up as it did, was probably because Kurupt and I lost the motivation as the tournament progressed (mainly because our own clans got knocked out :) but also, at least for me, because school picked up).

And you all know the story with the Boomtown servers which was shut down because the stupid ISP couldn't make money on it.. :(

Enough rambling already.. what I wanted to say with this post was that there's always some jackasses out there who end up demotivating you because not everything is run the way they would like it to. One of those jackasses used to be emu, but after he gave the whole tournament-planning a try of his own, it seems he's changed his mind :)

All the best to the people who still care enough to put in some work or who can work without being demotivated by the fuckups in the scene. I tried and failed, so now I just abush these boards.. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:41 pm
by Paifas
i would only like to say a few things, 1st clown and fuct are the most pessimests guys i have ever had the pleaser of reading. 2nd, yes maybe theyr are pessimists because they where demoralized by the ppl in the comunity, but i think u do things for the ppl who apreciate it and not for the ppl who dont. i really admire emprephis stamina and determination to the aq2 community, he has done some really great work in keeping the aq2 communitty in portugal alive. i guess what im trying to say is that if u guys dont have the will to do things, dont demoralize ppl who want to do them..
emperphis keep up ur good mood towards the aq2 community im sure im not the only one to admire it and to be happy with it.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:27 pm
by fuct
Paifas wrote:i guess what im trying to say is that if u guys dont have the will to do things, dont demoralize ppl who want to do them..
By that I think you mean that you think we are demoralizing emperphis and I would just like to know what drugs you are on? Also if AQ2World was a country we would definitely have the highest level of illiteracy in the world.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:55 pm
by Paifas
fuct wrote:By that I think you mean that you think we are demoralizing emperphis and I would just like to know what drugs you are on? Also if AQ2World was a country we would definitely have the highest level of illiteracy in the world.
cannabis :D

and im not saying that u want to demoralize him, but i think that all that negativism and bad mood of most u guys demoralizes ppl..

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:24 pm
by Clown
Pessimistic, maybe. Speaking truth, most definitely.
Why should I beat about the bush?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:46 pm
by Suxz
Response counts a lot to feel a work is appreciated, but pessimistic or not, the thing you have done is a good thing and will hopefuly help others and make them happy. A things foresure is that improvents, updates and new things have made Aq2 live longer and longer.
And to the persons doing some projects now: Keep on good work and dont stop! Image. I am sure things will happen, but i will also give all time so u CAN make things happen....
All I really wanted with making this topic was really to hear what you said of ideas, what of them we could do, what we cant do and whats going to happen with Aq2, a silent death with servers slowly dying out, and with max 9 player daily (rq3), or a new start with even more servers and the dying part a good time later. :D
Maybe i should had called this topic "Aq2 live long?? Or let it die??"
Feel free to post ideas, comments and answers. 8)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:52 pm
by fuct
Did someone say something about illiteracy?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:13 am
by BeAViS
Clement wrote:so now I just abush these boards.. :)
mr.burns stealer!

ps: denneeeeh!! when im going to have abush powwer too? :mario: :ninja:

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:38 pm
by Monk
To all you naysayers:

Clown, fuct, emu - Don't hate the player, hate the game? Doh.

BeAViS - Yeah, tournies can be a pain to pull off for the reasons you cited.

Clement - I hear ya; abush!

Basically, you guys are 100% correct. Trying to help out an online community is often thankless, difficult, and unappreciated. The worst is when you're actively attacked for trying to contribute to the community. But hey, I know I am preaching to the choir with this.

For me, personally, I have the advantage that I take delight in criticism and enjoy online arguments. I also do not typically seek validation from others so lack of appreciation is not a huge demotivator. Most often, the projects I undertake are done for my own convenience and it so happens that it benefits others as a side effect.

For example, uberPAK/uberSERVER. Why did I spend many MANY hours going through all the official AQMD maps to "fix" them, contact whatever authors I could to find missing sounds and textures, to make sure they were all packaged correctly, etc.? The answer is twofold: I was tired of having my own maps scattered around with broken directory structures and taking up space from redundant texture usage, and I was tired of servers lacking some of the more fun maps and being unable to autodownload the maps from the server. I knew server ops were lazy and so if I could make one large package of pre-made maps, they would be more apt to just unload them all onto their servers and call it a day. Sure, they might not change the map rotation at all, but at least the option would then EXIST in case some day they decided to try some new maps out for the hell of it.

AQ:ETE. There was no other AQ2 variant that was suited to matchplay. AQ:TNG wasn't even the glimmer in a programmer's eye when AQ:ETE came into existence. No, seriously, I think ETE predated TNG by like 3 years or so. And I still like ETE's matchmode abilities better. Since I was more involved in competitive ladder play and clans back in the day, it was in my best interest to help out ETE and help steer development as best I could. This involved feedback from matches, what would help running/refereeing the matches, and trying to get the word out to other server ops and communities to spur adoption of ETE. I think the two things that stifled ETE adoption outside of North America was distrust of the 'yank' in other communities and the fact that you couldn't spam (in my mind) retarded WAV files in-game. Who knows; perhaps if ETE supported that early on, TNG would never have been created. But ETE served its purpose well for the time it was in full swing. I've no regrets.

AQ2 variant dev network. Yeah, I bet no one's heard of this. It was an informal mailing list I kind of ran. Basically, I tried to find out every hack, cheat, and exploit for AQ2 and share it with other active AQ2 developers at the time. The thinking was that the more AQ2 variants that were able to block against, say, the "infinite weapon server crash" exploit, the better EVERYONE's online experience would be. And the less damage one jackass could do. Kind of a behind the scenes thing, it was successful in what I aimed to accomplish.

There's probably some more stuff I've done if I sit around and think about it. But you get the general gist of it. Not many people said 'thanks for making our AQ2 lives easier'. Many people actively attacked my efforts. But hey, it takes all kinds. In retail, for every 2 compliments, I think there are 9 complaints. Not necessarily because retail stores suck, but people are more apt to complain than they are to compliment. So the compliments carry more weight. Same with this online stuff. Sure, maybe you only get 1 thank you per 50 fuck offs, but it's more meaningful than the fuck offs.

I honestly don't have much time for this stuff anymore. But I do what I can.

I've put out feelers to the AQMD blokes to see if their logins are still working. I've put out feelers to the remaining ATeam to see if they would endorse a new AQ2 package at AQ2World. I've put out feelers to see if any of the AQ:Guild content is still floating out there in cyberspace.

I don't know the blokes involved with the model replacement site y'all linked earlier. I know WizardExt from the mapping site that was linked. I can email him sometime. But hey, if any of y'all know those blokes and chat with them, see if they are still around and interested in updating their stuff a bit with new content (provided I can wrangle some new content up). Or point them to this thread and my ramblings and see if they are interested. Most of my 'contacts' are in different circles from where the community now lies. For some of that kind of stuff, you have to help yourselves because I can't help you contact some of these people. ;)

Anyway, there's my semi-daily rambling. Perhaps my next post will be of some other fun topic!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:44 pm
by Monk
I'm busy at work so this will be but a small update.

The remaining active ATeam member (Ace12GA) is ok with endorsing a new AQ2 release/package.

Ace12GA is also going to attempt to wrest control of from Suislide. Ace12GA is an older member of the team so maybe it'll work. Dunno.

Ace also has some domains he may be able to lend or to use to help hosting, like,,, etc.

I got in contact with Greydeath, last current head of AQMD. Have asked if he has any login info. At the same time, I found my list of the AQMD login info. I have ftp ports blocked at work so I can't try it out until I get home to see if it works.

No luck thus far with old Guild content.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:25 am
by emperphis
I'll more than happy to help onto reactivate AQDM contents with every map I have (that is not listed by some reaon on any other map depot) as i've them all with complete files. Meanwhile a client should be ready for people to download, just got to make some changes onto my stuff with original cfg's and make this with the latest files available :)
Also a big thanks for the work onto this subject. Glad to see your effort.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:45 pm
by Monk
Some random stuff just so I have a place to keep track of it: ... ... .shtml.htm ... ... iles.shtml ... k/bots.htm

Mostly Guild and CGF related. Since the original blokes involved in the Guild are long gone and so is the content, I spent some time today at work tracking it down in the interwebs.

Still waiting to hear back from Ace in regards to the Action Telefragged site. Either way, things are progressing albeit slowly. I need to bundle up all the AQDT stuff (AQ:ETE) and see if aq2world can host the site. That's on the "to do" list for me.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:56 am
by Den

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 8:26 am
by BeAViS
Den wrote:Image

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:32 pm
by sCrewFace
Just give it a rest fgs? Its dead allready and have been for a long time. Just look a whos writing in this thread? All the cool ppl left this game a long time a go, some are still here but none of them care about the game any more. If theres a need to "save" the game, it prolly allready too late?

<AIDS> was made like 3-4 years ago? After a year it became <AID>, it was allready dead back then.. Compred to was it was from 98-02( AIDS = actionquake is dieing slowly, AID = Actionquake is dead, for all u n00bs who wasnt around back then :o )