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Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:10 pm
by Bruicer
How about that.
Scorni should speak for himself no doubt. Atleast if he keeps himself innocent for this issue and it was a pure accident (calculate odds :)) - otherwise no point. Only making it worse (alien) trying to defend him and get owned by Sovnig. No offence but the opposite. :)

Alien, by now, you could assistant scorni to remove this script from his configs. (half sarcasm/ half not) And if there still are even more players you know using/used this script you could also give em little hint it's a voted as a cheat above.

now it gets interesting! :)

Scorni. Noticed that you still have a configs in aq2world so I downloaded it. And........(from your old/present config)

I hope I aint right about this cuz I dont understand much about configs and can fuck simple things easily so in case that happens im sorry.
to the point.

"set censor bind f censor again"
"set a big censor bind f censor de censor"
bind f "censored"
alias cheater "censored""

I also know scorni aint very good with computers (Iam at the same level,stuck!) but if I am right ... You have that change of fps binded to F.. Then I see you play with A S D W. .... If I am right you have that script kinda easy position for a launch dont you think? After all..
You only pushed F by mistake ONCE accidentally (according to alien) during the years? (I smell talent)
- Now how about that.

ps. I dont see these kind of posts as a country-fights. This is all you Scorni and if it would be I hope you would give .fi some reason to support you on this. peace out.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:35 pm
by skmz
Bruicer for the president (in Finland)!

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:58 pm
by Caracol
Cool thing that the config was approved by the staff...

Will be taken care of. Good job reminding us.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:39 am
by bliz
haha that bruicer, I haven't seen you talk so decent since.. well let's just say a long time ago!

Even so, this proves out even more that scorni already knew what he was doing even though he's overwhelmed with comments that his stupidity coincides with such scripting goodies. But hey, I doubt =A= cares about this shit, their ego is stuck up in eachother's arses for as long as I can remember.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:36 am
by Gepardi
Alien wrote:b) its a command, just like others, like m4 script, I dont give a shit, it easier to use a normal m4 than m4 script m4...
Just because you or I don't give a shit, it doesn't make it less cheating.
a) he used it only once (if he would be a real cheater, he would have used it A LOT MORE TIMES. You get leg dmgs more times than once.
c) usually wh / spikes is used by many rounds, not just one, this was only one round. And scorni said me that he pushed the fps bind as accident. And I know this dude... he cant even use wh because he don't know how to install it.
Whether it happened once, twice or 10 times during the game doesn't matter. Neither does it matter if it was an accident or not, or if scorni is a great friend of yours. For the sake of SajhCo's credibility, breaking the rules needs to result in a penalty.
d) the game was over after 30 minutes, we run over them. I would understand rematch if we would have won +1 or something, but after 30 minutes, this game was over. btw, scorni idled for like 5 rounds in the last 10 minutes, because he has messenger chat with somer girl
It's obvious this leg damage cheat, or whatever it should be called, wasn't the key to your victory, but it's still against the rules. If your icehockey team has a 10-0 lead after 50 minutes of play and you go cross-checking a guy, the ref will still give you a penalty. Any idea why?

And your "fuck you fucking foreign-fucking-ers" doesn't really take this any further either. Your team fucked up, unintentionally maybe, but still fucked up. Now face the consequences.

I also understood sajh did the decision by himself without consulting anyone else? As far as I know, MarlPoro is a member of =A= and therefore I think it's more than reasonable not to let him affect the decision. Not that he would be some huge liar, but it just wouldn't be fair. :)

Weeeeell just my two cents enivei.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:01 am
by Samislide
Haha cheats Haha Alien Haha.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:15 pm
by Misse
[23:51:07] * Alieni has joined #j
[23:51:07] * Q sets mode: +b *!*
[23:51:07] * Alieni was kicked by Q (You are BANNED from this channel.)

sniff sniff sniffer
a cheater has been sniffed out!
i agree sami *nickar ner och upp*

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:20 pm
by Pe0n
wLs wrote:
Pe0n wrote:Always the .fi!
hey bro, Thats propably because 80% of active players are finnish, or could be even more.. Dunno if the cheating was a "joke" but cheating is cheating. I vote for kick.

i know, just a joke :hop:

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:34 am
by Bruicer
Just to remind, it's not Alien who used the script. I think he couldnt done anything to prevent this (except not to post).

ps1. Kiwii, i know. that posting took multiply hours and I lost a lot of sweat and blood during the act. Hooyaa!

ps2. Sorry forum admins, didnt realize to censor the script. My bad!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:14 am
by Caracol
Bruicer wrote:ps2. Sorry forum admins, didnt realize to censor the script. My bad!
A low maxfps cap should be banned from all the servers though. It shouldn't be harmful to post any kind of cheaty script.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:29 am
by dudemcpek
Well we have to think about chilean servers and players, they are way behind us so you never know!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:00 am
by Caracol

Wait, I have to feed my sheep and repair the ladder to my treehouse, be right back!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:11 pm
by nufan
Jackium wrote: Most of all I wonder when nufan came to our channel and he's comment was "other's couldn't care less (meaning he's clanmates) I just want to see you out of this tournament".
Well.. don't wonder anymore.
I just don't like your attitude... most of you are really assholes over teh internettz!

Good posts Bruicer and Gepardi :)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:23 pm
by Kurupt
ei jaksa riidellä enää :(

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:59 pm
by ivO
Off Topic: I just know, after some catchgamer servers were forced with anticheat every single .fi clan we faced had problems to get it working, dont ask me why since its just one file which has to be put into the folder. The excuses were even funnier to listen to.....