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Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:19 am
by Steckz
It mebbe looks kinda odd that the hacker helps the creater, buf it you think about it, its kinda logical.

The hacker knows how the crack the program, he can put that knowledge in good use by telling the creater how he did it. With this information the creater can create a program thats slightly less hackable 8)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:22 am
by Clement
Yeah, but the hacker can be seen as the bad guy, and then it's not that logical anymore.. you don't see Lex Luther helping Superman catch criminals, now do you? ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:23 am
by Dunadanen
Kurupt you say you think its wierd that frkq2 wants to help out making the NC 2.33 more secure... I dont really think frnq2 gets anything from hacking the NC except a nice challange. I doubt he is an aq2 player that plays with his own cheats. And even if it is so, I dont really think he would have a problem hacking NC 2.33 anyway.

You also say that 'I hardly see anyone cheating in clan matches anymore'. I can't really agree to that. In 2 days we have played 4 cws and in 2 of these cws we busted a cheater. BottlexX from [GURU] and pee-wee from -SuG-. And since Morpher only has known about this frkq2 test for 2 days, I wonder how many cheaters we have played vs in total.

I really dont feel safe at all... :cry:

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:24 am
by Clement
Wipe your tears away or I'll show your cheat-demo to everyone! :D

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:25 am
by DaNi

and if frank dude or whatever his name is hacked nocheat too proof its not waterproof and to help out niceass why the hell did it he make it public..

this only gives nocheat a bad reputation. :evil:

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:32 am
by Steckz
Yeah, but the hacker can be seen as the bad guy, and then it's not that logical anymore.. you don't see Lex Luther helping Superman catch criminals, now do you?

well mebbe if he got really really drunk... anyway thats not the point.

We dont know what the intension of the hacker is, by saying the he is gonna help. If the creater isnt really carefull he might give the hacker more information about the program.

hacking a program is not always a bad thing. Mostly done to proof something isnt save.

Also i dont really know the hacker, but to most hackers its the sport of hacking the program not using it, in this perspective i think he will help :)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:34 am
by Clement
But if the challenge was all, why has he been releasing his hack? I imagine a little 15-years-old kid feeling proud.. :(

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:42 am
by Steckz
yeh okay, you got me there. In the fact that he has released his hack you correctly say that he must be proud of it. Its not a big program so i dont think the hacker is really skilled (yet). I really hope he is gonna try other programs and gets bored by hacking nocheat.

And if you hack nocheat once, or twice you can be proud. But hacking the same program over and over isnt gonna make yourself proud anymore :)

I imagine this guy has some noob aq friends and tries to help them with cheats...

so lets hope, he helps to make the new nocheat version and than pisses off =)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:48 am
by Clement
I don't think he'll grow tired of it soon.. he has been working on his Q2 cheat for some 2 years by now.. :(

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 6:58 am
by Den
oh well tbh nothing can beat my asus hack pic!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 7:22 am
by Steckz
/me hopes with morpher

and yes Den, your still the best cheater around :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:05 am
by Kurupt
Yeh well, I haven't played a serious cw for some months now, so I can't really judge about that. But the fact is that at the moment it doesn't matter which anti-cheat client you use, they are all hacked. We, the players, can never figure out someone is cheating or not, only the admins if they are around. And for the frkq2 guy, if it is just a challange for him, hacking NoCheat, why is he releasing it in public... if it really was a challange he should've contacted NiceAss and explain him how he hacked it, but he didn't do that. He just released it in public, so I don't know why he won't do the same thing next time...

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:10 am
by Steckz
I guess he just wants to show off with it or somethin. Altho he has been doing this for quite a while now, so there is prolly another reason for it.

I dunno who he is, so i dont know if he uses his own hacked versions, but he could also be doing it for his noob aq2 friends :P There could be a big legion of cheaters behind him waiting for his new hacked version for all i know. Releasing it in public, suggests that he wants to show off and wants other people 2 use. He cant really be stopped, but workin with the creator can be a good sign.

So lets hope that its a good sign...

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:37 am
by Clown
is he specifically an aq2 player tho? remember there's cheaters in every game and mod around.. even monopoly :(

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:52 am
by Clement
I don't think he is an AQ2 player, seeing how there is item-timer cheats in his hack.. something I could imagine would be useful in ctf or some other lam0 mod :)