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Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 2:24 pm
by Kurupt
Yes, and saying your own clan is teh best clan around on a certain map isn't cocky at all...

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 2:38 pm
by Clement
Seeing how you guys started putting dead clans on some of the maps, I'd like to add:

Teamjungle - GRAMS

Urban2 - SoV

Beer - GNU :p

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 3:16 am
by Den
NOOOO not dead clans :P

Anway, this discussion was meant for u to say ur personal oppinion

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 3:28 am
by Da^JuaN
Morpher wrote:Seeing how you guys started putting dead clans on some of the maps, I'd like to add:

Teamjungle - GRAMS

Urban2 - SoV

Beer - GNU :p

.LoR. used to be good at beer too i think.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:03 am
by Winball
Well,I don't really want to know if AiD is best on cliff2 and so on.. What does it matters? =p

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:38 am
by nufan
don't read and replay on this topic then.

wasent IF 'the best' on urban2?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 3:22 pm
by grover
FwD^ rocks on wargroun and mesto.

Also TA is good on mesto, but FwD is my clan so we pwn, and that's final!

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:14 pm
by Beavisss
grover wrote:FwD^ rocks on wargroun and mesto.

Also TA is good on mesto, but FwD is my clan so we pwn, and that's final!
Yes, u pwn at warground :shock: :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:10 am
by emu
miRRor2a wrote:lol emu. i watched you play several times now, and its kinda funny that you're acting so arrogant :) how can you judge ppl who play this game for 5-6 years like that? you dont really know them either. and you're not such a big aq2 god that you're like above all.. well you know what i mean

first of all i wonder if you plug your brain before typing in here, if not go away.

I just gave my opinion about the subject. its MY opinion. Hard for you to understand ? Thought so. And I've played this game for 5-6 years to ? and what does it mater what my level of skill is ? Im just saying things how I feel and think it is.

So pack up your shit, and go away.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:42 pm
by IBA
hm emu, and why do then criticize all the time other opinions? ITS JUST THEIR OPINION ?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:19 pm
by emu
IBA wrote:hm emu, and why do then criticize all the time other opinions? ITS JUST THEIR OPINION ?

Jupp, they are entitled to an opinion, and so am I. therefor i state my opinion and they state theirs ? And i havn't critized it. i said what i thought and me and den ended up discussing \ arguing, whatever you want to call it. But I havn't critized anyone as far as i see, I've just given my opinion.

I might be wrong, but atleast i was on-topic unlike yourself and mirror2a, hell why do I even bother answering flames, i can bet my money on it wont be the last flame carrying my name.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:14 am
by mirror
well, actually I just think its not that cool and nice to just tell the other ppl that he is not skilled or that he just sux. and if the guy who states things like that is in a team like iN, he appears arrogant very fast.

understand it now Mr Plugbrain? :)

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:52 am
by kaaos
miRRor2a wrote:well, actually I just think its not that cool and nice to just tell the other ppl that he is not skilled or that he just sux. and if the guy who states things like that is in a team like iN, he appears arrogant very fast.

understand it now Mr Plugbrain? :)

so a person who (you think) is not good can't critize other people's skills? of course it's not always nice if somebody says "you're not good", but really, do you take all text here 100% serious?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:37 am
by Sovnig
nufan wrote: aqnitro - :OwN:

OwN's history and #Centuria's taken over the throne! :rambo:

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:54 am
by emu
miRRor2a wrote:well, actually I just think its not that cool and nice to just tell the other ppl that he is not skilled or that he just sux. and if the guy who states things like that is in a team like iN, he appears arrogant very fast.

understand it now Mr Plugbrain? :)

What does it mater if im in iN or not ? im writing this as an independant person and not as the clans view on the matter ? Basicly it shouldn't mater what clan im in. Im just posting what i think, so pack up your shit mirror, and be silent.