Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:58 am
Don't know about future anti-cheat plans, but there's already something:
Got from:
sv_nc_visibilitycheck [0/1/2]
Enable NoCheat-style visibility checks to prevent wallhacks. Note, this uses a lot of CPU time and can cause people to not see ents that they should be seeing. Set to 2 to never send the entity, 1 to hide it.
sv_nc_clientsonly [0/1]
Only apply NC visibility check to clients (applying to all ents will use shitloads of CPU)
set sv_nc_visibilitycheck 1
set sv_nc_clientsonly 1
... would make some sense in first place. I don't know whether this is any good (I would say, rather not), since NcServers vis-checks were kinda buggy - and, as far as I know, these checks are just a copy with the above minor improvement to not check ALL entities.
Don't know about future anti-cheat plans, but there's already something:
Got from:
sv_nc_visibilitycheck [0/1/2]
Enable NoCheat-style visibility checks to prevent wallhacks. Note, this uses a lot of CPU time and can cause people to not see ents that they should be seeing. Set to 2 to never send the entity, 1 to hide it.
sv_nc_clientsonly [0/1]
Only apply NC visibility check to clients (applying to all ents will use shitloads of CPU)
set sv_nc_visibilitycheck 1
set sv_nc_clientsonly 1
... would make some sense in first place. I don't know whether this is any good (I would say, rather not), since NcServers vis-checks were kinda buggy - and, as far as I know, these checks are just a copy with the above minor improvement to not check ALL entities.