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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:34 pm
by aka
you're a korny looking finnish skaterpunk

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:02 pm
by nufan
It's neither fun to be a jerk or a funny guy over the "internett-life".

But on the other hand, people shouldn't (hello)CARE about them.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:10 pm
by Caracol
Ok, you all admit it! This is just a sofisticated way to get more posts!


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:14 pm
by imeiz
aka wrote:you're a korny looking finnish skaterpunk
that pic is almost a year old :p but atleast i've got a hat e/ i don't look like that anymore, imo :)

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:23 pm
by Misse
yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no :hop: dddddd

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:41 pm
by grover
Ok first of all, some germans in this thread say: "Cmon, it's 2005 man!".
It is. So get over it, you shouldn't feel offended because some guy calls you a nazi.


"In the Treaty of Oliva 1660, Sweden had forced Denmark to recognize the independence of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (the line Gottorp owned roughly half of the two duchies; the other half was Danish). The Duchy of Schleswig previously had been a Danish fief.
The Kings of Denmark regretted having had to make such a concession, and repeatedly invaded Schleswig-Holstein- Gottorf, so 1675-1679 and 1684-1689. Duke Christian Albrecht of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp had died in 1694 and was succeeded by his son Friedrich IV. (1694-1702). Duke Friedrich IV. had married a daughter of Swedish King Charles XI.; Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp was regarded as being under Swedish protection. When Swedish King Charles XI. died in 1697, King Christian V. of Denmark used the opportunity to invade (but not occupy) Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp yet another time".

I hate YOU for that screwface.

And for my last words:

I made both real life and internet up.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:31 pm
by n99
Don't forget his camping!

Anyway, whatever your feelings about the opponent, do not let it lead to racist remarks - it only shows your not smart enough to think of something witty, among other things. I personally do not give a shit about, I dislike they playing style, they know that, and we respect the fact that we disrespect eachother.

But as an aq2world league admin, I can tell you already that if someone behaves racistly in a league match and it's in my division, that player/clan shall be banned, stripped naked, and whipped. I do not think racist jokes are funny, and I will not tolerate them on my watch...

Oh ye, and this suits my signature


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:56 pm
by taulutussi
Why can't people be more polite to each other, this forum is full of these "I don't care, fuck off"-people. Even if it's at internet, in my opinion this kind of flaming just starts to irritiate me. Just even try to pretend that you don't hate everybody who doesn't think like you...
Why does someone even try to defend someone who called somebody "a nazi" that's just plain wrong, dude.

I sometimes view this board, not that much as I used to, because of lack of moderating perhaps.


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:58 pm
by Stric
Same thinking as n99.

Something about Two of their players camping in public server in a actcity2 little room (with elevator) with m3 or hc almost 20min. :bday:

Hmm :/

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:25 pm
by Alfredo
People should'nt be so sensitive.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:54 pm
by bail
i guess norweigans really should hate sweden, finland too, actually whole scandinavia and parts of europe, i guess we swedes are quite hated after all wars we have been in.
but i hate denmark most cause they were our biggest enemy couple 100 years ago.
so screwface fuck you.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:05 pm
by mirror
lol, really

you screwface defenders are kinda funny... stating that its normal to act like assholes on the internet. well, internet is a part of my life, but surely not the most important one, and i dont care about what some random dude says, like i already said. but WHAT THE FUCK? just because you guys find it funny to harass each other and call each other nazi, it's not 'normal' after all. i mean, yeah, theres often controversy and discussion, but not like this, and you guys are for sure the first ones to tell me that calling someone a nazi aint totally retarded/stupid.

now that someone tells you that your behaviour is somewhat annoying and childish you directly act like you got nothin to do with the internet, as if it was just some place where you log in 1 time per month, just to fool around. yeah "OK"..

we all know that you can do on the internet whatever you want to do, and it will, mostly, have no consequence.. but that doesnt mean you have to be an asshole automatically. this aint a calling to you to stop with your flame, SINCE I DONT CARE YES, but anyway, you guys are the minority of morons, and not the ppl that behave normally.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:19 pm
by nufan
That was actually a good post mirror. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:06 pm
by FoxX
Yeah, you did make sense.. No doubt.. But hey, like you said, thats your own way of the whole thing, obviously sF have a different view of this. Personally I'm alot closer to sF's version of having fun on the internet/aq2, than your version.

I mean, if he/I think its fun to annoy ppl while we play, and talk alot of shit, whats the big deal? If you wanna do something good for a community, I suggest you go get a social worker job for free, or something similar, cause I really doubt your gonna change his view on these matters.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, why is people so sensitive? I mean its the internet, I believe just about anyone have something more important to wake up to every day, than getting all worked up over some stupid comments?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:45 pm
by IBA
aka wrote:014:00pm 07<07@Devirus07> well fine. wazaaa
014:00pm 07<07@greken07> wazaa irl
014:00pm 07<07@greken07> I'm a e-thug!
014:01pm 07<07@Devirus07> tbh omfh hello hey, whats up then
014:01pm 07<07@greken07> are you jewish?
014:01pm 07<07@Devirus07> no, im nazi

OMG DEVIRUS IS A NAZI..plz ban him. You aint supose to joke about that stuff! :hop:
I wanna be a nazi too!
btw pls dont call u nazi and post german sentences if u cant spell it.
This hurts my ego. :shocker: