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Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 12:04 pm
by Den
Winball wrote:Action quake is based on 60 fps? So don't use higher cl_maxfps than 60 :-x
First time ive heard this
Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:00 pm
by Winball
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 4:10 pm
by grover
Intel Pentium III, 500 mhz, 128 mb ram, Voodoo II. Ain't it sweet?
I use the same sniperscript as kurupt. But i use another sens for sniping yet automatic weapons.
bind w "weapon; sensitivity 3"
bind r "lens 1; sensitivity 4"
rate 8000
cl_maxfps 80
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:28 am
by Vermin
Pentium 3 500mhz, 128mb ram, voodoo3 3000, mx500
rate 30000
cl_maxfps 71
Code: Select all
alias in1x "lens 1; set sensitivity 4.0; alias in in2x; alias out out6x; echo sensitivity 4.0"
alias out1x "lens 1; set sensitivity 4.0; alias in in2x; alias out out6x; echo sensitivity 4.0"
alias in2x "lens 2; set sensitivity 2.0; alias in in4x; alias out out1x; echo sensitivity 2.0"
alias out2x "lens 2; set sensitivity 2.0; alias in in4x; alias out out1x; echo sensitivity 2.0"
alias in4x "lens 4; set sensitivity 1.50; alias in in6x; alias out out2x; echo sensitivity 1.5"
alias out4x "lens 4; set sensitivity 1.50; alias in in6x; alias out out2x; echo sensitivity 1.5"
alias in6x "lens 6; set sensitivity 1.20; alias in in1x; alias out out4x; echo sensitivity 1.2"
alias out6x "lens 6; set sensitivity 1.20; alias in in1x; alias out out4x; echo sensitivity 1.2"
alias in "in2x"
alias out "out6x"
bind MWHEELUP "in" // zoom in from 1x-2x-4x-6x-1x
bind MWHEELDOWN "out" // zoom out from 1x-6x-4x-2x-1x
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 4:17 am
by grover
hehe Vermin, we both have crappy pc's then.
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 5:24 am
by arild
cl_maxfps 60 for me.
Better double jumps then. Best value is between 60-80 i guess.
If you are going to jump on low boxes you should have about 100 and high boxes around 20 or vice versa. Cant remember
If you are used to maxfps below 100 and change it to 150 it will actually lower your ping with 5 or something
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 4:08 pm
by LaggizZ
(CPU) 1-Intel P2 Celeron, 300MHz, 128KB (0% Load) .:. (RAM) usage: 169/192MB (88.02%) .:. (GFX) SiS 6326, (Display) 1024x768/16bit
(OS) Windows 98 (4.10 - 2222), (installed for) 29w 6d 9h 54m, (uptime) 10m 40s .:. (HDDs) 1.35GB/6.02GB(22.4%) free
And a Voodoo 2 ..
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 9:37 am
by sHoRTie
athlon 1,4 real ghz 256 sdram
gf4ti4200 128ddr 80 gigs and 20 gigs hdd 7,200 rpm and 4mb cache or something like that
icemat and logitech 300mx and a siemens nixdorf ps2 keyboard <-- best keyb ever
sniper etc is in the cfg thread
maxfps 125
rate 12500
vsync off
pmip 2
gl_mode 4 <-- 800*600 best for me in q2. q3 i use 1024*768 et 640*480 (enemy territory is so laggy
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:22 am
by Wolfeh
amd athlon 2200+, 512 mb ddr (dual), gforce fx5600 256mb ddr, 120gb maxtor, 40gb wd (teehee)
as for the scripts im not at home now, i'll post em later
[edit] maxfps 120, rate 10000 [/edit]
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 11:56 am
by Hirchart
grover wrote:hehe Vermin, we both have crappy pc's then.
don't whine
I've got a PIII 450Mhz, and some really old video card